Director of Photography
A pair of country thieves make friends with a general rising within the imperial army. After the general finds himself falling in love with the beautiful sister of one of the thieves (who is the fiancee of the other) he decides to do whatever it takes to get rid of the competition and have her for himself. Viewer discretion advised: this film contains extreme violence and sexual situations.
Director of Photography
Taiwanese action film.
Director of Photography
A vile and corrupt martial artist takes over a temple during a famine in Southern China. He enslaves all the people and forces the girls into prostitution. His evil plan is destroyed, thanks to two disciples from the Magic Kick School of Kung Fu.
Director of Photography
A young rebellious woman has an illegitimate child born with autism and tries to raise money to send him to the United States, where he has been accepted for medical treatment and research.
Director of Photography
Taiwanese comedy film.
Director of Photography
A man just out of jail seduces a lonely woman with more money than sense. He swindles her out of both, then kills her. Very quickly, he's hitched up with another woman and a businessman friend.
Director of Photography
Lesbian drama.
Director of Photography
A car accident on a curvy road with a history of death is just the beginning of a woman's horror story.
Director of Photography
Four girls graduate from high school with the hope of joining the army, even though that may clash with their parents' wishes...
A crime drama directed by Cheung Chi-Chiu.
Director of Photography
An orphan boy seeks revenge upon a villainous kung-fu sect that killed his friends. He chances upon two old kung fu masters who are fighting to determine who's the better fighter; one is a drunk, the other puffs constantly on a pipe. Fei Fei convinces them to teach him kung fu, and then he'll fight using both of their techniques and will discover which is superior. So Fei Fei ends up fighting his way up the ranks of the evil sect with the two old men trailing after him, evaluating the battles and counting how many of their individual moves Fei Fei uses. The final battle with the white-haired master of the sect, using new kung fu moves inspired by dancers in a brothel, is amazingly gymnastic. --Bret Fetzer
Director of Photography
The story of Ming Ling Shur, a girl who was raised by apes and thus has a natural ability with monkey kung fu. She also resembles a monkey for most of the film (not really explained why). She grows up and falls for a prince who is really an evil kung fu master, who exploits her abilities for his own gain. Now here's why the film works; Kam Fung does an excellent job as the Ape Girl, being very eccentric at times with the actions of a monkey. Also, we see early performances by Lo Lieh as an assassin, and Chen Sing as the prince.
Director of Photography
Two fools learn kung fu from an old master of iron back style. But after getting a beating from the town's hardman they seek out the service of the drunken master to help improve their kung fu skills.
Director of Photography
Chung is in charge of an advertising company in Hong Kong. He's about to marry a model Woo. But Chung finds that Woo is cheating on him on her birthday. He's hurt so he goes to Korea for his new commercial. Chung starts to appreciate a Chinese singer Chelsia Chen by watching TV. He invites her to join his commercial shooting and they fall in love with each other. The commercial's successful in Hong Kong and Chelsia becomes a star now. Chung's uncle urges Chung to invite Chelsia to come to Hong Kong and he does so. Woo suddenly comes up and requires to cooperate with Chung again but gets refused. Woo's mad then turns to cooperate with another directo Choi. However, she's not happy with Choi and still wants to go back to Chung.
Director of Photography
少林寺八流派の師範たちが集まり、最強の拳法“蛇鶴八拳”を生み出す。その正当な伝承者には、技の極意が記された“秘伝書”と、“九龍令”という矛が与えられ、八派の門徒の頂点に君臨することができるのだった。だが、その8人の師範たちが謎の失踪を遂げ、秘伝書も消失してしまう。そんなある日シー・インフォンという若い武術家が秘伝書を持っていることが判明し、四川唐党の女党首タンをはじめとする八派の門徒たち、他流派の武術家率いる賊党・黒龍組などが、秘伝書を狙って次々とインフォンに襲いかかる。 ジャッキー主演のカンフー・アクションの中でも、多彩なカンフー技が堪能できる点で最も魅力的な作品。ジャッキーが繰りだすスピーディな蛇鶴八拳、ノラ・ミャオの華麗な棒術、クム・コンの頭突きなど、個性あふれる技と驚天動地のバトルの数々に圧倒される。
Director of Photography
総督の60歳の誕生日を祝う宴会でにぎわうチーフォン家。そこに、総督の息子、シャオレイが現れ、歓談していた客人を追い払ってしまう。怒る父親にシャオレイは「人面桃蜂党がやってくる」と告げる。15年前、総督によって退治された盗賊団、人面桃蜂党の首領の娘、ディンが、殺された両親の復讐のために街に戻ってきたのだ。シャオレイは、自分の子をお腹に宿した恋人チェンチェンに対してわざと冷たく振る舞い、彼女が家を出ていくよう仕向ける一方、自分はすでに決死の覚悟を決めていた。そしてその晩、冷酷無比な人面桃蜂党が現れる。チーフォン家は皆殺しにされるが、シャオレイだけは一命を取り留める。そして彼は信頼する友と一緒にいるはずにチェンチェンを追いかけて旅に出ることに。その道中シャオレイは、思いも寄らない陰謀、愛、裏切りに出会うことになる…。 ロー・ウェイ監督に見込まれたジャッキー・チェンが現在と同じ成龍という芸名となってから3本目の主演作で、シリアスな物語と力強いカンフーシーンが印象的な時代劇。武侠映画の巨匠監督キン・フー作品でお馴染みの名女優シュー・フォンが、ジャッキー扮する主人公に愛憎を抱く無敵の女剣士を見事に演じ、作品に風格を与えている。
Director of Photography
日本軍統治下の台湾。港で入国審査を待つミウの荷物を盗んだスリの青年ロンは、実は彼女が日本軍の弾圧を逃れ、上海からやってきた名門拳法道場・精武会師範の娘ライイーであることを知る。根は素直で正義感の強いロンは、台湾の武人を眼の敵にして横暴な振る舞い続ける大和門道場の日本人たちに反感を抱き、精武門に入門。厳しい修行に励んで幻の武術・迷踪拳を修得、大和門道場との前面対決に立ち上がる。 伝説の武道家スター、ブルース・リーの名作で、ジャッキー・チェンがスタントマンとして参加した「ドラゴン 怒りの鉄拳」の正式な続編。ロー・ウェオ監督ら主要スタッフが再集結。この作品で成龍と改名したジャッキーが第二のブルース・リーとして売り出された。前作の設定を受け継ぎつつ、ジャッキーの明るい個性を活かした作品に仕上げているが、最後には衝撃の結末が待ち受ける。