Teruo Yoshida

出生 : 1936-03-23, Takatsuki, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


A 1970 entertainment action masterpiece directed by Teruo Ishii. A companion piece to another Ishii-directed film from 1970, also starring Watase, Yoshida and Sato called PRISONERS' BACK LIST.
江戸川乱歩全集 恐怖奇形人間
Hirosuke Hitomi / Genzaburô Komoda
Kurushima Tsuneki
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
明治・大正・昭和 猟奇女犯罪史
A series of short stories about bizarre crimes committed by females in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Eras. Discover 4 famous Japanese murderers: Takahashi Oden, the last woman beheaded in Japan, Sada Abe, a crazy lover, Kunihiko Kodaira, a rapist-killer and finally, the Toyokaku case, a woman who did everything to own a hotel.
やくざ刑罰史 私刑!
A story of yakuza lynching during the Edo, Meiji, and Showa periods.
異常性愛記録 ハレンチ
謝国権「愛」より (秘)性と生活
Dr. Mikami is an elderly somewhat clumsy, very popular therapist, his patients turn to him with all possible and impossible questions. Because Dr. Mikami's specialty is sexual clarification... The world's best-selling sex literature was filmed here in a manner close to the original. And the openness of the image shows the shocking conflicts of young people in scenes that were never filmed. Shocking documents about sex life from the doctor's office.
残酷異常虐待物語 元禄女系図
Three stories of moral sickness set during Japan’s prosperous Genroku era are told in this bloody follow-up to the sexploitation classic Shogun’s Joy of Torture, the politically incorrect moral lessons paint a trio of tales of tragic heroines caught up in violence, sadomasochism, incest and torture.
夜の歌謡シリーズ 伊勢佐木町ブルース
寛文五年。みつは、兄新三の殺害容疑および近親相姦の罪で捕われたが、与力南原一之進の残酷な拷問に口を割ろうとはしなかった。その拷問に不信を持ったのは与力吉岡頼母だった。やがてみつは、事の一部始終を吉岡に自白して、水礫の刑に処せられた。みつの生涯は暗く短かかった。小町娘と評判が高かったみつを、呉服屋の巳之吉は妾にしようと日頃から執心していた。新三は、その話を断ったが、大工の仕事中に重傷を負い、治療代に苦しんだ。巳之助と権造は兄妹の援助に乗り出したが、みつの払った代償はあまりに大きかった。哀しみに暮れる兄妹は、狂ったようにお互を求めあった。やがてこの事実が巳之助に知れ、みつは新三の目前で犯された。新三はこれを苦にして自殺をはかったが死にきれず、みつが兄の苦痛を見かねてノミを打ち下したのだった。寛文八年。珠光院の院主代玲宝は、夜な夜な裸身を、付き役尼僧の燐徳に笞うたせ、歓喜に身をゆだねていた。ある日玲宝は、尼僧妙心が本寺の僧春海と密会しているのを発見した。玲宝は、春海を女犯の罰として滝にうたせ、妙心には、苛酷な拷問を加えた。やがて、妙心は残虐な私刑に耐えきれず、春海の名を呼びながら世を去った。一方、春海は玲宝の心を受け入れなかったため、玲宝の鉈で首をかき落された。そして、玲宝自身も春海の首を愛撫しながら自害して果てた。 寛文十一年。柳橋の芸者君蝶の背に彫られた地獄絵図が、評判をよんでいた。この刺青を彫ったのは彫丁だったが、彼は南原を尋ね、女が苦悶する表情について教えを請うた。ちょうどその頃、漂流船で流れ着いた白人女たちが、キリシタン宣教の疑いで、拷問を受けることになっていた。彫丁は一代の彫りものにしようと、土台になる処女探しにかかった。その哀れな犠牲者になったのは、町娘の花だった。南原らによる拷問はすさまじかった。そして花の体には、着々と拷問地獄の模様がその輪郭を現わしはじめた。だが、その図には地獄の邏卒の顔が未完成のままだった。彫丁は、非情に笞うつ南原を刺し、断末魔の表情を花の背に写し取った。吉岡らが牢に踏み込んだのは、その直後だった。だが、その時すでに牢は炎に包まれていた。
The survivors of a plane crash in a remote area are attacked by blob-like alien creatures that turn their victims into blood-thirsty vampires.
温泉 あんま芸者
Tokugawa Tsunayoshi
A tragic love story involving the 5th Shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty and a woman who became one of his concubines.
Continuation of the film Once and For All about two yakuza brothers Joji and Goro.
Ichiro Kakinuma
Kazuo, a Japanese army intelligence agent, reveals a foreign intelligence network in Japan and then sent to Borneo Island with a special mission.
Matsukichi, a worker at a fish market, tries to settle the business between the two competitors on his turf.
Ichirô Seki
A melodrama about a talented singer who finally makes her debut. A remake of the 1939 film of the same name.
Film concerning warring yakuza families.
網走番外地 決斗零下30度
網走番外地 大雪原の対決
伊藤一の原作を、神波史男と松田寛夫が共同で脚色し、「神火101・殺しの用心棒」の石井輝男が監督した“番外地シリーズ”の第七弾。撮影は同シリーズ「網走番外地 南国の対決」の稲田喜一。
神火101 殺しの用心棒
Japan-Hong Kong co-production.
