Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
Eleven-year-old Wardi’s great-grandfather leaves behind a will suggesting looking to the past to find the future. Searching the house, Wardi finds out about her Palestinian homeland from family memories.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ベルギーの絵本作家ガブリエル・バンサンの代表作で、世界中で親しまれている「くまのアーネストおじさん」シリーズをアニメ映画化。無愛想で大きなくまの音楽家アーネストおじさんと、小さなネズミの女の子セレスティーヌの出会いと冒険、そして種の違いを超えて育まれる関係を描く。優しいタッチでつづられる心温まるストーリーは、第86回アカデミー賞長編アニメ映画賞にノミネートされた 大きなくまの音楽家アーネストおじさんは空腹でゴミ箱をあさっていたとき、小さなねずみの女の子セレスティーヌを見つけて食べようとする。その後セレスティーヌは、アーネストに菓子屋の倉庫に潜り込む方法を教え、難を逃れた。やがて両者の間には、種の違いを超えた友情が芽生えるが……。
Sound Mixer
Sound Recordist
A snowy fairy-tale setting. A full moon. The house and garden are overflowing with glowing, twinkling Christmas decorations. LOOPDIDOO is busily flattening a long stretch of snow: his landing strip is ready! Now all he has to do is wait… But for whom? Santa, of course! PETUNIA, doubled up with laughter, gently teases him: it’ll never work! But would you know it, PETUNIA’s wrong! All of a sudden, SANTA crosses the moonlit sky in a superb, art-deco-pimped chopper-sleigh. LOOPDIDOO starts dancing around like crazy, waving his fluorescent sticks in the air to grab his attention. But then, distracted by our loopy dog, SANTA loses control of his sleigh… and crashes into the moon! Explosion! In a shower of sparks, the sleigh falls earthbound… and more precisely right into PETUNIA’s garden! As for SANTA, he’s marooned on the moon, with his sack of Christmas gifts! PETUNIA can’t believe her binoculars… Nice one, LOOPDIDOO, now that is a blunder… The blunder of the century!
ADR & Dubbing
The sensationalist reporter Michelle Fox presents the TV show Weird World, with phony matters about UFOS and aliens. When she hears about Cat, a young woman that claims that have been abducted with her boyfriend and become pregnant by aliens, she convinces her chief to travel with a team to the remote Welsh island of Scalled to interview Cat. She invites the cameraman Ricky Anderson with his sound technician partner; the nerd expert in "ufology" and "ley lines" Gavin Gorman; the actress Candy Vixen and an obscure gay actor to prepare the matter. They get a van and wait for the low tide to reach the island, and when they find evidences that aliens are really landed in the location, the ambitious Michelle decides to film her way to fame and wealth.