Makeup Artist
夢や成功を求め、多くの移民たちが暮らすニューヨークのウエスト・サイド。 だが、貧困や差別に不満を募らせた若者たちは同胞の仲間と結束し、各チームの対立は激化していった。 ある日、プエルトリコ系移民で構成された“シャークス”のリーダーを兄に持つマリアは、対立するヨーロッパ系移民“ジェッツ”の元リーダーのトニーと出会い、一瞬で惹かれあう。この禁断の愛が、多くの人々の運命を変えていくことも知らずに…。
Makeup Artist
Maria finds herself caught between two worlds. At school this 14-year-old girl has all the typical teenage interests, but when she’s at home with her family she follows the teachings of the Society of St. Paul and their traditionalist interpretation of Catholicism. Everything that Maria thinks and does must be examined before God. And since the Lord is a strict shepherd, she lives in constant fear of committing some misconduct...
Makeup Artist
An actor's career takes a "Tootsie"-like turn when he lets himself be cast as a woman in a movie.
Makeup Trainee