Shunsuke Kikuchi

Shunsuke Kikuchi

出生 : 1931-11-01, Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2021-04-24


Shunsuke Kikuchi


Original Music Composer
秘密犯罪組織シグマ団。怪人ミスボーグ率いるロボットは世界破壊兵器ジャンボメカ合成に必要な人間細胞を採取すべく要人の誘拐を続けていた。シグマの陰謀を阻止すべく変形バイクロボ ザボーガーと共に大門豊が立ち上がった。青年大門編と中年大門編に別れ大門とシグマ団の戦いを描く。
ドラゴンボール オッス!帰ってきた孫悟空と仲間たち!!
Original Music Composer
ドラゴンボールZ 龍拳爆発!!悟空がやらねば誰がやる
Original Music Composer
魔人ブウの脅威が去り、グレートサイヤマンの活躍などもあって地球はしばし平和な日々が続いていた。ある日、悟飯とビーデルはいつものようにグレートサイヤマンとしての任務をこなしている最中にホイという老人からオルゴールに封じられた勇者を復活させてほしいと頼まれる。オルゴールを鳴らすことができれば勇者は復活するというが、悟空でさえオルゴールの取っ手を回すことはできず、ならばドラゴンボールに頼んでみようということで神龍を呼び出す。 神龍によって封印を解かれたオルゴールは美しい音色と共に壊れ、そこからオカリナを吹きながら一人の青年が現れた。彼こそホイの言っていた伝説の勇者・タピオンであった。タピオンのその雰囲気にトランクスは興味津々でついてまわるが、そこでホイの不審な動きも目撃する。その後打ち解けたトランクスとタピオンはカプセルコーポレーションで一緒に兄弟のように住み始めるが、実はタピオンには恐ろしい秘密が隠されていた。かつてコナッツ星を襲った幻魔人ヒルデガーンが彼の体内に封じられていたのである。 ブルマの提案で封印されていたオルゴールを再現するも、先に封印の解かれた下半身と引き合う力を止められず、ついにヒルデガーンは復活してしまった。悟空たちと、幻魔人ヒルデガーンとの戦いが始まる。
ドラゴンボールZ 復活のフュージョン!! 悟空とベジータ
Original Music Composer
普段のように天国と地獄の管理を行っている閻魔の館で一人の若いサイケ鬼が地獄行きの魂を浄化するスピリッツロンダリング装置のタンクを換え忘れた。満タンになったタンクからは悪の気が漏れ出し、サイケ鬼の体を媒介に、怪物ジャネンバに変化。同時に閻魔の館は結界で封じられてしまい、あの世とこの世の秩序がめちゃくちゃになってしまった。この世ではフリーザなど、かつて倒した悪人達が復活し大混乱。孫悟飯、孫悟天、トランクスらが応戦するが、根本的な解決法が分からずにいた。 同じ頃、前回のあの世一武道会のやり直しとして再び行われていた武道会の決勝戦にて、突如謎の結晶体が現れる。閻魔界に異常があることを知った悟空とパイクーハンは閻魔のもとへと向かい、結界を破壊しようと試みるも失敗。閻魔から、結界を張った張本人が上にいたジャネンバであると告げられ、ジャネンバ直々の指名もあり、悟空が闘いを挑むことになる。 ジャネンバは一見間抜けな姿をしているが、魔法のような不思議な技を自在に操る上に、相手の動きを見切ることに長けているため、悟空はやや苦戦を強いられる。ついに悟空は魔人ブウ戦以来2度目となる超サイヤ人3に変身し、ジャネンバに渾身の一撃を喰らわせる。ところが、息絶えたかに見えたジャネンバは瞬く間に体を再生させ、より戦闘向きの体となって悟空に襲い掛かった。ジャネンバの実力は悟空の超サイヤ人3の力を持ってしても歯が立たず、大ピンチに。そんな中悟空のピンチに駆けつけたのは、あの世の秩序が乱れたことにより、本来の肉体を取り戻したベジータだった。 一人果敢に立ち向かうベジータだったが、ジャネンバに敵わず、歴然たる実力差を見せつけられたベジータは、死んだ今でもなお悟空に一歩及ばないことを悟り、落胆する。そこで、悟空から最後の手段として、融合技「フュージョン」を提案される。あの世とこの世の秩序を元通りにすべく、悟空とベジータは、強敵ジャネンバを前にフュージョンを試みる。
Dr.スランプ んちゃ!!わくわくハートの夏休み
Original Music Composer
The Norimaki Family, the Soramame Family, Suppaman, and Dr. Mashirito end up coming to a summer resort which is really a haunted castle filled with monsters. While enjoying the many facilities, such as the arcades and hot spring baths, they all end up falling into the clutches of Vandora, a female vampire who intends to feed off them.
