Roland N. Thai


Sound Designer
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Designer
After a heroic job of successfully landing his storm-damaged aircraft in a war zone, a fearless pilot finds himself between the agendas of multiple militias planning to take the plane and its passengers hostage.
Sound Effects Editor
In response to a global rise in demonic possessions, the Catholic Church reopens exorcism schools to train priests in the Rite of Exorcism. On this spiritual battlefield, an unlikely warrior rises: a young nun, Sister Ann. Thrust onto the spiritual frontline with fellow student Father Dante, Sister Ann finds herself in a battle for the soul of a young girl and soon realizes the Devil has her right where he wants her.
Sound Designer
Desperate for income, Emily takes a shady gig buying goods with stolen credit cards supplied by a charismatic middleman named Youcef. Seduced by the quick cash and illicit thrills, they hatch a plan to take their business to the next level.
Sound Effects Editor
Desperate for income, Emily takes a shady gig buying goods with stolen credit cards supplied by a charismatic middleman named Youcef. Seduced by the quick cash and illicit thrills, they hatch a plan to take their business to the next level.
Sound Effects Editor
ザ・ハーダー・ゼイ・フォール: 報復の荒野
Sound Effects Editor
American Night
Sound Effects Editor
A neo-noir set in the New York City's corrupt contemporary art world where the art dealer John Kaplan and the ruthless head of New York's mafia, Michael Rubino, fight for money, art, power and love.
Supervising Sound Editor
On Saint Patrick's day—a night of wild parties and drunken revelry—three unlikely friends band together to save a college town from a vicious horde of body-snatching aliens.
My Valentine
Sound Designer
A pop singer's artistic identity is stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protégé. Locked together late one night in a concert venue, the three reconcile emotional abuses of the past...until things turn violent.
My Valentine
Supervising Sound Editor
A pop singer's artistic identity is stolen by her ex-boyfriend/manager and shamelessly pasted onto his new girlfriend/protégé. Locked together late one night in a concert venue, the three reconcile emotional abuses of the past...until things turn violent.
Midnight Kiss
Sound Designer
A group of gay friends head to Palm Springs to ring in the New Year. Things take a terrifying turn as the friends all search for someone to kiss at midnight, and invite a killer into their midst.
Sound Effects Editor
A struggling family buys an old ship at auction with high hopes of starting a charter business, only to discover her horrifying secrets on the isolated open waters.
Sound Designer
中国全土を顧客に持つ世界的ハイテク企業ジャン社の社長令嬢ダヤが何者かに誘拐された。かつてジャン社に雇われ、ダヤの身辺警護を務めたシェン・ロー(マックス・チャン)は、世界唯一の脱獄のプロフェッショナル レイ・ブレスリン(シルヴェスター・スタローン)を訪ねる。ダヤは今まで誰も出たものはおらず全容が謎に包まれた秘密監獄“悪魔砦”に囚われているとの情報をデローサ(デイヴ・バウティスタ)から得たレイは、シェン、そしてデローサとともにダヤの救出に動く。ところが、レイにとって公私ともにパートナーであるアビゲイルが“悪魔砦”に拉致されてしまう。レイを罠にはめた犯人はレスター・クラーク・Jr。かつて金に目が眩み、レイを大海原に浮かぶ監獄要塞“墓場”に投獄したが、報復されて殺された元相棒の息子だ。復讐心に燃え、狡猾にレイを追い詰めてゆくクラーク・Jrだったが、仲間を人質にとる卑劣な行為にレイの怒りが爆発する!
New Year, New You
Supervising Sound Editor
A group of old friends gather for a girls’ night on New Years Eve. But as they begin to rehash old memories, many of the gripes they’ve been harboring manifest in murderous ways.
New Year, New You
Sound Designer
A group of old friends gather for a girls’ night on New Years Eve. But as they begin to rehash old memories, many of the gripes they’ve been harboring manifest in murderous ways.
アリー/ スター誕生
Sound Effects Editor
The Body
Supervising Sound Editor
In Los Angeles, on Halloween night, a hitman tries to transport a corpse in plain sight, but people he stumbles upon on the street, believing that his sophisticated appearance is a magnificent disguise, constantly stand in his way to congratulate him.
The Body
Sound Designer
In Los Angeles, on Halloween night, a hitman tries to transport a corpse in plain sight, but people he stumbles upon on the street, believing that his sophisticated appearance is a magnificent disguise, constantly stand in his way to congratulate him.
