Andrew Orlando


The Invitation
Art Direction
After the death of her mother, Evie is approached by an unknown cousin who invites her to a lavish wedding in the English countryside. Soon, she realizes a gothic conspiracy is afoot and must fight for survival as she uncovers twisted secrets in her family’s history.
トレマーズ コールドヘル
Production Design
The Last Face
Art Direction
Miguel, a heroic Spanish doctor, puts himself in harm's way to deliver medical treatment to the victims of military uprisings in Africa.
ダンス・レボリューション ザ・ニュースタイル
Production Design
While attending college in Cape Town, Melea Martin feels constrained by the school's strict policies, and decides to set out on her own. Searching for a way to use her talents as a dancer and inspire the community around her, Melea rents a failing theater in order to put on a Hip-Hop Romeo and Juliet performance. But much like the Capulets and Montagues, conflicts between cast members threaten to bring the whole performance to a halt...
マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード
Property Master
資源が底を突き荒廃した世界、愛する者も生きる望みも失い荒野をさまようマックスは、砂漠を牛耳る敵であるイモータン・ジョーの一団に捕らわれ、深い傷を負ってしまう。そんな彼の前に、ジョーの配下の女戦士フュリオサ、全身白塗りの謎の男、そしてジョーと敵対関係にあるグループが出現。マックスは彼らと手を組み、強大なジョーの勢力に戦いを挑む。〈荒廃した近未来を舞台に妻子を暴走族に殺された男の壮絶な復讐劇を描き、主演のメル・ギブソンの出世作となった『マッドマックス』シリーズ第4弾。同シリーズの生みの親であるジョージ・ミラーが再びメガホンを取り、主役を『ダークナイト ライジング』などのトム・ハーディが受け継ぐ。共演にはオスカー女優シャーリーズ・セロン、『ウォーム・ボディーズ』などのニコラス・ホルト、1作目で暴走族のボスを演じたヒュー・キース・バーン〉
デス・レース3 インフェルノ
Production Design
Carl Lucas / Frankenstein has won four of his races and needs to win one more to win his freedom. Before his final race, Lucas and his team, car and all, are transferred to another prison where they will compete in a Death Race in the desert. Also, at the same time, Ceaser runs into a marketer who wants to franchise the Death Race program.
Property Master
元CIA工作員トビン・フロストは組織を裏切ったため、世界36カ国で指名手配され、10年間逃亡を続けていたが、南アフリカ共和国のケープタウンで遂に捕まり、収容施設に収監される。 しかし、直後に謎の傭兵部隊が施設を襲撃、トビンは施設の管理官で新人工作員のマットと共に逃避行に出る。
Production Design
Art Direction
In the world's most dangerous prison, a new game is born: Death Race. The rules of this adrenaline-fueled blood sport are simple, drive or die. When repentant convict Carl Lucas discovers there's a price on his head, his only hope is to survive a twisted race against an army of hardened criminals and tricked-out cars.
Property Master
A look at the life of legendary American pilot Amelia Earhart, who disappeared while flying over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 in an attempt to make a flight around the world.
ラスト・ハウス・オン・ザ・レフト -鮮血の美学-
Property Master
A group of teenage girls heading into the city hook up with a gang of drug-addled ne'er-do-wells and are brutally murdered. The killers find their way to the home of one of their victim's parents, where both father and mother exact a horrible revenge.
Property Master
The life and career of Andre Stander, a South African police officer turned bank robber.