ドラゴンボールZ 超戦士撃破!!勝のはオレだ
Original Music Composer
天下一武道会の賞金の取立てを行いにミスター・サタン宅には18号たちが訪れていた。散々取立てを行ってもまだ賞金が届いていないと言い張るサタンの下にジャガー・バッダ男爵の使い・メンメンが現れる。サタンのために用意した戦士と戦えという要求に対していやいやジャガーの下へ向かうサタン。しかし、人造人間18号や同じ場にいた孫悟天、トランクスも付いて行ってしまう。 サタンの弟子として何故か戦うことになった18号たちだが、ジャガーの準備した戦士など彼女らの敵ではなくバイオ戦士たちを一蹴してしまう。その後、見慣れない施設群に興味津々の悟天たちだったが、そこでサイヤ人と思われる一体のバイオ戦士のカプセルを発見、中にいた戦士がこちらを向いた瞬間に悟天たちは驚愕した。それは前回の戦いで死亡したブロリーのクローン、バイオブロリーだった。 バイオカプセルから出てしまう前にバイオブロリーをカプセルごと破壊しようと試みるも、バイオブロリーは自らカプセルを破り外に出てきてしまう。もはやかつての面影のない不気味な様相となっていたバイオブロリーに、18号が戦いを挑むもバイオブロリーの強さに太刀打ちできずにやられてしまう。 2度も同じ相手にやられてたまるかと、悟天とトランクスは超サイヤ人に変身し、バイオブロリーとの戦いに挑む。
ドラゴンボールZ 危険なふたり!超戦士はねむれない
Original Music Composer
『ドラゴンボールZ 燃えつきろ!!熱戦・烈戦・超激戦』で新惑星ベジータが崩壊した瞬間、一つの宇宙ポッドが惑星から脱出していた。そこに乗っていたのは伝説の超サイヤ人ブロリー。惑星崩壊の直前まで対決し、自らを打ち破った孫悟空を追い、地球に漂着したブロリーであったが、悟空から受けたダメージは想像以上に大きく、そのまま氷の下に閉じ込められてしまう。 7年後、孫悟天とトランクス、そしてミスター・サタンの娘で孫悟飯のクラスメイトであるビーデルはドラゴンボール探しをしていた。それぞれ子供ながらのかわいらしい願い事や単に神龍を見たいというだけといういたって遊び心にあふれた冒険であったが、その途中、謎の異常気象と、巨大な恐竜に苦しむナタデ村に辿り着き、その解決策として生け贄問題に悩む人々と出会う。村の問題は簡単に解決したものの、その時の悟天の泣き声に感応し、氷壁の中に眠っていたブロリーが覚醒してしまう。 彼が7年前、兄や父達を苦しめた伝説の超サイヤ人などということは知らない悟天やトランクス、ビーデルが闘いを挑む。悟天の顔が悟空にそっくりであったために、ブロリーの怒りと憎しみはさらに暴走。戦いの中、7つ目のドラゴンボールも発見。神龍に願いブロリーを倒してもらおうとするが、ブロリー相手ではそんな隙もなく、大ピンチに陥る。同じ頃、修行中の孫悟飯もただならぬ気を感じ、悟天たちの元へ向かう。トドメを刺される寸前の悟天らを救い、7年ぶりにブロリーと邂逅。父、孫悟空への復讐を遂げに来たのだと理解した悟飯は、父が亡き今、自分が代わってブロリーとの完全なる決着をつけることを決意し一騎打ちを挑むが、以前よりパワーアップしたブロリーに窮地に追い込まれる。だがその時、7つ揃ったドラゴンボールが光を帯びる。
ドラゴンボールZ 銀河ギリギリ!! ぶっちぎりの凄い奴
賞金1億ゼニーと世界温泉めぐりが懸ったギョーサン・マネー主催の天下一大武道大会に出場した悟飯たち。かつて父・悟空も今の自分のように亀仙流の道着を着て修行に励んでいたと、優勝を目指し次々と勝ち進む悟飯。未来から人造人間を倒したことを報告しに来たトランクスや、いきなりピッコロと闘う羽目になってしまったが、ピッコロがくだらなさを感じ棄権したために勝ち進んでいくクリリンもそれに続いていた。しかし、ベジータは悟空が死んだショックから立ち直りきれておらず、トランクスの試合をつまらなさそうにテレビで観戦していた。あの世では大会の様子を悟空や界王様も見物していた。同時に会場にいたミスター・サタンが地球を救ったことになっていたことも知ったようである。 ついに決勝の組み合わせが決定した大会では、バトルゾーンで銀河戦士と戦い勝って一番初めに戻ってきた選手が優勝というルールで試合が開始された。銀河戦士は東西南北それぞれの銀河を代表する戦士という振れ込みだが、実はサタンの弟子。しかし、本来現れるはずの彼らと入れ替わった謎の銀河戦士たちが出現した。 通常の選手との違いを感じ取ったクリリンだったが、なすすべなく敗れてしまう。悟飯もほかの選手との違いを感じて戦闘を開始。別の場所で何とか一味の一人を討ち取ったトランクスであったが、その直後に別の仲間に襲われてしまう。 それを見ていた界王様はかつて銀河中を荒らしまわったボージャック率いるヘラー一族であることを確信する。東西南北4人の界王によって封印されていたが、セルとの闘いで北の界王が死んでしまったために封印が解けてしまったという。悟空が不在の地球を守るべく、悟飯の戦いが始まる。
ドラゴンボールZ 燃え尽きろ!!熱戦・烈戦・超激戦
Original Music Composer
悟飯の予備校受験のため、悟空は慣れないスーツを着せられチチから厳しく「教育パパ像」を吹き込まれていた。 悟空がそんな目にあっているとは知らず花見を楽しんでいた悟飯達のもとに宇宙船が降り立ち、中から一人のサイヤ人が現れる。彼はパラガスと名乗り、ベジータを新惑星ベジータの王として迎えに来たと言う。最初は興味が無かったベジータだったが、パラガスの「伝説の超サイヤ人を倒せるのは貴方しかいません」という口車に乗せられ彼とともに宇宙へ飛び立ってしまう。酔った勢いで宇宙船に乗り込もうとする亀仙人やそれを止めようとする悟飯、クリリン、ウーロンも巻き込まれ、ベジータを連れ戻そうとするトランクスも連れて。 同じころ、面接会場にいた悟空は界王から「大変なことが起きた」と呼び出された。界王によると伝説の超サイヤ人が南の銀河を破壊し、次は北の銀河が狙われているので、その討伐を頼まれたのだった。
