Toranosuke Ogawa

Toranosuke Ogawa

出生 : 1897-12-01, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 1967-12-29


Toranosuke Ogawa


民謡の旅 秋田おばこ
Yasubei Takada
A cosmetics saleswoman falls for a rival executive.
Executive Kihara
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
サラリーマン物語 大器晩成
Japanese comedy film.
Yoshio's father
A demobilized soldier becomes a day laborer with a road construction gang, and his wife goes to work to bolster their income. Their modest dream is to see their son grow and to be happy as a family.
Kojin kojitsu
The university professor Ozeki Hitoshi (Ryu Chishu) is regarded as an eccentric by people in his surroundings. When his daughter Tokiko is asked to marry a colleague, she and her mother are overjoyed, but Hitoshi is not satisfied with the situation.
Coal mine president Yoshida
A human drama of crew and passengers on a special express train named “Sakura” from Tokyo to Nagasaki...
Onizaemon Ippon'yari
Mega star Akira Kobayashi stars as Jiro in the rambunctious tale of a chef who opens a restaurant in the busy Ginza district. His culinary skills and dashing good looks bring in the women as well as unwanted trouble, while an explosive political scandal builds around his girlfriend’s business...
町奉行日記 鉄火牡丹
Katsunosuke Nakai
Kubodera Heizaemon
Fate begins to smile upon young Chonosuke Tokugawa, son of eleventh Tokugawa Shogun, after some twenty years of life as a dependent at his step-brother's castle, when the ruler of the Takatori Clan suddenly dies leaving no heir and despite the protest from Minister Horio, it is decided that young Chonosuke is to succeed as ruler of the clan. Horio determines to murder Chonosuke on his way to Edo so that his own grandchild may rule the Takatori Clan. "Odd" Han, a travelling gambler happens to stop at the inn where Chonosuke's party is staying in secret. The assassins come to attack Chonosuke on the riverbank where he is viewing the fireworks alone but are driven off by Han. Now Chonosuke travels with Han disguised as a gambler during which he begins to learn the hardships of the peasants and is struck with the contrast between the life of a feudal and those whose labour provides his luxurious living.
Gentarô, Grandfather
Japanese drama
7th film in the President series and the first entry in color.
Japanese drama film.
Magistrate of the bridge barrier (uncredited)
戦国時代、秋月家の武将・六郎太は、生き残った世継ぎの雪姫と共に隠し砦(とりで)にこもる。六郎太たちは、一獲千金をもくろみ、戦に参戦した農民の太平と又七に軍資金の黄金を背負わせ、敵陣を突破して友好国へ逃げ込もうとするが…。次々にふりかかる絶体絶命の危機を切り抜けていく大脱出劇。 狂言回し的な百姓コンビが、後に「スターウォーズ」の“C-3PO”“R2-D2”のモデルとなったことはあまりにも有名な話。
Shirôemon Matsubara
Lord Mito Mitsukuni, the vice-shogun of the whole country, left the family estate and went on a trip to various provinces with his students Sukesaburo Sasaki and Kakunoshin Atsumi. At an inn in Sunagawa, Mitsukuni exposed and punished an evil judge who had fallen in love with a townsman's wife. However, on the night he stayed at Nihonmatsu Castle, Mitsukuni found out that this incident was a performance organized especially for him…
President Hase
Yoshiko finds new life and love interests when she takes a new job as an office worker.
Japanese suspense film.
A beautiful girl who seeks revenge, disguises herself by dressing up in men's clothes, geisha, etc. A young swordsman helps her uncover the plot and take revenge.
Ryuzo Doi
Ultra-perky model likes single freedom but feels ryosai kenbo ("good wife, wise mother") pressure, exemplified by her bored-to-tears sister.
Early pinku.
Shima Yasuhide
The story revolves around a young man appointed to rescue a troubled hospital who must choose between two women, a dedicated nurse or a spoiled rich girl.
The cabaret «Romance», run by Masami Daisaku's father, is experiencing financial difficulties, and Masami is betting on changes and asks singer Hibari Misora to perform. Musical youth comedy with young actors, passion, funny songs and laughter. Hibari Misora appears as herself.
