Documentary about the revolutionary flamenco-rock album "Omega", composed by maestro Enrique Morente and the Granada group Lagartija Nick in 1996. A groundbreaking album with great impact on the national and international music scene in which Morente adapted songs by the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen and he put music to poems by Federico García-Lorca.
Documentary about the revolutionary flamenco-rock album "Omega", composed by maestro Enrique Morente and the Granada group Lagartija Nick in 1996. A groundbreaking album with great impact on the national and international music scene in which Morente adapted songs by the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen and he put music to poems by Federico García-Lorca.
1980年、スペインのアンダルシア。湿地帯にある小さな町で、2人の少女の行方がわからなくなる。やがて彼女らは激しい拷問を加えられた果てに殺される。ベテラン刑事のフアンとマドリードから左遷されてきたペドロは、これまでにも似た事件が起きていたことを知る。調べを進めていくうちに、貧困、汚職、麻薬密売、小児性愛といった町と住人が抱える闇を目の当たりにするフアンたち。そんな中、新たな少女失踪事件が起きてしまう。<スペインの映画賞の最高峰であるゴヤ賞で、作品賞や監督賞などを受賞したミステリー。1980年のスペインを舞台に、少女強姦殺人事件を追い掛ける2人の刑事が事件の背後にあるさまざまな闇を目の当たりにする。メガホンを取るのは、『UNIT 7 ユニット7/麻薬取締第七班』のアルベルト・ロドリゲス。『アイム・ソー・エキサイテッド!』などのラウール・アレバロとアントニオ・デ・ラ・トレらが結集する。緊張感に満ちあふれた物語とタッチに圧倒される。>
Documentary testimonial Nicaraguan-Spanish director Mercedes Moncada. It is not an autobiography, but it points to a very emotional perspective with the Nicaraguan revolution. Narrated in the first person, the documentary tells testimonial filmmaker's memories from his childhood, when the revolution broke up the "loss and betrayal" of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) to the political principles that had been erected.
Logroño, 1959. The death of a local authority creates a double expectation in his family, the coming of the TV set the deceased bought and the mayor to attend the funeral. His grandson (Airas Brispo) will witness the grotesque situations.
While Havana is full of zombies hungry for human flesh, official media reported that the disturbances are caused by dissidents paid by the United States. Panic seizes all until Juan comes to the rescue: he discovers he can kill the undead destroying his brain, and decides to start a small business under the slogan "We kill your loved ones."
After many years, three childhood friends meet casually on the street and decide to have a beer to celebrate.
Each of the members of a group of hackers is willing to fight against system. Their messages and attacks are political, socially demmanding but also playful. Each of them have reasons to have moved to that virtual side, where they can be who they can't in real life. However, the sudden implication of authorities (pressed by goverment to be tougher against hackers)and of a wise and dangerous cracker will cause a turn in their crusade. Will they use the enemy's means or their ideological motivations imply a respect for law and human life?