Joani Yarbrough


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After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the U.S., where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail with one of his oldest friends.
俺たちニュースキャスター 史上最低!?の視聴率バトルinニューヨーク
With the 70s behind him, San Diego's top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy, returns to take New York's first 24-hour news channel by storm.
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ワイルド・スピード MEGA MAX
麻薬王のブラガの逮捕に貢献したドミニクであるが、裁判において懲役25年の判決を言い渡される。だが護送中にブライアンと妹・ミアの手により逃亡に成功し、国際指名手配される。 ブラジルのリオデジャネイロに逃亡したブライアンとミアは昔の仲間のヴィンスと再会。麻薬取締局の押収した車の窃盗の仕事をする事になり、そこにドミニクも合流するが、仲間の裏切りにより襲われてしまう。その理由は、ドミニク達が盗んだ車に隠されたリオデジャネイロで最も強い権力をもつ悪徳実業家、エルナン・レイエスの闇金の流れを記録したマイクロチップにあった。 そんな中、ミアがブライアンの子を身籠もった事を知ったドミニクは、過去を消して家族で静かに暮らすのに必要な資金と資格を得る為に、レイエスの闇金1億ドルを強奪する計画を立てて世界中から過去、様々なヤマで出会った色々な分野の凄腕プロを集める。レイエスと癒着した警察署の金庫という突破困難な場所に隠されている現金を、彼らを執拗に追うホブスの米警官部隊やレイエスの手下の攻撃をかわしつつ、強奪する事が果たして出来るのか。
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When best buds Rick and Fred begin to show signs of restlessness at home, their wives take a bold approach to revitalize their marriages, they grant the guys a 'hall pass'—one week of freedom to do whatever they want. At first, it seems like a dream come true, but they quickly discover that their expectations of the single life—and themselves—are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality.
A God-fearing bluesman takes to a wild young woman who, as a victim of childhood sexual abuse, is looking everywhere for love, but never quite finding it.
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Friday Night Lights
A small, turbulent town in Texas obsesses over their high school football team to an unhealthy degree. When the star tailback, Boobie Miles, is seriously injured during the first game of the season, all hope is lost, and the town's dormant social problems begin to flare up. It is left to the inspiring abilities of new coach Gary Gaines to instill in the other team members -- and, by proxy, the town itself -- a sense of self-respect and honor.
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The Badge
A sheriff begins an investigation into the death of a local transsexual after hearing that high ranking politicians may have been involved. Although he is homophobic, his investigation causes him to be rejected by others, forcing him to seek help from the people he once despised.
Daddy and Them
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Ruby and her husband Claude are a working-class couple who live in suburban Arkansas. As crazy as they are for each other, their relationship is far from harmonious. (The lack of money doesn't help matters, either.) In fact, their whole family is fraught with unresolved conflicts. Then Claude's uncle is arrested on a felony charge, and everyone rallies round. Ruby's mother Jewel and flirtatious sister Rose (Claude's ex-girlfriend) even fly in from Tennessee; but, far from being a source of support, Jewel seems only to want to break up Ruby and Claude.
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退屈な日々を送る理髪師に転機が訪れる。彼が思いついたちょっとした恐喝は、悪夢のような日々の始まりだった。 共作で数々の名作を世に送り出したアメリカのコーエン兄弟監督・脚本によるクライムサスペンス。2001年カンヌ国際映画祭最優秀監督賞、ナショナル・ボード・オブ・レビュー最優秀主演男優賞を受賞したほか、多数の賞を獲得した。原題は『The Man Who Wasn’t There』。
George Wallace
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George Wallace is a 1997 television film starring Gary Sinise as George Wallace, the former Governor of Alabama. It was directed by John Frankenheimer, who won an Emmy award for it; Sinise and Mare Winningham also won Emmies for their performances. The film was based on the 1996 biography Wallace : The Classic Portrait of Alabama Governor George Wallace by Marshall Frady, who also co-wrote the teleplay. Frankenheimer's film was highly praised by critics: in addition to the Emmy awards, it received the Golden Globe for Best Miniseries/Motion Picture made for TV. Angelina Jolie also received a Golden Globe for her performance as Wallace's second wife, Cornelia.
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde
In New York in 1995 Dr. Richard Jacks is a creator of perfumes. Thus he spends his days inventing new colorful and well smelling potions and certainly caring for his girlfriend Sarah Carver. But when he discovers that his greatgrandfather, called Dr. Jekyll, was a scientist with revoluntionary discoveries, he tries to follow the footsteps of his ancestor and creates more and more delicate potions until one of them converts him into a spectacular superwoman: Helen Hyde. Knowing that Richard has no clue of her existence Helen enforces a professional career at the back of her "creator".
Against the Wall
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In 1971, a warden at Attica Penitentiary is caught up in a hostage crisis when inmates take over the prison to demand better living conditions.
Deadly Relations
Leonard Fagot has four daughters and loves them so much, that he usurps his control over them. He lets them know how he feels about the men they date. And if he disapproves of them, he probably will have them killed to get them out of his daughters' life.
Silent Tongue
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Mad with grief after the death of his Kiowa wife, Roe awaits death under a tree with her body beside him. She begins to haunt him because he won't bury her. His father, who bought him the wife, thinks her sister might reason with Roe.
An FBI man with Sioux background is sent to a reservation to help with a murder investigation, where he has to come to terms with his heritage.