Maurizio Santarelli


アマルフィ 女神の報酬
Executive Producer
クリスマス目前のローマ。亡き夫との思い出が詰まった街で、矢上紗江子(天海祐希)は最愛の娘の失踪(しっそう)するという最悪の事態に見舞われてしまう。身代金目的の誘拐か、それともテロか……? 犯人グループが警察の包囲網をかく乱し、捜査が一向に進展しない中、事件の真相に迫る外交官・黒田(織田裕二)は、ある事実に行き当たる。
The Moon and the Stars
Associate Producer
1939: Rome stands on the brink of World War II. In the midst of this political and social tension famed producer Davide Rieta is making a major film. The two lead actors, the German woman Kristina Baumgarten and the English man James Clavel ace each others' initial antagonism and eventually fall in love. Meanwhile the fascist police are looking for an excuse to arrest the Jewish filmmaker and any other potential "troublemakers." The producer and his crew decide to make one final extraordinary effort to complete the film - against all odds.