A traditional bar mistress in Kyoto clashes with her Tokyo rival.
President of Company
日本の「ゴジラ」(1954年)に、ハリウッドで追加撮影されたシーンを加えて再編集されたハリウッド上映版。 アメリカの新聞記者スティーブ・マーティン(レイモンド・バー)は、カイロへの取材に向かう途中に立ち寄った日本の東京で、ゴジラの上陸に遭遇する。スティーブの回想によって、ゴジラに蹂躙東京の惨状が描かれる。
Junpei Kihara, a young president of the University's wrestling club, is nicknamed "Mr. Chop". One day, on the way back from visiting the hospital after being thrown by Nobuyoshi Shinohara during practice and injured, he met Asako, the sister of Arisawa's mother, Katsuko. When they entering a coffee shop run by Asako's best friend Hisako, Hisako misunderstood them as lovers...
Dr. Onuma
A botanist woos the secretary of an industrialist whose company threatens the local water supply.
Hori, the lawyer
Following the tragic death of his father, a young boy's family trains his horse to compete in the local derby.
Congress Committee Chairman
The female members of the family of the Minister of Health and Welfare, who has just proposed a program of birth control, become pregnant one after the other. - Nikkatsu
酒のいさかいから主人を殺された槍(やり)持ち権八のあだ討ちを、旅芸人母子、小間物屋、大金を持った男と大泥棒など、東海道を旅するさまざまな人々の人生の縮図を通して描く傑作時代劇。 仲間稼業の権八は東海道を、若様酒匂小十郎の槍持ちをつとめて、供の源太と江戸へ向った。同じ道を旅する一行は、小間物商人の伝次、身売りにゆく田舎娘おたねと老爺の与茂作、あんまの藪の市、巡礼、旅芸人のおすみ母子、挙動不審の藤三郎という男、最後に権八の槍に見とれた浮浪児の次郎等である。折柄、街道には大泥棒風の六右衛門詮議の触れ書が廻っているが、権八はそれ所ではない。朗らかで気立てが優しいが、酒乱癖のある若様を守って旅を終るのが主命である。供の源太が酒好きなので気が気ではない。一行は袋井に一宿したが、藤三郎が大金を持っているのに目をつけた伝次は、さては大泥棒とつけ廻すが、隣室で藪の市に肩を揉ませている巡礼こそ大泥棒六右衛門なのである。その夜、おすみの使を受けて権八も悪い気がせず外へ出ると、その隙に小十郎は源太を連れて酒を飲み始めたが、駈けつけた権八に制せられ事なきを得た。また旅が始まったが、大井川の近くで何処かの馬鹿殿様が始めた野立ての為通行止になり、大井川を前に長逗留となった。隙を狙って六右衛門は馬鹿殿の路銀を盗んだが、うっかりして顔を見知られた次郎に発見され、来合わせた権八の槍に怖気が出て簡単に縛についた。与茂作が女衒久兵衛におたねを渡して帰ろうとすると藤三郎に引留められた。五年前預けた娘を引取る為、稼ぎ貯めた金を持って来たのだが、娘は亡くなっていたのだ。小十郎は、素朴な人々を見て武士の世界に嫌気がさし、又源太と居酒屋に入った。権八の駈けつけた時は遅く、小十郎と源太は酔いどれ武士の手に無惨な最期を遂げていた。数日後、骨箱を抱えて国元へ出立する権八がいた。
President of Company
The Great White Tiger Platoon was part of the Aizu clan's last ditch efforts to stop the advance of Imperial troops after the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Meant to be a reserve unit as it was made of the young, 16-17 year old sons of Aizu samurai. Their story is one of the great tragedies of the Boshin War (1868-1869) as they were called into action. Getting cut off from the main body of their platoon, a group of 20 from the 2nd squad retreated to Iimori Hill, where they looked down upon fires surrounding Aizu Castle and thinking that the castle has fallen and all is lost, they choose to die as samurai by committing seppuku. A superb rendition of this true story that shows the true honor of the samurai.
