Colin MacCabe


The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger
The Ways of Seeing writer is celebrated by Tilda Swinton and her fellow admirers in an unorthodox four-part documentary that visits him at his Alpine home
The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger
The Ways of Seeing writer is celebrated by Tilda Swinton and her fellow admirers in an unorthodox four-part documentary that visits him at his Alpine home
Derek, in chronological order, records the work and life that stands at the foot of Derek Jarman's humour and spirit of being an artist. The filmmaker and actress, Isaac Julien and Tilda Swinton respectively, have produced and narrated a film on his life whereby the use of language is perpetuated to give some type of palpable meaning to British audiences alone, and to their own personal relationship with him.
Murder by Numbers
A documentary on serial killer films.
The Name of This Film Is Dogme95
The Name of this Film is Dogme95 is an irreverent documentary exploring the origins of Dogme95, the most influential movement in world cinema for a generation. The film tells how a 'brotherhood' of four Danish directors armed with a radical Manifesto, has inspired, outraged and provoked filmmakers and filmgoers the world over. The rules of Dogme95 take filmmaking back to its brass-tacks - stories must be set in the here and now; the films must be shot on location, with a handheld camera, using natural light, and direct sound; the rules forbid murders and weapons (staples of the much-loved action-movie genre); and, most amusingly, the director must not be credited (that holds also for the director of The Name of this Film is Dogme95...).
The American Nightmare
An examination into the nature of 1960's-70's horror films, the involved artists, and how they reflected contemporary society.
A Brief History of Errol Morris
This film tells the fascinating story of one of the most critically acclaimed careers in independent documentary film making in recent cinema history. This comprehensive overview of Morris' career includes clips of all his important films as well as interviews with collaborators such as Werner Herzog and Phillip Glass.
Yang ± Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema
Executive Producer
This highly personal film essay demonstrates that Chinese cinema has dealt with questions of gender and sexuality more frankly and provocatively than any other national cinema. Yang ± Yin examines male bonding and phallic imagery in the swordplay and kung fu movies of the '60s and '70s; homosexuality; same-sex bonding and physical intimacy; the continuing emphasis on women's grievances in melodramas; and the phenomenon of Yam Kim-Fai, a Hong Kong actress who spent her life portraying men on and off the screen.
40,000 Years of Dreaming
Executive Producer
Australian-born filmmaker George Miller offers a personal view of Australian films. He suggests that they can be regarded as visual music, public dreaming, mythology, and song-lines. In extrapolating the idea of movies as song-lines he examines feature films under the following categories: songs of the land; the bushman; the convicts; the bush-rangers; mates and larrikins; the digger; pommy bashing; the sheilas; gays; the wogs; blackfellas; and urban subversion. He then concludes that these films can be thought of as "Hymns that sing of Australia."
Aristotle's Plot
Executive Producer
Tourneur, a self-proclaimed cinéaste, feuds with Cinema and his gang, who are obsessed with foreign action movies.
And the Show Goes On
Executive Producer
The 'Century of Cinema' is an 18-part series produced by the British Film Institute to celebrate 100 years of cinema. The series includes films directed by Scorsese, Oshima, Godard, among others. Mrinal Sen directed the Indian chapter of the series.
The Russian Idea
Executive Producer
The Russian entry in the BFI’s Century of Cinema series of documentaries
Cinema de Lágrimas
An aging Brazilian actor teams up with a film student on a trip to Mexico, in order to find out an unknown movie his mother allegedly watched before she committed suicide.
Cinema of Unease: A Personal Journey by Sam Neill
Executive Producer
Actor Sam Neill discusses New Zealand film and his own experiences within and without.
Executive Producer
A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies
Executive Producer
Martin Scorsese celebrates American movies from the silent classics to the Hollywood of the seventies.
The Night of the Filmmakers
Executive Producer
A meditation on the first 100 years of German cinema, featuring some of its greatest directors.
The Long Day Closes
Executive Producer
Bud is a lonely and quiet boy whose moments of solace occur when he sits in rapture at the local cinema, watching towering and iconic figures on the movie screen. The movies give Bud the strength to get through another day as he deals with his oppressive school environment and his burgeoning homosexuality.
Young Soul Rebels
Executive Producer
Two disc jockeys have a friend's murder to solve in the fringe-group melting pot of 1977 London.
Distant Voices, Still Lives
Executive Producer
The second film in Terence Davies's autobiographical series (along with "Trilogy" and "The Long Day Closes") is an impressionistic view of a working-class family in 1940s and 1950s Liverpool, based on Davies's own family. Through a series of exquisite tableaux Davies creates a deeply affecting photo album of a troubled family wrestling with the complexity of love.
Sammy and Rosie Get Laid
Semiotics Professor
Sammy and Rosie are an unconventional middle-class London married couple. They live in the midst of inner-city chaos, surround themselves with intellectual street people, and sleep with everybody - except each other! Things become interesting when Sammy's father, Rafi, who is a former Indian government minister, comes to London for a visit. Sammy, Rosie, and Rafi try to find meaning through their lives and loves.
Friendship's Death
Executive Producer
A robot messenger is sent to earth to appeal to humans to live in peace. Originally designed to go to MIT, by mistake she ends up in Amman, Jordan during the Black September riots of 1970. Sullivan, a British journalist, comes to her aid when she is found wandering without papers following a bombing and grants her refuge in his hotel room. But there she tells him she is a robot, sent as a peace envoy from another planet. He is not sure whether to believe her story or not, but finds her unusual view of the world appealing. They examine the human condition in a series of incredibly insightful and entertaining conversations.
Executive Producer
A retelling of the life of the celebrated 17th-century painter through his brilliant, nearly blasphemous paintings and his flirtations with the underworld.