地球に帰還した孫悟空がフリーザ一味を倒してから2年半後、悟空は心臓病で息を引き取った。それから半年後、2人の人造人間が現れ、都市の破壊と殺戮を繰り返し、この世は恐怖に包まれた。2人を倒すべく立ち上がった戦士たちも、ピッコロが死に、ドラゴンボールは消滅。超サイヤ人となったベジータも死に、地球人戦士のヤムチャ、天津飯、餃子、クリリンも戦死した。 それから13年後、なすすべも無い状況の中、孫悟飯だけは、懸命に人造人間への反抗を続けていた。ベジータの遺児であるトランクスも戦う決意をし、悟飯に弟子入りする。地球の未来は悟飯とトランクスの2人に託されたのだった。
ドラゴンボールZ 極限バトル!三大超サイヤ人
Original Music Composer
人造人間17号によって、ドクター・ゲロは殺された。しかし、人造人間たちですら知らない極秘の地下研究施設では、ゲロの怨念を引き継いだスーパーコンピューターが引き続き「孫悟空抹殺」を目的に開発を続けていた。 デパートで買い物と食事を楽しむ悟空たちの前に、突如として謎の2人組が襲撃をかけ、街を破壊し始める。その存在に気付いた悟空は、2人に気が感じられないことから、ドクター・ゲロの作った人造人間であることを察知する。街中で戦う悟空とトランクスだったが、トランクスの咄嗟の一言で、人気のない場所へ誘き出す。 その頃、ドクター・ゲロの研究所では最後の人造人間・13号が完成し、悟空の元へと迫っていた。
マニラ極道戦争 暗黒街の勲章
Original Music Composer
Shuji Kanzaki, who lives in the underworld of Manila, winds up in a fierce battle with Japan's biggest gangster.
Based on novel 1962 "Kyukei no Koya" by Seicho Matsumoto. A serial murder occurs around the heroine Kumiko because she finds evidence that her father, who should have died, was "alive." Set in 1945, near the end of WW II, Kenichiro Nogami is reported to have died in a Swiss hospital. In fact, he is working behind the scenes to save Japan from destruction. For this cause, Kenichiro Nogami has left behind his wife and nation to work in hiding.
From all over Japan, the greatest warriors: Yagyu Jubei, Miyamoto Musashi, Araki Mataemon, and more came to test their blades in a tournament of swords. But behind the match a bloodthirsty plot is born. Tokugawa Yorinobu, a corrupt shogunate official plans to assassinate Shogun Iemitsu and take his place. With scheming samurai Yui Shosetsu and ruthless Negoro ninja leader Genyusai, he plans to incite a ronin uprising and cut a bloody trail across Japan, with terrifying Chinese gunboats to back his play. Matsudaira Izu-no-kami, councilor and friend to the shogun, along with master swordsman Yagyu Jubei and ninja master Hanzo Hattori must stop Yui Shosetsu and his army of ronin and ninja assassins from tearing the country in half and taking over the government!
ドラゴンボールZ 地球まるごと超決戦
Original Music Composer
Shingo juuban shoubu
Original Music Composer
The classic tale of the shogun's illegitimate son Aoi Shingo is told in three parts as he strives to become the greatest fencer in Japan, while his father Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune seeks to reunite with his lost son. When the secrets of Shingo's birth are revealed to him, it sets off a series of events that bring him to cross swords with members of the shogun's inner circle in a series of duels that could change the destiny of Japan.
ドラゴンボールZ オラの悟飯をかえせッ!!
