Ken Yoshizawa

Ken Yoshizawa

出生 : 1946-05-10, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Ken Yoshizawa


A road movie about Yoko, a frustrated part-time worker who hitchhikes to her hometown of Hirosaki, Aomori, where she has not returned for 24 years, after hearing the news of her father's death.
プロと学生が共同で映画を企画・製作していく」ことをテーマとした京都芸術大学(旧京都造形芸術大学)映画学科によるプロジェクト“北白川派映画芸術運動”により製作された北白川派第7弾作品。熊本県の天草を舞台に、オレオレ詐欺の旅を続ける青年と、彼を孫として迎え入れた老女の奇妙な心の交流を描いた人情ドラマ。主演は「佐々木、イン、マイマイン」の藤原季節と、本作が遺作となった原知佐子。監督は「カミハテ商店」の山本起也。  オレオレ詐欺を重ねながら各地を転々としている青年。天草の寂れた商店街で一人暮らしをしている老女の艶子に孫のふりをして電話をかける。その後、艶子はお金を受け取りに現れた青年を孫の将太として迎え入れる。こうして2人の奇妙な共同生活が始まり、いつしか青年はここでの暮らしに居心地の良さを感じ始める。そんな中、地元FM局のパーソナリティを務める清らが、天草の昔の映像や写真を集めて、映画館での上映会を企画し、ひょんなことから青年もその準備を手伝うことになるのだったが…。
Thirty years after aboy's disappearance, a journalist revives interest in the case, which in turn compels the victim's brother to look for this woman's daughter in the snowy hinterlands of northern Japan. This sets off a series of events that causes the brother and the woman's daughter to glimpse the truth that has been concealed by their vague and painful memories.
Kapurikon master
1969年、原宿のセントラルアパートに"若松プロダクション"はあった。当時33歳の若松孝二が作り出すピンク映画は若者たちを熱狂させ、時代の先端を駆け抜けていた。 21歳で"若松プロダクション"の門を叩いた吉積めぐみの目を通して、若松孝二と共に映画、青春、そして恋、なにもかもが危うくきらめいていた一瞬の時を描く、青春群像劇! 2012年10月17日の若松孝二監督逝去から6年。いまや日本映画界を牽引する俊英白石和彌が、師匠若松孝二が時代と共に駆け抜けた若き日を描きだす。白石監督自ら「映画を 武器に戦ってきた若松さんの声をもう一度聞きたい」と企画した本作『止められるか、俺たちを』は、記念すべき若松プロダクション映画製作再始動第一弾となる。 主演は門脇麦、若松プロダクション助監督・吉積めぐみ役を熱演。そして若松孝二役は若松組常連・井浦新。 こんな若松プロ、こんな青春、誰も観たことない———
華魂 幻影
Yozo Kimoto
“Hana-Dama”—a flower in the wasteland. This flower is a symbol of earthly desires and every human is overwhelmed by desire and their rationality collapses wherever the flower is in bloom. And even today, the “Hana-Dama” continues to blossom profusely somewhere in the world. The story is set in a film theater, the facility keeps on closing one after another during recent years. The last day has come to a film theater which has been maintained by a film-loving owner, the staff, and their unique audiences. The symbol of human desire, “Hana-Dama,” blossoms at the theater and instigates people’s erratic behavior. Upon facing its closure, tremendous chaos that will be noted in the history of Japanese film takes place within this film theater.
Head of Okuyama Family
小説家である「私」のもとに、女子大生の久保さんという読者から、1通の手紙が届く。 「今住んでいる部屋で、奇妙な“音”がするんです」好奇心を抑えられず、調査を開始する「私」と久保さん。 すると、そのマンションの過去の住人たちが、引っ越し先で、自殺や心中、殺人など、数々の事件を引き起こしていた事実が浮かび上がる。 彼らはなぜ、“音”のするその「部屋」ではなく、別々の「場所」で、不幸な末路をたどったのか。 「私」と久保さんは、作家の平岡芳明、心霊マニアの青年・三澤徹夫、 そして「私」の夫・直人らの協力を得て、ついに数十年の時を経た、壮大なる戦慄の真相に辿り着く。 だがそれは、新たなる事件の序章に過ぎなかった―。 すべての事件をつなぐ【穢れ】の正体とは?予定調和を許さない驚愕のラストまで、目が離せない。
Shinko (Karin Aiba) is a high school student from Hamamatsu. Due to university admission pressures, she struggles with her mother. She hasn't really made conversation with her mom in a year. Shinko's friend Misato (Mayuu Kusakari) then recommends to her to join the school's calligraphy club. Shinko is impressed by Teacher Yatsushiro's (Kazuki Namioka) words. Teacher Yatsushiro is the one who takes care of the calligraphy club. Shinko decides to join the calligraphy club.
標的 羊たちの哀しみ
A business man visits his hometown to search for a missing employee
獣のように 完結篇
Kenji Takeda is back after five years in prison. In the meantime, the yakuza society has disappeared and has been transformed into a world of betrayal!
In the sparsely populated rural areas of Japan, the female population is far smaller than the male. An attempt is made to counter this imbalance by arranging marriages with Filipino women. Fey, a young Filipina, came as a mail-order bride. Although she tries hard, she cannot get on with her husband, either verbally or emotionally. After a year, she flees her snow-country husband with only the clothes on her back and sets out in search of work in Toyko. She wanders through Toyko asking for help in churches and at the Philippine Embassy. She needs to find work to earn enough money for a flight home. She finally finds a job and a place to stay with a Chinese man who is sympathetic to her situation. He introduces her to two of his Japanese neighbors who, when they hear Fey's life story, immediately decide to help her find her Japanese father whom she has never met.
タフ PART IV 血の収穫篇
若妻 しとやかな卑猥
