Carmen Ilie


Backdraft 2
Set Costumer
Years after the original Backdraft, Sean, son of the late Steve "Bull" McCaffrey, is assigned to investigate a deadly fire only to realize it is something much more sinister.
Set Costumer
伝説の勇者マサイアスは、王暗殺の汚名を着せられ、たくらんだ悪の王位継承者に追われる身 に。そんな時ミステリアスな女性と出会い、彼女と一緒に世界征服ができるほどの力を持つ秘 宝を探すことに。そして、敵も秘宝とそのパワーを手に入れようとしていた。立ちはだかる強 大な敵に、マサイアスはひとり立ち向かうのであった。
Queen & Country
Set Costumer
An Englishman who grew up in London during World War II joins the military to fight in the Korean War.
A Princess for Christmas
Set Costumer
After her sister and brother-in-law's tragic deaths, an American woman who is the guardian for her young niece and nephew is invited to a royal European castle for Christmas by her late brother-in-law's father, the Duke of Castlebury. Feeling out of place as a commoner, she is determined to give her family a merry Christmas and surprises herself when she falls for a handsome prince.
The Childhood of Icarus
Set Costumer
Jonathan Vogel (Guillaume Depardieu) would like to turn back the clock and undo the accident that led to his disability and destroyed his life. When he learns that Stivlas Karr (Carlo Brandt), a well-known professor and geneticist, has developed a gene therapy for regenerating the human body, he makes an appointment with him for some clinical tests. But the therapy doesnt go according to Professor Karrs plan and leads to unexpected results. Jonathan, whose life is now in danger, has become aware that there is only one person who can help him: Alice (Alysson Paradis), the professors daughter.
トゥルース 闇の告発
Costume Assistant
Nebraska cop Kathryn Bolkovac discovers a deadly sex trafficking ring while serving as a U.N. peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. Risking her own life to save the lives of others, she uncovers an international conspiracy that is determined to stop her, no matter the cost.
Set Costumer
Year 1100. Italy.The Northern lands are ruled by a German emperor: Fredrick aka "Barbarossa. His dream is to conquer also the lands in the Center and in the South so as to revive the Empire that was once of the one Charles Magno.But in the North a young man from Milan has formed an army of 900 young men coming from different cities: the "company of death". This young man's name is Alberto Da Giussano. His dream is to defeat the Emperor and to give back freedom to the Northern lands.
Shadow Man
Set Costumer
An intelligence operative discovers that no one is what they seem in the shadowy world of espionage.
コールド マウンテン
Set Costumer