ドラゴンボール 魔訶不思議大冒険
Original Music Composer
ミーファン国皇帝(餃子)の花嫁ランランが行方不明となり、ミーファン国大臣(鶴仙人)はランラン捜索のためにドラゴンボールを集めようと画策する。各地へ兵を派兵したミーファン国は、ドラゴンボールの捜索のために現地の住人まで駆り出し強制労働や虐殺などを繰り返していた。 一方で、この時期ミーファン国で開かれる武道大会で優勝すると褒章が貰えるという。ウパとボラは国の非道を正す目的で、亀仙人の弟子となった孫悟空とクリリンは腕試しのために武道大会へと赴くのであった。
ドラゴンボール 悟空の交通安全
An educational film featuring characters from "Dragon Ball". Roshi and Krillin are on their way to Bulma's birthday party, and they see a boy run into the street, nearly getting run over. Launch, as a traffic officer, teaches him about traffic safety. Meanwhile, Goku, who is also on his way to Bulma's party, gets a traffic lesson of his own from Suno after running through traffic to see her.
ウルトラB ブラックホールからの独裁者B・B
藤子不二雄A原作のTVアニメ『ウルトラB』の劇場版で、3Dアニメ作品 。宇宙から来た謎の赤ん坊ウルトラBは、小学生のミチオくんの一家と同居している。だがある日、宇宙からもう一人の超能力ベビーのブラックベビー「B.B」が出現。漆黒の姿のB.Bは同じ超能力ベビーであるウルトラBに接触し、地球征服の構想を持ちかける。だがウルトラBがこの提案を拒否したため、怒ったB.Bはミチオの友人キリコちゃんを誘拐。さらに地球上の赤ん坊たちを怪念波で操った「赤ちゃん軍団」を組織する。強大な敵に対し、ウルトラBとミチオたちは反撃を試みるが!? 先に公開された『オバケのQ太郎』劇場用二部作に続く3Dアニメ映画。劇場で観客に配布される立体メガネは、ウルトラBが着用するサングラスと同じ形状をしていた。
野風の笛 鬼の剣・松平忠輝 天下を斬る!
Tadateru Matsudaira, the sixth son of Ieyasu Tokugawa, was exiled for not taking part in the attack on Osaka Castle. 10 years before his exile expired, he was attacked in a clandestine Yagyu operation believed to have been ordered by his older brother Hidetada. In order to correct his brother's true intentions, Tadateru broke the law and went all the way from Hida Province, where he was exiled, to Edo Castle. However, the Yagyu do not stop trying to kill Tadateru...
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん ほよよ!夢の都メカポリス
Children are lured to Metropolis only to find that the renowned, mythical city may not be the happy-go-lucky utopia they'd thought it would be.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A man and a woman drift ashore after a typhoon. The man, dead, is an escaped perpetrator, and the woman, alive, is a hairdresser Masako. A detective in charge of an embezzlement case is tracking the whereabouts of disappeared money and suspects Masako. One year later, a real estate company president dies a suspicious death in front of Masako at her beauty salon. Was it an accidents or murder?
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん ほよよ!世界一周大レース
Original Music Composer
Arale and her friends learn of a World Grand Prix being organised by the Radial Kingdom. The prize is marrying Princess Front (a dead ringer to Ms. Yamabuki) or 1 million dollars. Of course they decide to enter for the money. Not so for Dr. Mashirito; he is going for the princess and will stop at nothing to win! The princess though has her own plan, which involves Ms. Yamabuki, and that of course means even Dr. Slump decides to enter with his trusty Borobo. Let the race begin...
大江戸無頼 河内山宗俊
Kotiyama is a swindler and extortionist, the head of a whole gang of crooks, usually posing as a poor monk; once he really took vows, but he was kicked out of the monastery long ago. He is enterprising, smart and not too cruel, so his accomplices love him. Posing as an envoy from the abbot of the Kennei Temple, Kotiama plays a show in front of Lord Matsue with an income of 150,000 koku, and extorts money from him. The film is based on the famous play by Kawatake Mokuami.
Dr.SLUMP “ほよよ!”宇宙大冒険
When local teacher Midori Yamabuki receives an emergency summons to her home planet it turns out to be a trap devised by galactic warlord Dr. Mashirito, and it's up to Dr. Senbei Norimaki and a group of students (including his robot daughter Arale) to venture into space to save her.
青春の門 自立篇
Original Music Composer
Mid 50s: the trials and tribulations of Shinsuke Ibuki, freshly arrived in Tokyo from Kyushu.
Original Music Composer
Saito Masao reminisces on the days of his youth more than 50 years ago and his forbidden love of his older cousin Tamiko. When he was 15, Tamiko moved in to take care of his sickly mother. The two quickly fell in love with each other but were inevitably forced by their family to live separate lives.
21 Emon: Uchū e Irasshai!
Original Music Composer
The story tells the adventures of the boy, 21 emon, engaged in the management of a hotel belonging to his family for years. In his problems, 21 emons is helped by the robot Gonsuke and the little alien Monga.
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん ハロー!不思議島
Original Music Composer
Professor Senbei finds a videotape of his deceased father providing instructions on how to create a love potion. The main ingredient is a tear of the evil Gyaasuka Daimao who lives at the Wonder Island. To retrieve it, Senbei takes Arale and Gatchan on a wacky adventure.