Sound Effects Editor
アメリカ国内の商業施設で自爆テロ事件が発生。政府は 犯人はメキシコ経由で不法入国したと考え、 国境地帯で密入国ビジネスを仕切る麻薬カルテルを混乱させる任務を、 CIA工作員のマット・グレイヴァーに命じる。マットは、 カルテルへの復讐に燃える旧知の暗殺者アレハンドロに協力を要請。 麻薬王の娘イサベルを誘拐し、 カルテル同士の戦争を誘発しようと企てる。 しかし、その極秘作戦は、 敵の奇襲やアメリカ政府の無慈悲な方針変更によって想定外の事態を招いてしまう。 メキシコの地で孤立を余儀なくされたアレハンドロは、 兵士としての任務と復讐心、そして人質として保護する少女の命の狭間で、 過酷なジレンマに直面していく。
Sound Effects Editor
厳寒の大自然に囲まれたアメリカ中西部ワイオミング州にあるネイティブアメリカンの保留地“ウインド・リバー”で見つかった少女の凍死体―。遺体の第一発見者であり地元のベテランハンターのコリー・ランバート(ジェレミー・レナー)は案内役として、単身派遣された新人FBI捜査官ジェーン・バナー(エリザベス・オルセン)の捜査に協力することに。 ジェーンは慣れない雪山の不安定な気候や隔離されたこの地で多くが未解決事件となる現状を思い知るも、 不審な死の糸口を掴んだコリーと共に捜査を続行する...。
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Designer
Sound Designer
Wrongfully accused and on the run, a top MI6 assassin joins forces with his long-lost, football hooligan brother to save the world from a sinister plot.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
A family takes refuge in a fallout shelter to avoid a dangerous outbreak.
Sound Effects Editor
米海軍特殊部隊ネイビー・シールズに入隊し、イラク戦争に狙撃手として派遣されたクリス。その任務は“どんなに過酷な状況でも仲間を必ず守ること”。狙撃精度の高さで多くの仲間を救ったクリスは “レジェンド”の異名を轟かせるまでになる。しかし、敵の間にもその腕前が知れ渡り、“悪魔”と恐れられるようになった彼の首には18万ドルの賞金が掛けられ、彼自身が標的となってしまう。一方、家族はクリスの無事を願い続けていた。家族との平穏な生活と、想像を絶する極限状況の戦地。愛する家族を国に残し、終わりのない戦争は幾度となく彼を戦場に向かわせる。過酷なイラク遠征は4度。度重なる戦地への遠征は、クリスの心を序々に蝕んでゆく。
バードマン あるいは(無知がもたらす予期せぬ奇跡)
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
ガーディアンズ 伝説の勇者たち
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Designer
Two young officers are marked for death after confiscating a small cache of money and firearms from the members of a notorious cartel during a routine traffic stop.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
長ぐつをはいたネコことプスは孤児院でイメルダによって育てられたが「無実の罪」で街を追われ賞金首になっていた。ある日街の酒場で魔法の豆の話を耳にする。魔法の豆とはプスが自身の半生を費やして遂には見つけることが叶わなかったものであるが、ジャックとジルがその魔法の豆を持っているという情報を聞いてその豆を盗もうと行動に移す。 しかし、その場で謎の覆面ネコと居合わせ、覆面のネコも魔法の豆を盗もうとしており口論の末にジャックとジルに見つかってしまい豆を盗むのに失敗してしまう。プスは覆面のネコと対決してこのネコがメスのキティだと分かる。そしてこの場で旧友のハンプティ・ダンプティと7年ぶりに再会する。ハンプティとは前述の「無実の罪」の元凶となっており、プスに魔法の豆の木を登って雲の上にある巨人の城へ行き伝説のアヒルが産む金の卵を探し当てようと持ちかける。 プスは、ハンプティ達を信用できないと一旦は拒否するも、再び街の人々の信頼を取り戻して自分へかかった無実の罪を相殺できるのではないかと考え話を受け入れる。しかし、その裏にはプスの想像を超えるような罠が待ち受けていた。
BIUTIFUL ビューティフル
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Washington, D.C. psychologist Carol Bennell and her colleague Dr. Ben Driscoll are the only two people on Earth who are aware of an epidemic running rampant through the city. They discover an alien virus aboard a crashed space shuttle that transforms anyone who comes into contact with it into unfeeling drones while they sleep. Carol realizes her son holds the key to stopping the spread of the plague and she races to find him before it is too late.
Sound Effects Editor
Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.
