Moriyasu Taniguchi

出生 : 1945-03-30,


Key Animation
二国間戦争のさなか、名もなき飛空士・狩野シャルルは類まれな操縦技術をみこまれ、次期皇妃ファナ・デル・モラルをその婚約者カルロ皇子のもとに 水上偵察機で送り届ける極秘任務を命じられた。護衛を付けず一機で敵中を突破する危険な任務だ。それでもファナを守り抜き、12,000kmを飛ぶべき 理由がシャルルにはあった。 次々と襲ってくる敵空中艦隊と戦闘機を超絶なテクニックでしりぞけるシャルル。命をかけた空の旅のなかで、ファナの閉ざされた心は開かれ、しだいに 二人はひかれあっていく。やがて来る絶体絶命の危機の中、ファナのとった行動とは…。そして二人の恋の行方は…?
トライガン バッドランド ランブル
Key Animation
劇場版 BLEACH Fade to Black 君の名を呼ぶ
Key Animation
るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚- 維新志士への鎮魂歌
Key Animation
An omnibus OVA where three elementary school students, Manabu, Ryota, and Mina, deal with mysteries they encounter at their school. This OVA is split into two stories of 15 minutes each: "Poisonous spiders at school" and "Hanako-san's hand". This OVA is based on the "Hontoni Atta Kowai Hanashi" series derived from the "Hontoni Atta Gakou Kaidan" series published by Asahi Sonorama.
ルパン三世 燃えよ斬鉄剣
Key Animation
Animation Director
In the blink of an eye, high school student Taku Shimamura finds himself transported to the bizarre world of Slaffleaze, where intelligent creatures govern and the ruling class, led by the villainous Zolba, is plotting the invasion of the world they know as Capricorn, the Earth. Joining together with the oppressed Slaffleaze peasants, Taku must find a way to stop Zolba's dark forces before the way to the unsuspecting Earth is opened. In order to do so, he must first gain the love and trust of the last of the Yappie, the ancestral guardians of Slaffeaze. This is a task that will take more than a little courage and daring, for the last Yappie is not just a cute young female, she`s also a dragon.
ミルキィ パッション 道玄坂・愛の城
Animation Director
An attractive owner of a love hotel falls in love with her handsome manager.
ミルキィ パッション 道玄坂・愛の城
Character Designer
An attractive owner of a love hotel falls in love with her handsome manager.
Cinderella Express
Everyday salary man Shimano Yuji meets and beds a pretty young girl at his bachelor party. Meeting her again at his wedding, he realizes that he has just began an affair with his sister-in-law.
Key Animation
Animation Director
Taking place 700 years after the Dunbine TV Series, "The Tale of Neo Byston Well" revolves around Shion Zaba, the reincarnation of series protagonist Sho Zama. Together with Silkie Mau, Reml Jilfried (the reincarnation of Remile Luft), and the Aura Battler Silbine, Shion must stop a twisted Shot Weapon from launching a custom-made nuclear ICBM missile that's poised to wipe out the realm.
トゥインクルハート 銀河系までとどかない
Animation Director
God's two daughters Cherry and Lemon have been tasked with finding the lost treasure of Heaven, referred to as Love. Together with their guardian Berry, their search takes them to a planet where stuffed animals have come to life, putting them in direct conflict with Cecilian and the nefarious Treasure Connection.
超時空ロマネスクSAMY(サミー) ミッシング・99
Animation Director
A young schoolgirl Samy sees some bikers hurt some other girls and that makes the bikers come after Samy. While fleeing she gets the help of a boy and her dog, but she still ends up in a different world along with her dog. In there she helps a witch who has lost her glass eye. But bad demons search for her as well and soon she ends up in the fight between gods and demons because she holds a great power within.
超時空ロマネスクSAMY(サミー) ミッシング・99
Character Designer
A young schoolgirl Samy sees some bikers hurt some other girls and that makes the bikers come after Samy. While fleeing she gets the help of a boy and her dog, but she still ends up in a different world along with her dog. In there she helps a witch who has lost her glass eye. But bad demons search for her as well and soon she ends up in the fight between gods and demons because she holds a great power within.
Animation Director
Rem can't sleep - ever - but she can enter the world of dreams just the same, so she decides to use her unusual powers ti make a living as a private investigator in the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki doesn't think it's a good idea... This is the original, 1-part hentai version of the OVA, later remade into a less-explicit version with 2 additional episodes.
Animation Supervisor
Rem can't sleep - ever - but she can enter the world of dreams just the same, so she decides to use her unusual powers ti make a living as a private investigator in the dreamworld. Lieutenant Sakaki doesn't think it's a good idea... This is the original, 1-part hentai version of the OVA, later remade into a less-explicit version with 2 additional episodes.
伝説巨神イデオン 接触篇
Animation Director
「伝説巨神イデオン 接触篇」と「発動篇」は、視聴率低迷を理由に39話で打ち切られてしまった、同名SFTVシリーズの劇場版である。TV版の「イデオン」は、「機動戦士ガンダム」の終了後すぐに富野喜幸(現:由悠季)監督が手掛けた作品だった。だが、一連の富野作品の中でも特に難解で、哲学的、宗教的な内容に、当時の主視聴者層である子どもたちが戸惑ってしまった。しかし、放送終了後に評価が高まり、TVシリーズの総集編で1本、本来制作されるはずだった残り4話分のエピソードで1本という形で映画化が実現した。地球の植民地“ソロ星”に、伝説の無限エネルギー“イデ”の探索にやってきた異星人バッフ・クランは、ちょっとした誤解が原因で地球人と交戦状態に突入してしまう。地球人はソロ星で発掘した第六文明人の宇宙船と巨神を使って宇宙へと逃れるが、それこそがバッフ・クラン人が探し求めていたイデだった。ひとつのエネルギー“イデ”をめぐって、ふたつの文明が争い、破滅へと向かう…。