
Plane (2023)

Survive together or die alone.

ジャンル : アクション, アドベンチャー, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 47分

演出 : Jean-François Richet
脚本 : Charles Cumming, J.P. Davis


After a heroic job of successfully landing his storm-damaged aircraft in a war zone, a fearless pilot finds himself between the agendas of multiple militias planning to take the plane and its passengers hostage.


Gerard Butler
Gerard Butler
Brodie Torrance
Mike Colter
Mike Colter
Louis Gaspare
Yoson An
Yoson An
Tony Goldwyn
Tony Goldwyn
Daniella Pineda
Daniella Pineda
Paul Ben-Victor
Paul Ben-Victor
Remi Adeleke
Remi Adeleke
Joey Slotnick
Joey Slotnick
Evan Dane Taylor
Evan Dane Taylor
Claro de los Reyes
Claro de los Reyes
Kelly Gale
Kelly Gale
Haleigh Hekking
Haleigh Hekking
Daniela Torrance
Lilly Krug
Lilly Krug
Oliver Trevena
Oliver Trevena
Tara Westwood
Tara Westwood
Mark Labella
Mark Labella
Manila ATC
Quinn McPherson
Quinn McPherson
Kate Rachesky
Kate Rachesky
Flight Attendant
Amber Rivera
Amber Rivera
Maria Falco
Otis Winston
Otis Winston
RCMP Officer Knight
Modesto Lacen
Modesto Lacen
Antonio Ortega
Jeff Francisco
Jeff Francisco
Jeffrey Holsman
Jeffrey Holsman
Trailblazer Captain
Ariel Felix
Ariel Felix
Rose Eshay
Rose Eshay
Ana Fernández
Jessica Nam
Jessica Nam
Thomas A. Curran
Thomas A. Curran
Trailblazer Executive
Ricky Robles Cruz
Ricky Robles Cruz
Javier Molina
Matthew Valeña
Matthew Valeña
Manila ATC Supervisor
Natalia Román García
Natalia Román García
Airport passenger (background)
Ángel Fabián Rivera
Ángel Fabián Rivera
Karim Rahim
Heather Seiffert
Heather Seiffert
Carrie Torrance
Kate Bisset
Kate Bisset
Maria Burnham


