Anne H. Ahrens


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Heart and Souls
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A businessman is reunited with the four lost souls who were his guardian angels during childhood, all with a particular purpose to joining the afterlife.
The Vanishing
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The boyfriend of an abducted woman never gives up the search as the abductor looks on.
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V.I. Warshawski
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Victoria "V.I" Warshawski is a Chicago based private detective who agrees to babysit for her new boyfriend; then he is murdered. Being the detective type, she makes the murder her next case. In doing so she befriends the victim's daughter, Kat, and together they set out to crack the case.
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ブロブ 宇宙からの不明物体
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とある田舎町の森に火の玉が墜落する。目撃したホームレスの老人が好奇心から現場に向かうが、そこで粘液状の物体に腕を取りつかれてしまう。 そこへデート中のメグとポールが通りあわせ、老人を病院へ運ぶが、老人は物体に喰い尽くされ、ポールも犠牲となる。目撃したメグは一部始終を訴えるが信じて貰えず、保安官は町の不良少年ブライアンの仕業だと疑う。
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A scientific group set out on a journey into space to find a magical creature. What they find is a killer computer on the ship they chartered.
Maid to Order
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Spoiled Jessie Montgomery, whose wild behavior and spending excesses cause her well-meaning but exasperated millionaire father Charles to wish he never had her, is visited by fairy godmother Stella. In an effort to save Jessie, Stella casts a spell which causes Charles to no longer have a daughter. Jessie, now penniless and without a friend, must take a maid's job to earn a living, and hopefully to learn her lesson.
River's Edge
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A group of high-school friends must come to terms with the fact that one of them, Samson, killed another, Jamie. Faced with the brutality of death, each must decide whether to turn their friend in to the police, or to help him escape the consequences of his dreadful deed.
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A massive ball of furry creatures from another world eat their way through a small mid-western town followed by intergalactic bounty hunters opposed only by militant townspeople.
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Roger Cobb is an author who has just separated from his wife. He moves into a new house and tries to work on a novel based on his experiences in the Vietnam War. Strange things start happening around him; little things at first, but as they become more frequent, Cobb becomes aware that the house resents his presence.
Assistant Art Director
Two girls from the Valley wake up to find that a passing comet has eradicated their world and left behind a mysterious red-dust and a pack of cannibal mutants. With the help of a friendly truck driver, the girls save the earth from a villainous "think tank," karate chop their way through flesh-eating zombies, and, of course, find time to go to the mall.
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Three middle-aged daddies visit California to have a marvelous time at the beach. When they learn that a nice apartment and an expensive cabriolet isn't enough for them to score with the chicks, they employ a student to help them. At first he's as disgusted of them and his job as his girlfriend, but soon they find out how to use the situation to everyone's benefit.