仮面ライダースーパー1 THE MOVIE
Original Music Composer
映画ドラえもん のび太の恐竜
Original Music Composer
ティラノサウルスの爪の化石を自慢するスネ夫に対抗し、のび太は「恐竜の化石を一匹分丸ごと見つけてみせる!」と、突拍子もない宣言をしてしまう。 その後、偶然にも首長竜の卵の化石を発掘したのび太は、タイムふろしきを使って卵を化石になる前の状態に戻し、孵化させる。のび太は孵化した首長竜の子供をピー助と名づけて可愛がり、ピー助ものび太を慕って育つ。だが成長するにつれてピー助を匿うのが困難になってくる。ピー助の本当の幸せを願い、のび太はタイムマシンで白亜紀の世界へ帰してやる(ここまでが短編作品のあらすじ)。 しかしその後、ピー助を白亜紀へ連れ帰ったときに恐竜ハンターの攻撃を受けたことによりタイムマシンの空間移動機能が故障しており(時間移動機能はダメージを受けておらず、作動する)、ピー助を本来の棲息地である日本近海ではなく、北アメリカ(エラスモサウルスの生息域)へ置いて来てしまったことが判明する。ドラえもんとのび太はタイムマシンで再びピー助のもとへ行こうとするが、ジャイアン・スネ夫・しずかが無理やり同乗して定員オーバーで暴走した[7]ためにタイムマシンの空間移動機能が完全に壊れてしまい、日本の、正確にいえば1億年後にのび太の机が置かれることになる場所にタイムマシンを置かない限り元の時代へ戻れなくなってしまう。さらに未来から来た恐竜ハンターがピー助をつけ狙う。ピー助を元の住処へ戻すべく、そして無事に20世紀に帰るべく、白亜紀を舞台にのび太達の冒険が始まる。
仮面ライダー 8人ライダーVS銀河王
宇宙からのメッセージ 銀河大戦
The movie version of Ryu and Hayato fighting against the Gavanas Empire.
A tiny girl, only as long as a man's thumb, is born to a childless woman, abducted by frogs who want her to marry their son, but escaping instead (with the help of a bumblebee) to find a real prince without having to kiss the frog first.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
柔道から野球部に転部したキャッチャー・ドカベンこと山田太郎、怪力で三枚目の岩鬼正美、そして野球部主将・長島徹。この三人を中心に、天才的な音楽の才能を持つ殿馬一人、ドカベンのライバル・影丸、賀間、柔道部主将のわびすけ、酔いどれ野球部監督・徳川ら個性豊かなキャラクターが明訓高校で織りなす青春群像劇。甲子園出場を目指す野球部主将・長島が、山田の素質を見抜き野球部に勧誘するも、山田はなぜか弱小柔道部へ。山田にライバル意識を燃やす岩鬼も続いて入部し、柔道部は一気に最強の運動部へと発展するが……。 空前のブームを巻き起こした、水島新司原作の大ヒット野球コミックを完全映画化。主役三人は全国公募で選ばれ、長島徹役に見事抜擢された永島敏行の映画デビュー作でもある。さらには、酔いどれ監督・徳川役を原作者の水島新司が熱演。鈴木則文監督が挑んだエンターテインメント青春映画。
Captured by an alien empire from the planet Dada, Dr. Hayama has programmed the personalities of his two kidnapped sons, Joji and Ryuji, into two Cyberroids to combat the Dada Robot Army and care for his youngest son, Kenji.
Original Music Composer
Yusaku Matsuda plays an ex-boxer who killed an opponent during a fight. He is brought into a school to deal with a gang of disruptive students led by Hiroshi Tachi.
お祭り野郎 魚河岸の兄弟分
A man working in a fish market is crazy about festivals.
The Karate Professionals
Feature film adventure of Robocon and his pals.
Original Music Composer
A karate master played by Sonny Chiba is attacked and left crippled and blinded in one eye. He trains his daughter (Etsuko Shihomi) with the intention of her avenging not only himself but a murdered friend.
デルザー軍団壊滅後、7人の仮面ライダーの活躍を助けて見守ってきた立花藤兵衛は、町の子供たちを相手に歴代ライダーの武勇伝に花を咲かせていた。 藤兵衛は子供たちにせがまれて、後楽園遊園地の「仮面ライダーショー」の見物に行く。そこに7人ライダーが現れ、過去の戦いを振り返る。 ステージ上にいるのは本物の怪人で、暗黒大将軍と名乗る怪人物に操られていた。7人ライダーは暗黒大将軍と怪人軍団を倒した。
けんか空手 極真無頼拳
UFOロボ グレンダイザー 劇場版
がんばれ!!ロボコン ムギョギョ!!食いねぇ
Robocon and his fun-loving robot pals return in the 39th episode of his TV series released theatrically as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri.
Original Music Composer
がんばれ!!ロボコン ゆかいな仲間
The 30th episode of the TV series about comedic robots is released theatrically.
