Ernst Walder

Ernst Walder

出生 : 1927-11-17, Salzburg, Austria

死亡 : 2021-09-06


Ernst Walder
Ernst Walder


Guns in the Heather
An American foreign exchange student in Ireland, Rich Evans (Kurt Russell), gets caught up in espionage when a dying man gives him a message to pass to his older brother, who is an American intelligence agent unbeknownst to Rich. Rich and his friend are then kidnapped by an Eastern Bloc agent pretending to be from the American Embassy in the hopes that they will lead him to a scientist who is attempting to defect to the West. Originally aired in 3 parts on 'Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color' TV series, then re-edited into a theatrical feature in Europe under the title, 'The Secret of Boyne Castle.'
冒険小説の巨匠アリステア・マクリーンのベストセラーを映画化。原作者自らが脚本も担当したアクション大作。 第2次大戦中、“鷲の城”と呼ばれる難攻不落のドイツ軍要塞に捕らわれの身となったアメリカの将軍を救出するため、スミス少佐(リチャード・バートン)率いる6人のイギリス諜報部員と、アメリカ軍シェイファー中尉(クリント・イーストウッド)による特殊部隊が、鷲の城に侵入する。しかし状況は二転三転、意外な事実が明らかにされていく…。
The Double Man
In a complex piece of espionage the Russian secret service attempts to kidnap a high ranking officer in the CIA and replace him with a double of its own.
The Quiller Memorandum
After two British Secret Intelligence Service agents are murdered at the hands of a cryptic neo-Nazi group known as Phoenix, the suave agent Quiller is sent to Berlin to investigate.
Tank Force!
German Corporal
During World War II, members of a British tank unit in northern Africa are captured and held prisoners by Germans.