Lorenzo Di Bonaventura
Lorenzo Di Bonaventura
Mark Vahradian
Mark Vahradian
Marc Butan
Marc Butan
Gerard Butler
Gerard Butler
Alan Siegel
Alan Siegel
Charles Cumming
Charles Cumming
J.P. Davis
J.P. Davis
Jean-François Richet
Jean-François Richet
Michael Cho
Michael Cho
Executive Producer
Tim Lee
Tim Lee
Executive Producer
Gary Raskin
Gary Raskin
Executive Producer
Alastair Burlingham
Alastair Burlingham
Executive Producer
Vicki Dee Rock
Vicki Dee Rock
Executive Producer
Luillo Ruiz
Luillo Ruiz
Brendan Galvin
Brendan Galvin
Director of Photography
Anne McCarthy
Anne McCarthy
Kellie Roy
Kellie Roy
Mailara Santana
Mailara Santana
Production Design
Glenda Rosa
Glenda Rosa
Set Decoration
Erinn Knight
Erinn Knight
Costume Design
Geisha M. Barreto
Geisha M. Barreto
Assistant Makeup Artist
John Blake
John Blake
Makeup Department Head
Marta Ezal Colón
Marta Ezal Colón
Key Makeup Artist
Daniel Curet
Daniel Curet
Hair Department Head
Merly Jan Jiménez
Merly Jan Jiménez
Makeup Artist
Nicole Leaño Colón
Nicole Leaño Colón
Key Makeup Artist
Scott Elias
Scott Elias
Production Manager
Adrienne Franciscus
Adrienne Franciscus
Production Supervisor
Carolina Wolf
Carolina Wolf
Production Office Coordinator
Mathew Dunne
Mathew Dunne
First Assistant Director
Tom Brewster
Tom Brewster
Second Assistant Director
José Gilberto Molinari Rosaly
José Gilberto Molinari Rosaly
First Assistant Director
Bradley Parker
Bradley Parker
Second Unit Director
Julian Wall
Julian Wall
Second Unit First Assistant Director
Gladys Bustos
Gladys Bustos
Property Master
Jose Juan Garcia Camacho
Jose Juan Garcia Camacho
Set Designer
Marsi Caraballo
Marsi Caraballo
Graphic Designer
Sergio Morales Colon
Sergio Morales Colon
Set Dresser
Thomas Early
Thomas Early
Construction Coordinator
Dylan Gray
Dylan Gray
Mariella Navarro
Mariella Navarro
Art Department Coordinator
Ricardo Naveira
Ricardo Naveira
Construction Foreman
Juan j. Garcia Perez
Juan j. Garcia Perez
Michael Scott Rivera
Michael Scott Rivera
Set Dresser
Jimmy Santos
Jimmy Santos
On Set Dresser
Jimmy Santos
Jimmy Santos
Set Dresser
Christopher S. Aud
Christopher S. Aud
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Odin Benitez
Odin Benitez
Supervising Sound Editor
Antonio Betancourt
Antonio Betancourt
Sound Mixer
Arjun Demeyere
Arjun Demeyere
Mark DeSimone
Mark DeSimone
ADR Mixer
Alan Freedman
Alan Freedman
ADR Mixer
Luis Antonio Landrau
Luis Antonio Landrau
Boom Operator
Duncan McRae
Duncan McRae
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Barbara Yuya Rivera
Barbara Yuya Rivera
Boom Operator
Jennie Shea
Jennie Shea
ADR Recordist
Roland N. Thai
Roland N. Thai
Sound Designer
Byron Wilson
Byron Wilson
Supervising Sound Editor
Erik Bloomer
Erik Bloomer
Special Effects
Charlie Bonilla
Charlie Bonilla
Pyrotechnic Supervisor
Stewart Bradley
Stewart Bradley
Special Effects
Steve Collins
Steve Collins
Special Effects
Ryan Harms
Ryan Harms
Special Effects Technician
Trevor Hill
Trevor Hill
Special Effects
Tim Prawitz
Tim Prawitz
Giulio Campiglia
Giulio Campiglia
Visual Effects Producer
Ayumi Funatsu
Ayumi Funatsu
Digital Compositor
Amanda Hollingworth
Amanda Hollingworth
Digital Compositor
Jason Kozsurek
Jason Kozsurek
Digital Compositor
Andrea Marotti
Andrea Marotti
Visual Effects Producer
Ray McIntyre Jr.
Ray McIntyre Jr.
Visual Effects Supervisor
Denya McLean-Adhya
Denya McLean-Adhya
Visual Effects Coordinator
Divyansh Mittal
Divyansh Mittal
Visual Effects Supervisor
Cailin Munroe
Cailin Munroe
Visual Effects Coordinator
Eric Ng
Eric Ng
Digital Compositor
Martin O'Brien
Martin O'Brien
Visual Effects Producer
Beau Parsons
Beau Parsons
Visual Effects Supervisor
Wen Qian
Wen Qian
Compositing Supervisor
Nerina Sanchez
Nerina Sanchez
Digital Compositor
Mike Suta
Mike Suta
Digital Compositor
Hyunsu Yang
Hyunsu Yang
Digital Compositor
Lloyd Barachina
Lloyd Barachina
Joe Bucaro III
Joe Bucaro III
Stunt Double
Bryan Cartago
Bryan Cartago
Alvin Chon
Alvin Chon
James M. Churchman
James M. Churchman
Stunt Coordinator
Michelle Cortés
Michelle Cortés
Phillip Dang
Phillip Dang
Malay Kim
Malay Kim
Jessica Nam
Jessica Nam
Phi-Long Nguyen
Phi-Long Nguyen
Sam Situmorang
Sam Situmorang
Stunt Driver
Kimberley Sutton
Kimberley Sutton
Stunt Coordinator
Enele Ma'afu Tauteoli
Enele Ma'afu Tauteoli
Eric VanArsdale
Eric VanArsdale
Utility Stunts
Michelle Pak
Michelle Pak
Casting Assistant
Miguel Baerga
Miguel Baerga
Techno Crane Operator
Eric Catelan
Eric Catelan
Steadicam Operator
Eric Catelan
Eric Catelan
Camera Operator
Eric Damazio
Eric Damazio
Key Grip
Carlos Giovanni De Leon
Carlos Giovanni De Leon
Second Assistant Camera
Eric Dvorsky
Eric Dvorsky
Aerial Camera Technician
Carlos García
Carlos García
First Assistant Camera
Natasha I. Nieves
Natasha I. Nieves
Vern Nobles Jr.
Vern Nobles Jr.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Gabriel Padilla
Gabriel Padilla
Kenneth Rexach
Kenneth Rexach
Still Photographer
Carlos Cali Rivera
Carlos Cali Rivera
Rigging Gaffer
Orlando Suárez
Orlando Suárez
Carlos J. Vázquez
Carlos J. Vázquez
Video Assist Operator
Carlos Zayas
Carlos Zayas
Camera Operator
Mark Avery
Mark Avery
Diego Chamorro
Diego Chamorro
Set Costumer
Torri Knight
Torri Knight
Assistant Costume Designer
Ali Lammari
Ali Lammari
Set Costumer
Johnna Thomas
Johnna Thomas
Costume Supervisor
Francisco Cueto
Francisco Cueto
Dailies Operator
Joe Rosenbloom
Joe Rosenbloom
First Assistant Editor
Anna Rottke
Anna Rottke
First Assistant Editor
Mike Sowa
Mike Sowa
Jose R. Hilera
Jose R. Hilera
Assistant Location Manager
Mark Graham
Mark Graham
Tyson Lozensky
Tyson Lozensky
Score Engineer
Jim Schultz
Jim Schultz
Music Editor
Josiuan Rojas
Josiuan Rojas
Transportation Coordinator
Kevin de la Cruz
Kevin de la Cruz
Production Assistant
Mariarosa Calderon
Mariarosa Calderon
Marek Stout
Marek Stout
Production Assistant
Andrew Wert
Andrew Wert
Charles Cumming
Charles Cumming
Marco Beltrami
Marco Beltrami
Original Music Composer
Marcus Trumpp
Marcus Trumpp
Original Music Composer
David Rosenbloom
David Rosenbloom
Nik Bower
Nik Bower
Executive Producer
Deepak Nayar
Deepak Nayar
Executive Producer
J.P. Davis
J.P. Davis
Executive Producer
Allen Liu
Allen Liu
Executive Producer
Christian Gudegast
Christian Gudegast
Executive Producer
Edward Fee
Edward Fee
Executive Producer


Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
あの戦いから2年。 セフィロスがもたらした大破壊から立ち直りつつあった 魔晄都市「ミッドガル」を、謎の厄災が襲う。 「星痕症候群」と呼ばれるその病は、治療方法も見つからないまま次々と人々を死に至らしめていく。 この病に呼応するかのように現れた新たなる敵。 平和と引き換えに大事な仲間達を失い、深い自責の念に心を閉ざしていたクラウドは、眼前に迫った避けようのない戦いを前に思い悩む。 「罪って許されるのか。」 長い葛藤の末、ついに戦いを決意するクラウド。 敵の目的は何なのか?なぜ人々が病に倒れるのか? 人知を超えた戦いの先に待ち受けていた真実とは──。
00メンバーらによるジブラルタルでのNATOの演習訓練中、「スパイに死を」との標札とともに、004が殺害された。訓練に参加していた007ことボンドは暗殺者を追跡。死闘の末に暗殺者を倒す。 その後、ボンドはソ連が支配する東側のチェコスロバキアにいた。ソ連の重要人物コスコフ将軍から、ボンドを名指ししての亡命の協力依頼が英国情報部に入りその任務のために現地へ潜入していた。先に潜入していた同僚のソーンダースとともに、クラシック演奏会場から脱出したコスコフを援護する。
親友であるCIAのフェリックス・ライターの結婚式に向かう途中、「サンチェスが現れた」とDEA(麻薬取締局)の連絡を受け、ボンドとライターは現場に向かう。サンチェスはDEAが長年追っている麻薬王だったが、自身の人脈で固めた地元を離れてアメリカ領内に姿を見せたということは、二度とない捕獲のチャンスだった。 ボンドとライターは、サンチェスが逃走に使ったセスナをヘリコプターで釣り上げ捕らえ、スカイダイビングで花嫁デラが待つ教会に降り立った。 しかし、サンチェスは買収した捜査官キリファーの手助けで護送車から逃亡。新婚初夜のライター夫妻を襲い、デラを殺した上ライターを拉致してサメに足を食べさせてしまった。 帰国しようとしていたボンドは、空港でサンチェスの逃亡を知りライター宅に急いだが、そこで無残なライター夫妻の姿を発見する。ボンドは報復を誓うが、任務を逸脱した行為に対してMが自ら訪米、別件の任務を指示する。ボンドは辞職を示し、その場から逃走。単身、サンチェスの元へ乗り込む。
フランス映画の巨匠ジャン・ルノワール監督が、ミュッセの戯曲に想を得て、ブルジョワたちが織りなす恋愛騒動を描き、社会を痛烈に風刺した映画史上の傑作中の傑作。 美しい妻クリスチーヌを愛しながら、愛人と別れられないラ・シェネ侯爵。一方、クリスチーヌのために大西洋横断23時間の偉業を達成した飛行家アンドレと、その友人オクターヴ。ある日、侯爵の別荘で催される狩猟の集いに全員が顔を合わせる…。
Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s endearing clown, takes a holiday at a seaside resort, where his presence provokes one catastrophe after another. Tati’s masterpiece of gentle slapstick is a series of effortlessly well-choreographed sight gags involving dogs, boats, and firecrackers; it was the first entry in the Hulot series and the film that launched its maker to international stardom.
F.P.1 Doesn't Answer
F.P.1 is a huge airplane landing dock in the Atlantic where pilots making the transatlantic flight can stop. Yet a saboteur tries to sink the technical wonder in this classic German science fiction film from 1932. The film was also created with English and French speaking actors at the same time.
Blind Chance
Witek runs after a train. Three variations follow on how such a seemingly banal incident could influence the rest of Witek's life.