続 東京流れ者 海は真赤な恋の色
Kenji Goda
The film focuses on the romantic life of Tetsu (Watari), the drifter, and the girls he loves but can never quite bring himself to settle down with. To make matters even more atmospheric, our story is set in a picturesque harbor town. Yoshida is Tetsu's double-crossing rival who pays in the end with his life. Fairly superficial, but the tone isn't particularly light; in fact, it is downright melancholic, which is the picture's salvation. The emphasis on Tetsu never being able to escape his criminal life despite his tender side, the downbeat undercurrent of cynical gang activity amidst the sunset-dappled waves, actually makes this an entertaining sequel. However, Suzuki's irreverent surrealism is replaced by Morinaga's Monet-like impressionism.
網走番外地 南国の対決
Yutaro Kida, a worker at the Sasebo Naval Arsenal, volunteers for the navy but finds himself a cook's mate in the galley of a gunboat. But his dream is eventually realized when he is transferred to the new and powerful destroyer Yukikaze which he helped to build. When the Pacific War breaks out Yukikaze performs valiantly in the South Pacific, and while on shore leave, Kida meets and falls in love with Yukiko, younger sister of his commander.
Follows the lives of three sisters who have a dance act together.
Assistant Police Inspector Saburo Tatsuno, a former jazz pianist, is assigned to uncover a narcotics ring. But he falls victim to the seductive wiles of Maki, the beautiful night club singer and one of the leaders of the ring. One by one, Maki's discarded lovers vanish and Tatsuno faces a similar fate. Tatsuno confesses to his identity under torture and this leads to the murder of his undercover colleague. He realizes that his career is ruined and this, plus Maki's charm, induces him to join the smugglers. Before submitting his resignation, however, he leads the police on a wild-goose chase while a big narcotics transaction is taking place in another part of town, and this puts him among the leaders of the underworld. When Maki turns her attention to a youthful singer, Tatsuno realizes that he has gambled his whole life and lost. So he stabs the tantalizing beauty, and is in turn shot down in a gangland revenge killing.
Japanese comedy film.
Ryusuke Mizuki
In this Japanese drama, a dry goods merchant's daughter is surprised to discover that she has a twin sister. In rural Japan it was thought that twins bring bad luck, so the sister was abandoned at birth. Later her parents tell her that her sister was kidnapped. The woman doesn't believe this and when she eventually meets her twin, both women are involved in love affairs. The merchant's daughter is seeing an educated fellow. Trouble ensues when she begins suspecting that he may be more interested in her sister.
Yutaka Miura
周平(笠智衆)は、妻とは死別し、長男の幸一(佐田啓二)は結婚して家を出て団地暮らし。いまは娘の路子(岩下志麻)と次男の和夫(三上真一郎)と3人安らかに暮らしていた。 ある日、周平はいつものように友人の河合(中村伸郎)、堀江(北龍二)と酒を飲みに行く。 話題は路子の嫁行きの話になり、まだ路子を嫁にやることなど考えてもいなかった周平は悩み始める…。 日本映画界の巨匠・小津安二郎監督の最後の作品で、妻に先立たれた男とその子供達の幸せの中にもなぜか潜む孤独と寂しさを描いた作品。
Yoshida’s first big-budget production and colour film is a haunting tale of unrequited love and postwar disillusion. The story of the fatal attraction between a spineless intellectual and a strong woman is conventional, but its enactment is radically new.
Masao Yamada
Hikaru and Ichiro are close friends in high school. Hikaru's elder brother Tadashi fell in love with Ichiro's elder sister, Mikako at first sight. Although she gave the cold shoulder to Tadashi, she gradually became fond of Tadashi.
Two young crooks who scam betters in the race track are employed by a yakuza gang called the Shigemori Syndicate to steal a shipment of handguns from a rival gang. Somewhere in the process they find themselves on the run from their own gang and one of them becomes himself romantically entangled with the boss's girlfriend. An ambitious underboss of the gang offers them a way out if they murder the previous boss but things don't turn out as planned (for everyone).
Hiroshi Yoshioka
Otoko no sekai da
Takeshi Yoshida
Rumi (Yoko Mihara) and Emi (Masayo Banri) are sisters who dance nightly at the Blue Moon cabaret, which happens be the headquarters of a drug ring. Offstage, Rumi captivates the gang boss, Iwahara (Shuntaro Emi); while Emi attracts the portly club manager, Yajima (Saburo Sawai). Meanwhile their older brother Shinichi (Ryo Kuromaru), a seaman, is unwittingly assisting Iwahara with his drug running. When Shinichi’s ship is sea-jacked by another drug gang, an outraged Iwahara suspects him of treachery and has him beaten and confined in a dungeon-like basement. Rumi and Emi try to free him, but a gang hitman discovers them - and their attempt ends in failure. Now under suspicion themselves, the girls try to escape, but luck goes against them and they are taken to an island where Iwahara and his crew plan to ambush the rival gang.
Ryuji Hirooka
Japanese action film.
Ôsen chitai
Toshio Mayama
From the king of Japanese exploitation films comes a criminal drama told in a semi-documentary fashion. The murder of the chief official of Kobe city's Customs triggers an investigation of a prostitution ring called the 'Yellow Line' that sells Japanese women. A hired assasin is betrayed by his organization, and kidnaps a woman who happens to be the girlfriend of a newspaper reporter.
Nobuhiko Ôgami
Takashi Chiba
Japanese comedy film.