Jack N. Young


Hijacked: Flight 285
Location Manager
A convicted murderer is escorted by marshals on a regular flight from Phoenix to Dallas. Shortly after takeoff, two of his aides, traveling as ordinary passengers, take control and free him. He demands $20 million in bonds upon landing. And a sick passenger, bad weather or mechanical problems won't stop him.
Amarillo Desk Sergeant
賞金稼ぎのジャックは、報奨金付きの指名手配の男をN.Y.で逮捕することに成功。意気揚々とL.A.行きの飛行機に乗り込んだまではよかったが?! マーティン・ブレスト監督がロバート・デ・ニーロを主演に迎え制作した痛快ロード・ムーヴィ。
Buckeye and Blue
Production Manager
Adventures of a train robber and his teenaged female partner, on the run from the law in the days of the Wild West. Suitable for younger audiences.
Buckeye and Blue
Associate Producer
Adventures of a train robber and his teenaged female partner, on the run from the law in the days of the Wild West. Suitable for younger audiences.
Production Manager
William Walker and his mercenary corps enter Nicaragua in the middle of the 19th century in order to install a new government by a coup d'etat.
Location Manager
Pocket Money
Location Manager
Broke and in debt, an otherwise honest cowboy gets mixed up in some shady dealings with a crooked rancher.
Heaven with a Gun
Location Scout
Jim Killian arrives in a small Arizona town hoping to establish a peaceful life as the local preacher, but he soon finds himself in the middle of a feud between sheep ranchers and cattlemen. Leloopa, a young Native American woman, pleads for Killian's help after her shepherd father is hung by Coke Beck, the vicious son of the head cattle rancher. Killian must weigh his actions carefully lest he perpetuate the cycle of retribution and revenge.
Lonesome Cowboys
Location Manager
Five lonesome cowboys get all hot and bothered at home on the range after confronting Ramona Alvarez and her nurse.
J・ウェイン、D・マーティン共演、町の実力者の弟を逮捕した保安官チャンスが、わずかな手勢で一味の勢力に立ち向かう、ハワード・ホークス監督の傑作娯楽ウエスタン。 メキシコ国境の町リオ・ブラボー。保安官チャンスは、酒場のゴタゴタから人を殺したジョーという男を逮捕した。ジョーの兄ネイサンは手下を集め、釈放を求めてチャンスを脅迫する。チャンスはわずかな手勢で、ネイサン一派を迎え撃つが……。
Saddle the Wind
Steve Sinclair is a world a world-weary former gunslinger, now living as a peaceful farmer. Things go wrong when his wild younger brother Tony arrives on the scene with his new bride Joan Blake.
3:10 to Yuma
Dan Evans, a small time farmer, is hired to escort Ben Wade, a dangerous outlaw, to Yuma. As Evans and Wade wait for the 3:10 train to Yuma, Wade's gang is racing to free him.
The King and Four Queens
Opportunistic con man Dan Kehoe ingratiates himself with the cantankerous mother of four outlaws and their beautiful widows in order to find their hidden gold.
The Fastest Gun Alive
Whenever it becomes known how good he is with guns, ex-gunman George and his wife Dora have to flee the town, in fear of all the gunmen who might want to challenge him. Unfortunately he again spills his secret when he's drunk. All citizens swear to keep his secret and support him to give up his guns forever -- but a boy tells the story to a gang of wanted criminals. Their leader threatens to burn down the whole town, if he doesn't duel him.
When scientists exploring the Amazon River stumble on a “missing link” connecting humans and fish, they plan to capture it for later study. But the Creature has plans of his own, and has set his sights on the lead scientist's beautiful fiancée, Kay.
The Far Country
In 1896, Jeff Webster sees the start of the Klondike gold rush as a golden opportunity to make a fortune in beef...and woe betide anyone standing in his way! He drives a cattle herd from Wyoming to Seattle, by ship to Skagway, and (after a delay caused by larcenous town boss Gannon) through the mountains to Dawson. There, he and his partner Ben Tatum get into the gold business themselves. Two lovely women fall for misanthropic Jeff, but he believes in every-man-for-himself, turning his back on growing lawlessness...until it finally strikes home.
The Naked Spur
Howard Kemp has been tracking killer Ben Vandergroat for a long time. In the Colorado Rockies, he teams up with prospector Jesse Tate and former Union soldier Roy Anderson. Thinking Kemp is a sheriff, they agree to help for a small fee. When they catch Vandergroat, he tells them Kemp is pursuing a $5,000 bounty. After demanding equal shares, the uneasy alliance heads for Kansas as Vandergroat tries to turn them against each other.
The Street with No Name
After two gang-related killings in "Center City," a suspect (who was framed) is arrested, released on bail...and murdered. Inspector Briggs of the FBI recruits a young agent, Gene Cordell, to go undercover in the shadowy Skid Row area (alias George Manly) as a potential victim of the same racket. Soon, Gene meets Alec Stiles, neurotic mastermind who's "building an organization along scientific lines." Stiles recruits Cordell, whose job becomes a lot more dangerous.