Keisuke Minami
出生 : 1985-07-03, Tokyo, Japan
Orphanage Director
Set in an alternative world of Bungo Stray Dogs, this "what-if" story imagines if Atsushi Nakajima was in the Port Mafia and Ryūnosuke Akutagawa was in the Armed Detective Agency, instead of vice-versa. The story follows Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, who vows revenge on a man dressed in black in order to rescue his sister. However, as he is about to starve to death, a man from the Armed Detective Agency appears.
Prof. Sakamoto
The referendum whether nuclear power plants should be banned has been held in Japan. People must decide their future.
Bengoshi Bingo
A mysterious man called Es/Kamen Rider Eden has emerged, committing simultaneous acts of terror across the world, with thousands of believers following his faith. While the people fall one by one and the world delves into chaos, Aruto Hiden stands up to stop him. Isamu Fuwa, Yaiba Yuia, Gai Amatsu, plus Jin and Horobi of also transform into Kamen Riders and fight against the enemy while struggling to seek the truth.
Tsurugi Ohtori / Houou Soldier
Hayato Otaka
A vengeful young woman named Erika turns into a giant monster to menace her manipulative boyfriend after he dumps her.
Following the news of a heinous tragedy, a young woman searches the streets for her missing brother, the person accused of committing the incident. Unaware of his true status or location, he finds himself in the employ of an underground fighting ring using inmates like him to entertain wealthy clients, eventually moving up the ranks of the fighters quite quickly. Eventually frustrated at the lack of information from the investigation, she turns to a detective to help him, but with a dangerous socialite also looking into the club they try to push their rescue efforts into high gear into order to save her brother.
Tsurugi Ohtori / Houou Soldier
ハミィが強盗!?そして指名手配!? ドン・アルマゲとの激闘から4年 ― 平和な日常を過ごしていたキュウレンジャーたちに激震が走る。ハミィが突如、リベリオンを襲撃し、新たに開発された“ネオキュータマ”を盗み出したというのだ。 悪用を恐れ、事態を重く見た宇宙連邦大統領のツルギは、ハミィを全宇宙に指名手配することを決意する。 「お前はハミィを信じないのか!」激昂したラッキーは、同じくハミィを信じる仲間と共にツルギらと対立。その埋めがたい溝は、彼らの袂を分かつ。 そこへ、宇宙を超えてやってきた2人の男 ― 。十文字撃、またの名を宇宙刑事ギャバン。烏丸舟、またの名を宇宙刑事シャイダー。キュウレンジャーの前に現れた彼ら“スペース・スクワッド”の目的とは?そして、“内部崩壊”したキュウレンジャーを待ち受ける、驚愕の結末とは!?
Himself / Houou Soldier (voice)
The seventh annual stage show and concert for both the Kamen Rider and Super Sentai series, featuring cast members from both shows and popular singers of recent seasons.
Nanahara Fumito
Tsurugi Outori · Houou Soldier
ジャークマターの脅威から宇宙を解放するために戦い続ける宇宙戦隊キュウレンジャーの前にジャークマター独立部隊であるゲース・インダベーとその部下が襲いかかってきた。ゲース・インダベーは、ショウ・ロンポー / リュウコマンダーへの復讐と『冥王ハデスの番犬』『宇宙の破壊神』と呼ばれたキュウボイジャー『ケルベロス』を手に入れること、更には彗星兵器『ゲース・スター』を使って地球を滅ぼそうとしていた。 キュウレンジャーは地球存亡を賭けて、ケルベロスの争奪戦に挑む。
A live action adaptation of Persona 4 Ultimax.
Atsushi Tanigawa
Detective Ryoko Kozuki receives a demotion after having an affair with a superior. She succeeds in arresting a rapist in an undercover operation that puts her at risk. Her achievement immediately becomes the talk of the precinct, but no one approaches her because of her past. Ryoko is determined to bring criminals to justice. She takes on “The Prime Ministerial Candidate Snipe Case” which took place 15 years earlier.
A live-action adaptation of Persona 4 Arena.
Atsushi Harada
Seven stories centered around marriage.
Kazuhiko Sugiyama
Monji Mori receives a sudden goodbye letter from his friend Rei. As the Black Skull Gang continues to pursue national conquest, they meet Manta, a Kansai Yanki (Japanese delinquent) Boss, and Mina, a girl who seems to have taken a special interest in Monji.
Takumi, the former boss of the Black Black Black Skull Gang, is about to graduate and he chooses Taiga as his successor. During the handover, a transfer student named Monji tries to usurp the throne of the Black Skull Gang.