Graham Headicar


ウォレスとグルミット 野菜畑で大ピンチ!
Sound Effects Editor
年に一度のお祭り“巨大野菜コンテスト”まであとわずか。発明家ウォレスと愛犬グルミットのコンビはプロの害虫駆除隊として、大繁殖し て畑を荒らすウサギから野菜を守っていた。しかしある夜、町中の畑が大被害に遭う事件が発生!しかもそれは巨大ウサギの仕業であるという噂が流れ…果たして巨大ウサギの正体とは? そしてふたりはこの難事件を解決できるのか?!
A Line in the Sand
Sound Effects Editor
In a remote village on the Suffolk Coast, Frank Perry (Ross Kemp) waits for his past to catch up with him. Previously a spy for MI6 working on Iranian chemical and biological weapons production, his reports led to the deaths of many Iranian scientists while also undermining the progress of their production. Now the Iranians have found out he was responsible and have sent their best assassin to kill him. A team of "protectors" move in around Perry, disrupting the local community who, fearing for their lives, turn against him.
One Minute Past Midnight
Sound Effects Editor
In 2058, two apathetic friends run the night shift in a 24-hour convenience store. Robert likes the Japanese girl who works the day shift, but in spite of encouraging signs from her, he won't - or can't - act. Instead, Robert and Steve discuss their views on life. Winner of Gold Hugo for best short film at the 2005 Chicago International Film Festival.
The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain
Dialogue Editor
When an English cartographer arrives in Wales to tell the residents of the Welsh village of Ffynnon Garw that their 'mountain' is only a hill, the offended community sets out to remedy the situation.