偉大な王であり、守護者であるティ・チャラを失ったワカンダ王国。悲しみに打ちひしがれる中、謎の海底王国タロカンからの脅威が迫る…。ワカンダと世界を揺るがす危機に、残された者たちはどう立ち向かうのか。そして、新たな希望となるブラックパンサーを受け継ぐ者は誰なのか…。絶対的な存在を失いながらも、未来を切りひらく者たちの熱き戦いを描いたドラマチック・アクション超大作が始まる!第80回ゴールデングローブ賞 助演女優賞受賞!
Londoners Maya and Jamie escape their urban nightmare to the tranquility of rural Ireland only to discover malevolent, murderous goblins lurking in the gnarled, ancient wood at the foot of their new garden. When heavily pregnant Maya’s relationship with a local family turns sour, who – or what – will come to her rescue and what extremes will she go to to protect her unborn child?
A soldier caught by enemies and presumed dead comes back to complete his mission, accompanied by old companions and foes.
ノック 終末の訪問者
Little Dixie
Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.
Saint Omer
A novelist attends the trial of a woman accused of killing her 15-month-old daughter by abandoning her to the rising tide on a beach in northern France. But as the trial continues, her own family history, doubts, and fears about motherhood are steadily dislodged as the life story of the accused is gradually revealed.
Darcy and Tom gather their families for the ultimate destination wedding but when the entire party is taken hostage, “’Til Death Do Us Part” takes on a whole new meaning in this hilarious, adrenaline-fueled adventure as Darcy and Tom must save their loved ones—if they don’t kill each other first.
Bosomy Mom
Da-hee gets married to Min-soo who is older than her. Thanks to him, he also gets a son who is not too old, Jae-hyuk, who she tries to get acquainted with, albeit awkwardly. After staying with Na-yeon, she suddenly has to meet Jae-hyuk, and Na-yeon has a date with Jae-hyuk. Min-soo is surprised to find three people coming back home from a date. It made him angry to see his son with two women. Right away, Min-soo seeks Da-hee and asks about Na-yeon. Na-yeon met Min-soo secretly. However, Da-hee who is aware of Min-soo and Da-hee's relationship, shares this fact to Jae-hyun.
Disco Boy
After a painful journey through Europe, Alex, the Belarusian, joins the Foreign Legion in France and clings to a confused hope of a European identity. Jomo, the Nigerian, fights for the survival and durability of his people in the Niger Delta and is ready to die to defend his ideas. These two young people who are sacrificed and smashed together will, against all odds, meet and their destinies will merge to continue across borders, bodies, life and death...
Kids vs. Aliens
All Gary wants is to make awesome home movies with his best buds. All his older sister Samantha wants is to hang with the cool kids. When their parents head out of town one Halloween weekend, an all-time rager of a teen house party turns to terror when aliens attack, forcing the siblings to band together to survive the night.
Detective Knight: Independence
Detective James Knight 's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from imperiling the city's festivities. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show... one that will strike dangerously close to Knight's home.
Amarsi un po'...
In an accident the young mechanic Marco Coccia meets Cristiana. The two fall in love with one another. Cristiana confesses only later that she is a genuine princess. For Marco it is not a problem, but for Cristiana's parents it is a very big problem. The two must separate. When one evening Cristiana calls Marco and lets him know about her forthcoming wedding, Marco with the car races toward Paris and has an accident...
The Price We Pay
After a pawn shop robbery goes askew, two criminals take refuge at a remote farmhouse to try to let the heat die down, but find something much more menacing.
The Price We Pay
After a pawn shop robbery goes askew, two criminals take refuge at a remote farmhouse to try to let the heat die down, but find something much more menacing.
Ryan Logan, a former Special Forces operative, is battling to cope with life after the loss of his wife. He is thrusted into the criminal underworld to keep his only son from being taken from him.
Dolphin Boy
When a plane crashes at sea, dolphins rescue a little boy and raise him as family. He lives a carefree life beneath the waves until an evil monster seizes power over the underwater world. The boy is banished to dry land, where a kind-hearted captain takes him in. With the captain’s help, the boy sets out on a journey to solve the mystery of his true identity.
身長わずか1.5cmの最小ヒーロー、アントマンとワスプは、<量子世界>に導く装置を生み出した娘キャシー達とともに、ミクロより小さな世界へ引きずり込まれてしまう。そこで待ち受けていたのは、過去、現在、未来すべての時を操る能力を持つ、マーベル史上最凶の敵、征服者カーン。彼がこの世界から解き放たれたら、全人類に恐るべき危機が迫る 。アベンジャーズで最も普通すぎる男アントマンが、マーベル史上最大の脅威に挑むアクション超大作。