Sound Effects Editor
 「ブレイド2」「ヘルボーイ」のギレルモ・デル・トロ監督が「デビルズ・バックボーン」に続いて再びスペイン内戦を背景に描く哀切のダーク・ファンタジー。再婚した母に連れられ、山中でレジスタンス掃討の指揮をとる冷酷な義父のもとへとやって来た空想好きの少女は、やがて残酷な現実世界から逃避し森の中の不思議な迷宮へと迷い込んでいくが…。イマジネーションあふれるヴィジュアルと深いテーマ性が高く評価され、いわゆるジャンル映画でありながら数々の映画賞を席巻する活躍で大きな注目を集めた話題作。  1944年のスペイン。内戦終結後もフランコ政権の圧政に反発する人々がゲリラ闘争を繰り広げる山間部。内戦で父を亡くした少女オフェリアは、臨月の母カルメンと共にこの山奥へとやって来る。この地でゲリラの鎮圧にあたるビダル将軍と母が再婚したのだった。冷酷で残忍な義父に恐怖と憎しみを募らせるオフェリア。その夜、彼女は昆虫の姿をした不思議な妖精に導かれ、謎めいた迷宮へと足を踏み入れる。そこでオフェリアを出迎えたパン<牧神>は、彼女が地底の魔法の国のプリンセスの生まれ変わりで、満月の夜までに3つの試練を乗り越えれば、魔法の国に帰ることが出来ると告げる。オフェリアはその言葉を信じて、与えられた3つの試練に立ち向かう決意を固めるのだったが…。
Sound Designer
Sound Designer
Akeelah is a precocious 11-year-old girl from south Los Angeles with a gift for words. Despite her mother's objections, Akeelah enters various spelling contests, for which she is tutored by the forthright Dr. Larabee, her principal Mr. Welch, and the proud residents of her neighborhood. Akeelah's aptitude earns her an opportunity to compete for a spot in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Supervising Sound Editor
Akeelah is a precocious 11-year-old girl from south Los Angeles with a gift for words. Despite her mother's objections, Akeelah enters various spelling contests, for which she is tutored by the forthright Dr. Larabee, her principal Mr. Welch, and the proud residents of her neighborhood. Akeelah's aptitude earns her an opportunity to compete for a spot in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Sound Effects Editor
The radical true story behind three teenage surfers from Venice Beach, California, who took skateboarding to the extreme and changed the world of sports forever. Stacy Peralta, Tony Alva and Jay Adams are the Z-Boys, a bunch of nobodies until they create a new style of skateboarding that becomes a worldwide phenomenon. But when their hobby becomes a business, the success shreds their friendship.
Sound Designer
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Highlander: Endgame
Sound Effects Editor
Immortals Connor and Duncan Macleod join forces against a man from Connor's distant past in the highlands of Scotland, Kell, an immensely powerful immortal who leads an army of equally powerful and deadly immortal swordsmen and assassins. No immortal alive has been able to defeat Kell yet, and neither Connor nor Duncan are skilled enough themselves to take him on and live. The two of them eventually come to one inevitable conclusion; one of them must die so that the combined power of both the Highlanders can bring down Kell for good. There can be only one... the question is, who will it be?
Supervising Sound Editor
A fatalistic car crash in Mexico city sets off a chain of events in the lives of three people: a supermodel, a young man wanting to run off with his sister-in-law, and a homeless man. Their lives are catapulted into unforeseen situations instigated by the seemingly inconsequential destiny of a dog.
Sound Effects Editor
A college dropout gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm and is on the fast track to success—but the job might not be as legitimate as it sounds.
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Sound Effects Editor
In a small Minnesota town, the annual beauty pageant is being covered by a TV crew. Former winner Gladys Leeman wants to make sure her daughter follows in her footsteps; explosions, falling lights, and trailer fires prove that. As the Leemans are the richest family in town, the police are pretty relaxed about it all. Despite everything, main rival (but sweet) Amber Atkins won't give up without a fight.
Sound Effects Editor
The Alarmist
Sound Effects Editor
Young Tommy Hudler decides to become a security systems salesman, and is an instant success. Everything seems to be going great until he discovers there's more to this business and his boss Heinrich than he previously suspected.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Having just returned from a mission to Mars, Commander Ross isn't exactly himself. He's slowly becoming a terrifying alien entity with one goal -- to procreate with human women! When countless women suffer gruesome deaths after bearing half-alien offspring, scientist Laura Baker and hired assassin Press Lennox use Eve, a more tempered alien clone, to find Ross and his brood. Before long Eve escapes to mate with Ross.
Adrenalin: Fear the Rush
Sound Effects Editor
In a not-too-distant future, a lethal virus sweeps across Europe, prompting the creation of quarantine refugee camps in the United States. Police officers Delon (Natasha Henstridge) and Lemieux (Christopher Lambert) learn of a grisly murder in the Boston camp and team up to investigate. Suspecting the ruthless killer is infected with the virus, the pair have just hours to stop him before he becomes contagious and infects the entire population.
Sound Designer
2人の白人青年に暴行を受けた黒人 少女の父親カールは自ら犯人を射殺する。陪審員全員が白人という圧倒的にカールに不利な状況の中、彼を助けるべく若き弁護士が立ち上がる。J.グリシャム原作の映画化。
Cyber Bandits
Sound Effects Editor
A navigator aboard a millionaire's yacht, Jack Morris discovers that the millionaire's mistress has stolen the data for his secret Virtual Reality. To escape, they encrypt, miniaturize, and tattoo the data onto Jack's PL:back. The pair share a VR adventure on the run from the Millionaire's thugs, meeting up with a wild series of characters.
Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II
Sound Editor
In the backdrop of Earths polluted future a female FBI agent removes Danner, a pleasure android from an asylum in order to coerce him into helping her hunt down the criminal psychopath Plughead. But Plughead who has tangled with Danner before has his own plans as he is forcing a female scientist to help him manufacture life extending longevity chips which he intends to sell to rich and powerful clients.
Deep Down
Sound Editor
A young musician with a talent for all things electrical spies on his sexy neighbor with a penchant for skinny dipping in the pool in broad daylight and her obviously violent husband. He is so violent that in the opening sequence he murders a man for talking with his mouth full of food. As the soft-core sex film advances, she gets involved sexually with the much younger man, all the while luring him into a trap involving the murder of her husband.