劇場版 仮面ライダーストロンガー
Original Music Composer
Robocon and his friends in a theatrical release of the ninth episode of the TV series.
若い貴族たち 13階段のマキ
Original Music Composer
Maki is the leader of a female gang who fights for justice, but she ends up being framed and sent to a sadistic woman's prison. Will Maki be able to escape and take revenge?
女必殺拳 危機一発
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
0課の女 赤い手錠
Original Music Composer
Agent Zero is a cop that uses her own methods for dealing with criminals. After she unlawfully kills a rapist in a violent fashion, she is sent to prison and stripped of her badge. But very soon after, a rich politician's daughter is kidnapped by a ruthless gang. Agent Zero is let out of prison with the mission of going undercover to find the politician's daughter and return her safely. Using her deadly red handcuffs, she disposes of the criminals one by one.
劇場版 仮面ライダーX
女囚さそり けもの部屋
Original Music Composer
Robot Detective K and his human colleagues battle the criminal organization BADDO. Theatrical release re-edited from episodes 1-9, 11, and 12 of the TV series with newly-added narration.
Original Music Composer
A young girl works as a geisha to earn money for travel.
劇場版 仮面ライダーV3
女囚さそり 第41雑居房
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
世界征服を企むショッカーの大幹部・地獄大使 は、富士山頂にスーパー破壊光線を設置し、日本全土を焼き尽くそうとしていた。その野望実現のためには、仮面ライダーこと本郷猛 が邪魔だった。そこで地獄大使は、東日本ロードレースに出場していた本郷と滝和也 を襲撃。さらに、立花藤兵衛、ユリ、エミ を誘拐する。ショッカーの秘密基地に閉じ込められ、絶体絶命に陥った本郷猛に、怪人カミキリキッドと怪人軍団が襲いかかる……。
Two children merge into the superhero Barom-1 to fight the evil Dolge. Theatrical release based on the Tv series.
変身忍者 嵐
During the Edo period, Henshin Ninja Arashi and his allies fight for peace.
Original Music Composer
まむしの兄弟 お礼参り
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
懲役太郎 まむしの兄弟
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Takeshi Ijuin leaves for Chicago to be a cameraman, and a few years later returns to Japan. But he only learned the technique of homicide in Chicago. When he visits the graveyard with his father to pray at his mother's tomb, his father is shot by someone. Now he thirsts for revenge.
Original Music Composer
A five year old boy leaves his mother and grandparents to see his father who has gone to work in Osaka.
Original Music Composer
When the boss of the Nakano Family decides to retire and makes a loyal follower the new boss instead of his own son, it causes strife in the family. Sides are taken and lines are drawn. Meanwhile, a rival family with a land dispute with the Nakano starts pulling strings behind the scenes...
Original Music Composer
Naoto Date, also known as Tiger Mask, betrayed the international villainous wrestler group "Tiger's Den" to which he belongs in order to protect the orphanage "Children's House", which can be said to be his parents' home. Tora no Ana, who is trying to punish him with death, sends the beastman gorillaman as the next assassin. Faced with a formidable foe who boasts superhuman strength, he once thought about using a foul technique to get through.
任侠興亡史 組長と代貸
Original Music Composer
A reformed gangster agrees to help a former yakuza member.
昭和残侠伝 死んで貰います
Original Music Composer
Young yakuza Shujiro Hanada goes to prison after losing his cool in a rigged gambling game and slashing a few other players. When he's released in 1927, the world has changed. His sister died in the Great Kanto Earthquake and his father is also gone. His brother Jukichi invites him to stay at his in-laws and works in their family pub. He lies low, helping his blind mother-in-law and slowly developing a relationship with Ikuye, the hostess who helped him before his arrest. But trouble lurks when the resident gang decides to show its strength.
組織暴力 兄弟盃
Original Music Composer
After the war, Kijima (Bunta Sugawara) returns to Tokyo where he meets Ôba (Noboru Andô), an Ex-Kamikaze pilot, and the two ruffians gather hooligans to join their group. In Ginza, the Togawa gang have taken over Sakurada's territory. After several fights Kijima and Ôba gain control of the territory by chasing out the notorious Togawa Group in the name of Sakurada. But Kijima is arrested for assaulting an American soldier. A few years pass. Kijima has served his prison term and the sears of war have been erased from Ginza. Ôba is now president of a company specializing in collection of bad debts, cheque frauds and everything that means money. People call their organization the “Private Police,” and Kijima begins to work for Ôba. Now the Takegami gang waits a chance to seize the Ginza territory.
Original Music Composer
昭和残侠伝 唐獅子仁義
Original Music Composer
Hidejuro is sent to prison after killing the boss of a rival family. After being released, he discovers that his family has scattered and he is taken in by a company of quarry workers, whose boss has a strict code of non-violence. When the rival family tries to take over the company and kills their boss, Hidejuro must choose between his promise of non-violence and his yakuza code of revenge...
