Kenneth Rexach


Still Photographer
After a heroic job of successfully landing his storm-damaged aircraft in a war zone, a fearless pilot finds himself between the agendas of multiple militias planning to take the plane and its passengers hostage.
Fortress: Sniper's Eye
Still Photographer
Weeks after the deadly assault on Fortress Camp, Robert makes a daring rescue to save Sasha, the widow of his old nemesis Balzary. But back in the camp's command bunker, it appears Sasha may have devious plans of her own. As a new attack breaks out, Robert is confronted with a familiar face he thought he'd never see again…
エクストーション 家族の値段
Still Photographer
カリブ海のリゾート地に家族旅行に来たケビン(アイオン・ベイリー)は、息子のアンディにせがまれ、妻のジュリーとボートで遥か沖合の無人島に渡るが、エンジンが故障し帰れなくなってしまう。 内地と連絡を取る手立ても無く、救助を待っていたが、真夏の赤道直下でアンディが脱水症状を起こし危篤状態に陥ってしまう。生死を分ける72時間の壁も迫り、ケビンの意識も薄れていく。 その時、奇跡的に通りかかった一隻の漁船が救助に来てくれた。しかし、漁船の船長ミゲル(バーカッド・アブディ)は、ケビンが医師と知ると、耳を疑う法外な報酬を要求してきた。 “妻子を助けてほしければ、百万ドルの金を払え―"。アンディの容態が刻一刻と悪化する中、余儀なく金を払うことで合意し、家族は助かるはずだった。しかし、これは悪夢の始まりに過ぎなかった・・・。
The Caller
Digital Imaging Technician
Troubled divorcee Mary Kee is tormented by a series of sinister phone calls from a mysterious woman. When the stranger reveals she's calling from the past, Mary tries to break off contact. But the caller doesn't like being ignored, and looks for revenge in a unique and terrifying way...
エネミー・ライン3 激戦コロンビア
Still Photographer
Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.