Shinji, who has been writing a screenplay that is not going to be made into a movie, has a girlfriend who is a model. One day Shinji receives a call from the husband of his old lover Yoko, and goes to see her. When he meets Yoko again after five years, he cannot resist embracing her. A sensual film of love and jealousy, directed by and starring Kazuhiro Sano.
監禁 ワイセツな前戯
Sho is a loner who works at a small factory. He has no friends, hardly associates with his work-mates and is regarded as a weirdo because of his love for gun models. One day he buys a real gun from a local yakuza. This boosts his self-confidence and he overcomes his insecurities and presents a bouquet of flowers to Eiko, who lives in a classy apartment and with whom he had fallen in love.
首都圏にある某都市に住む男、我妻諒介は犯罪者を追い詰めるためには暴力の行使も辞さない凶暴な刑事。その行き過ぎた捜査と粗暴な性格から、勤務する港南警察署内[3]でも危険人物として敬遠されていた。警察という組織にあって浮いた存在の我妻だったが、自身を理解してくれる数少ない同僚と他愛もない冗談を言い、ある時は酒を酌み交わし、完全な孤立は辛うじて免れていた。 そんなある日、港で麻薬売人の惨殺死体が発見される。我妻は新人の菊池を引き連れ事件の捜査を開始し、容疑者への殴る蹴るの暴行すら厭わない強硬な手段で次々と犯行グループの全貌を暴いていく。そして、覚醒剤を密売する組織の首謀者として暗躍する実業家の仁藤、その手下で殺し屋の清弘の存在をつきとめた。だがその中で我妻は、あってはならない驚愕の事実にも辿り着いてしまうのだった。
Pink film by Kazuo 'Gaira' Komizu.
密室ドキュメント 指と舌
Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu
Tenshi No Yokubô
㊙女子高校生 恍愡のアルバイト
Pinku from 1972.
Set in a Shinjuku bathhouse brothel, the film uncovers the sexual eccentricities of everyday people. Focusing on three female sex workers, the colorful, unpredictable look into the hidden underbelly of Japanese nightlife is playful but also unafraid to explore the darker sides of the business. The fleeting nature of relationships in such an environment and the consequences of toying with feelings are presented with a melancholy tinge.
ラブハンター 熱い肌
Shuichi Okita
Roman Porno from 1972.
Beginning in the 1960s, a story is told of the sex and romances of eight young people wandering into adult life.
セックス・ライダー 濡れたハイウェイ
噴出祈願 十五代の売春婦
Boy 2
A woman who has just missed her suicide and a couple which has just left its political movement meet on a beach...
現代好色伝 テロルの季節
From an apartment belonging to a single woman, two detectives spy on sex-obsessed radical.
やわ肌無宿 男殺し女殺し
A girl becomes a pawn in the game between two rival gangs gangster.
During clashes between demonstrators and police that rage on the streets of Tokyo, a young man hides in the house of his brother - a police officer. The latter is accidentally shot by his wife, which forces the young man to flee with her.
A masterpiece of militant cinema of 1968, filmed on the actual barricades of Adachi's very own Nihon University during the period of social struggles. The film begins in a lengthy free-love session taking the form of a 'play' rape being enacted by a group of aimless, listless and political apathetic students. The subtext intended by Adachi informs the rest of the film – that there is a world of difference between direct action politics, and merely talking the talk.
The Revenger
A brother and sister live as outcasts from their hamlet due to a belief that mental illness runs in their family. A group of villagers plot to steal their property by beating and hanging the brother and gang-raping the sister. Believing the brother to be dead, scheming to kill the sister, and making both deaths look like accidents... unbeknownst to them, the brother survives and proceeds on a mission to slaughter those responsible in the hamlet.
Dark, cynical Japanese epic brought to U.S. in a dubbed version by shlockmeister Harry Novak. Still, this gory, sexy epic is made with style and interesting for to compare to "Yojimbo" and other masterworks of the form.
Twilight Shirō
Shirō raids the office of the organization that attacked his lover, wreaking havoc and escaping with a stolen handgun. In retaliation, the organization hires two killers to get rid of Shirō. The duo begin to develop a strange kinship with their target...
Nikutai no yokkyu
Pinku from 1968
A wife with a fertility problem wants to use her sister's womb to have children, but her sister is enjoying her boyfriend and sexual freedom. The husband is a commanding chauvinist and this soon turns out to be an uninteresting study on authority, patriarchy and conservatism vs. free love and youth culture.
Young slacker couple accidentially kills a friend. They burn his body and hang out on a beach.
A hitman focuses on his job hoping to retire quickly and richly. But the betrayal of his clan and those he loves endangers his plan.