現代やくざ 与太者の掟
Forth film in the Gokudo series with Tomisaburô Wakayama
Original Music Composer
Up until this point, young Sayuri Nanjo has had to live most of her life in a nun-run boarding school for orphans and away from her parents. That's all about to change when her real father mysteriously comes to get her and finally bring her home.
Original Music Composer
A group of military personnel transporting a hydrogen bomb are left to figure out how and why swarms of killer bugs took down their plane; the answer is more deliriously nihilistic, and convoluted, than you could imagine. Also known as War of the Insects, GENOCIDE enacts a cracked doomsday scenario like no other.
Sixth entry in the Bakuchi-uchi series.
兄弟仁義 逆縁の盃
Yakuza Kojima appeared in Yokkaichi in search of her mother who died when she was young. There he met Torajiro, a master of kendo, who had just left prison after slashing his adoptive father who stole his son's wife. Torajiro was on his way to his brother-in-law, Iwai. While talking about themselves, they someday felt something similar to friendship.
Original Music Composer
The survivors of a plane crash in a remote area are attacked by blob-like alien creatures that turn their victims into blood-thirsty vampires.
Kaidan hebi-onna
Original Music Composer
An old man dies of heartbreak when a cruel landlord is about to repossess his land. The old man haunts the landlord from the grave. Since the man died in debt, his wife and daughter are indentured servants and are forced to work in the landlord's factory.
男の勝負 白虎の鉄
Original Music Composer
Tetsu, is a honourable and noble yakuza caught in a conflict between rival clans, and obligations each has toward their yakuza boss and brothers. A railroad line brings changing times to a community. Because Tetsu can't stand by and allow a bunch of yakuza men to molest women, it forces him to battle it out with a knife wielding rival, the unfortunate incident leads to his boss losing face and him having to leave the family to protect it. But the rival family won't stop until they destroy Tetsu who will risk life and love for his brothers.
兄弟仁義 関東兄貴分
Original Music Composer
Sixth film in the "Kyodai Jingi" series. Three gangsters challenge an underworld group in northern Japan.
男の勝負 関東嵐
Original Music Composer
After being bailed out of trouble by a member of the Kaijima Clan, Ryuhei dedicates himself to saving the Kajima’s lucrative lumber business.
昭和残侠伝 血染の唐獅子
Original Music Composer
Fierce war breaks out when Shujiro’s rival clan attempts to sabotage his lucrative construction business.
Original Music Composer
Inosuke, a former gangster, and his friends struggle to make a living as simple fishermen in this tale of chivalry and friendship among yakuza in the northern regions.
兄弟仁義 続関東三兄弟
The fourth part in the series "Code Between Brothers". The story takes place in Fukagawa, Tokyo, at the beginning of the Showa era, where five players following the harsh path of a knight defeat a despicable Yakuza gang.
Original Music Composer
Zoku rokyoku komori uta
Original Music Composer
Bungo is released from prison to find his son Kenichi in the care of strangers. Teruko, the woman originally looking after the boy, was forced to leave town and sell herself into prostitution. Bungo and Kenichi, in their search for Teruko, arrive in a new place and find work running a peddling stall for the upright Tatsumaki family. However, the drifting father and son soon find themselves caught up in a struggle for territory. Boss Negishi, the head of the yakuza family responsible for the death of the former Tatsumaki leader, will stop at nothing to take over the marketplace. Sickened by the injustice, Bungo takes on the rival boss knowing it might cost him his newly acquired freedom..
Original Music Composer
Thriller about a gangster and an outlaw who become friends despite their different outlooks.
兄弟仁義 関東三兄弟
Original Music Composer
A man finds great camaraderie while traveling.
Original Music Composer
A teenage boy discovers that the planet Icarus is on a collision course with Earth by gazing through his telescope. Scoffed at by the scientific establishment, the boy is kidnapped and brought to a secret UN base in the Japan alps. He is immediately inducted into the secret program whose mission is to finish the Super-Destruction Beam cannon and destroy Icarus. The cannon is missing a special mineral for the lens. The team heads for a mysterious island in the middle of the Pacific. There they find ancient ruins of Atlantis but they are suddenly attacked by a strange drill shaped metal squid spaceship. It's commanded by the evil being Nazu who has engineered the collision with Icarus! He doesn't want to share the universe with humans and he really doesn't want the cannon finished. The action is on and the team discovers the Golden Bat who has been asleep for over 10,000 years awaiting this very moment to save the earth!
Original Music Composer
Bungo becomes a single parent when his wife leaves him because of his drinking and gambling. Deciding to quit his vices, he works menial jobs, drifting from city to city. However, not completely losing his gambling tastes, he became a hunted man and must escape to Tokyo after he was found cheating at dice. Bungo and his son Kenichi comes upon the Kizaki Family in Asakusa, where more troubles are awaiting them...
侠客三国志 佐渡ヶ島の決斗
続 兄弟仁義
Original Music Composer
The services of a wandering gambler, Seiji, are called upon to protect the turf of his loyal friend Risaburo.