Japanese war film.
次郎長三国志 第八部 海道一の暴れん坊
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
Grandfather of Kidnapped Girl
An Inn at Osaka, rarely seen outside Japan, follows the story of an insurance company executive from Tokyo, Mr. Mito, who is demoted to the Osaka office. He takes a room at a small inn and tries to rebuild his life. Notable for its exquisite framing and cinematography, An Inn at Osaka allows its complicated plotlines to disappear behind the minutiae of penury and humiliation that Mito and others suffer during the post-war economic and social reconstruction.
President Manami
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a brilliant tactician, is a loyal subject of the emperor, despite his grave misgivings about leading Japan's navy into war with the United States. He opposes the attack on Pearl Harbor, but, overruled, he leads his forces to the best of his ability.
天晴れ一番手柄 青春銭形平次
Kinsan torimonochô: nazo no ningyôshi
1953 jidaigeki directed by Nobuo Nakagawa of Jigoku and Ghost of Yotsuya fame.
次郎長三国志 第四部 勢揃い清水港
Combined Fleet Chief of Staff Kusaka
The film is about the Yamato's suicide mission to Okinawa in March 1945 to defend the homeland threatened by U.S. bombers. Adapted from Mitsuru Yoshida's 1952 book "Requiem for the Battleship Yamato".
The old man
次郎長三国志 第二部 次郎長初旅
Jirocho the gambler hits the road.
次郎長三国志 第一部 次郎長売出す
The rise of the famed gambler.
Park Section Chief
アチャコ青春手帖 東京篇
Japanese comedy film.
Jidai-geki by Kiyoshi Saeki
Third Class Executives
1950s Japanese comedy.
製作は「青春会議」の藤本真澄。原作は源氏鶏太の「ホープさん」「三等重役」の二作より「風雪二十年」の猪俣勝人がシナリオ化したもので、監督は「結婚行進曲」の市川崑、撮影も同じく飯村正である。出演者の主なものは「呼子星」の小林桂樹、「青春会議」の杉葉子、小泉博、「慶安秘帖」の島崎雪子のほか河村黎吉、沢村貞子、斎藤達雄などである。 東洋鉄業に勤める若原俊平は通称「ラッキーさん」。庶務課から秘書課へ抜てきされ、給料の前借をして全部同僚に奢ってしまうというような男。同じ課の泰子は彼にほのかな好意を感じました。泰子の父町田さんは、秋葉社長にタイプが似ているので、冠婚葬祭にはよく社長の替玉をつとめます。東洋鉄業の元社長、奈良財閥六代目庄右衛門の令嬢由起子さんの美容院開店祝いに行ったときも、社長の替玉であることを白状した上、お葬式の帰りであることまで白状して大失敗を演じました。秋葉社長はこの失態をつぐなうため由起子さんのお婿さんを世話しようと季節はずれの社員大運動会を催しました。若手独身社員は我こそと大はりきりでしたが、由起子さんには若原が気に入ったらしく、由起子さんを想っていた近藤と、若原に好意を寄せていた泰子とは失望を感じました。そしてその失意がこの二人を結びつけましたが、一方由起子さんは奈良財閥のため銀行家勝田家の令息と結婚することになり、ラッキーさんの若原は一人淋しく釧路所長に栄転して行きました。
荒木又右衛門 決闘鍵屋の辻
The famous showdown at Kagiya corner has been told many times, but never before with the realism and intensity of this version scripted by Kurosawa Akira and starring Mifune Toshiro as the famed swordsman who must face his best friend as they are forced to take opposite sides in a vendetta caused by the murder of a family member. Told mostly in flashback as the avengers await the arrival of their quarry, this film displays true heroism in the face of fear as most of the combatants, while of the samurai class are not skilled swordsmen. They contrast sharply with the true warriors involved in this battle. Araki Mataemon (Mifune), who was not only a direct student of Yagyu Munenori, but the founder of his own sword style under the Yagyu name is a powerful force ready to assist his brother-in-law against the murderer's allies that include not only another noted sword teacher, but the deadly spear of Katsumi no Hanbei.