スパイキャッチャーJ3 SOS危機一発
TULIP (The Undercover Line of International Police) is a New York-based international police force in direct opposition to the criminal organization TIGER (The International Group of Espionage and Revolt). Shunsuke Dan is agent Spycatcher J3 of the TULIP Japan Branch. Spycatcher J3 stands against TIGER's machinations.
昭和残侠伝 一匹狼
Original Music Composer
Yakuza families clash over a lucrative fishery business.
Original Music Composer
Part one.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Famous enka singer Saburo Kitajima stars as Katsuji, a traveling craps artist who finds great camaraderie on the road.
昭和残侠伝 唐獅子牡丹
Original Music Composer
Hidejiro is a wandering yakuza with a ‘karashi botan’ (Chinese lion and peony) tattoo. Owing a favor to the Soda Family, he kills the boss of the rival Sakaki Family. When the Soda attacks the Sakaki and double-crosses him, with sword in hand, Hidejiro seeks brutal retribution.
Original Music Composer
Fifth film in the "Inu" series.
Original Music Composer
After World War II, their town was a pile of rubble. Gennosuke, the second-generation boss of the Kamizu Group was upholding yakuza chivalry by keeping black-market and illegal items out of their open-air market. Taking advantage of the mess, Iwasa and his gang take hold of goods from the US military, black-market and controlled items in order to become the most powerful group in the Enko area. Iwasa has Gennosuke assassinated but before he dies, he names Shinji Terajima as his successor and makes him swear to carry on the family business and not seek revenge or use violence. Shinji tries to make his family’s marketplace a success, but with constant interruption and attacks from Iwasa’s gang, he can no longer keep his word to his former boss.
次郎長三国志 甲州路殴り込み
The continuing adventures of the Jirocho gang.
Original Music Composer
A crime film released in 1965
明治侠客伝 三代目襲名
Osaka, 1907: Asajiro lives between a rock and a hard place: he has to keep his business clean and running, tame his late oyabun’s hot-blooded son and suffer the throes of his impossible love for beautiful geisha Hatsue.
Original Music Composer
A hunchbacked caretaker presides over a forlorn mansion inhabited by the ghosts of his previous masters. An unbelieving trio (a doctor, his assistant and his niece) fail to heed the caretaker's warnings and are slaughtered horribly by the jealous occupants.
警視庁物語 行方不明
Two people disappeared, engineers of the company Yamato Matsui and Koyama. The two worked overtime, and it is proven that they consumed alcohol together. According to the sushi restaurant employee who delivered the order around 9 p.m., the two were arguing loudly. Traces of blood were found at the scene, and it looks like a murder occurred. The Investigative Department begins an investigation… The 24nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.
A film about the confrontation between two yakuza groups in the brutal Miike prison, which contained 1,500 inmates. The second film in the series Gambler / Bakuto directed by Shigehiro Ozawa.
Original Music Composer
After losing all his money, Kizuka Keita, a seller on the black market, is trying to commit suicide. But he is saved by Morigen, a broker on the azuki beans market. A young man tries to regain his wealth in the bean market.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
An uplifting drama about the bond between a group of high school seniors and their kind-hearted teacher, Mr. Yabuki. Faced with the rigors of growing up in modern times, students often look to Mr. Yabuki for advice and guidance. But when Mr. Yabuki’s career is threatened as a result of a false accusation from the school’s PTA, the students band together to stand up for their beloved teacher and help him to save his good reputation and job.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
First ninkyo yakuza picture at Toei directed by Teruo Ishii
警視庁物語 十代の足どり
A 16-year-old high school student Midori Matsumoto was found dead on the banks of the Tama River. The only clue is shoe marks on rubber soles. From the interview of witnesses, it became clear that Midori was walking with a guy last night. In addition, it turned out that Midori was close to a college student Kimoto, and a high school student Miyazaki. According to his friends, Miyazaki had an alibi, but Kimoto did not. A unique work in which the problems of teenage sex are considered from the point of view of the murder of a girl. The 21nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.
警視庁物語 ウラ付け捜査
This time, the investigation division is investigating the case of a man who confessed to killing a woman in a labyrinth 2 years ago, adhering to the constitutional provision that "confessing a suspect is not a crime." The 20nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.
The plot opens with the hero (Tsuruta) leaving prison, having served time through taking the blame for a fellow gang member’s crime. However, his former gang boss seems to have gone to seed, with people now killing each other and dealing in drugs. The hero then teams up with a lone operator (Tamba) who specialises in shaking down gangsters.
警視庁物語 自供
The corpse of a man is found in the Dobu River in Tokyo, the victim was a man named Genzaburo Sakai, who was engaged in debt collection. The shoe shiner Kinoshita, who was in debt to Sakai, was soon apprehended. During interrogation, Kinoshita said that he was the one who killed Sakai. However, after a while, he admitted that he lied, because he thought that in prison he could eat plenty of rice for free. The investigation established that Sakai was a repatriate from Manchuria, and after returning to Japan, he had a wife, Rie Kawai. The investigation begins the search for Rie... The 23nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.