Issei Oda

Issei Oda

出生 : 1965-01-01, Nagasaki, Japan


Issei Oda


Visual Effects
Visual Effects Supervisor
Visual Effects Supervisor
VFX Supervisor
VFX Supervisor
有名進学校に通う早坂紫(北川景子)は、夢も刺激もない高校生活を送っていた。受験を控えて成績は伸び悩み、同級生の徳森浩行(山本裕典)への片思いも何の進展もないまま3年目を迎えた。そんなある日、紫は矢澤芸術学院、通称“ヤザガク”の生徒・永瀬嵐(賀来賢人)から学園祭のファッションショーのモデルにスカウトされる。アトリエに連れて行かれ、嵐のカノジョの櫻田実和子(大政絢)と女装したイザベラ(五十嵐隼士)に会うが、受験のことしか頭にない紫は「あんたの遊びに付き合っているヒマはない」と言い放つ。翌朝、紫の教室に嵐たちのリーダー格・小泉譲二、通称ジョージ(向井理)が現れ、紫の手を取ると強引に外へ連れ出す。ヤザガクの教師でありトップヘアメイクアーティストの如月星次(平山浩行)に紫の髪を切るよう頼むジョージ。コンテスト形式のショーでは、ジョージと麻生香(加藤夏希)が優勝を狙っていた。既に“Paradise Kiss”というブランドで様々な服を創っていたジョージは、仲間たちと共に手分けしてドレスを創る。そんな彼らの情熱に紫は少しずつ心を動かされていく。上手くいかない毎日を厳しすぎる母親(羽田美智子)のせいにしていた紫だったが「お前の意思はどこにある?」とジョージに言われ、彼を見返そうとモデルを引き受ける。そんな中、紫は母親とケンカして家出、ジョージのマンションに間借りすることになる。学校を休学、自立を目指しジョージが紹介してくれた雑誌のモデルの仕事は一流のプロたちの現場だった。紫は遂に夢と出逢えたことに気付き、さりげなくサポートしてくれるジョージに惹かれていく。だがジョージは卒業後にパラキスを解散、パリへ修行に行くと宣言する。ショーの当日。紫はリハーサルでランウェイがまともに歩けない。本番が始まり、ステージに向かう紫の背中で「自分の足で歩いて来い」とジョージが叫ぶ。ショーが終われば別れが待っていることを胸に秘めて、紫は歩き出した……。
Visual Effects Supervisor
Then Summer Came
VFX Supervisor
A humorous wedding story fueled by a rather no-good father and son, disguised as the old and new “good guys.” The father Nobuo, and his son Tamio, are unable to mature, unable to break the parent-child roles, have no sense of responsibility, and keep holding on to the past. The pair is overwhelmed by all the colorful characters around them telling them what to do. They go to strenuous and humorous efforts to make Tamio’s wedding an event to remember.
VFX Supervisor
Visual Effects Supervisor
Visual Effects Supervisor
Every high school has its misfits, its square pegs, its rebels. St. Michael's Academy, nestled on an impossibly pretty and strangely remote Japanese island, is no exception. In fact, given the atmosphere of strictness, propriety and even subtle menace looming over the elite, aristocratic, Catholic boarding school, it's no wonder Fumio, Kazune and Yuzuko quickly bond over their dislike of the place. With rumors of rich girls being kidnapped in the region, and even more so, their legal guardians, including the school's enigmatic headmaster, Mr. Lawrence, and Fumio's brother are suspicious and on alert. Then an accidental and inexplicable unleashing of magic power infuses the girls with spectacular abilities. When the truth about the kidnappings is revealed, they're going to need them.
Every high school has its misfits, its square pegs, its rebels. St. Michael's Academy, nestled on an impossibly pretty and strangely remote Japanese island, is no exception. In fact, given the atmosphere of strictness, propriety and even subtle menace looming over the elite, aristocratic, Catholic boarding school, it's no wonder Fumio, Kazune and Yuzuko quickly bond over their dislike of the place. With rumors of rich girls being kidnapped in the region, and even more so, their legal guardians, including the school's enigmatic headmaster, Mr. Lawrence, and Fumio's brother are suspicious and on alert. Then an accidental and inexplicable unleashing of magic power infuses the girls with spectacular abilities. When the truth about the kidnappings is revealed, they're going to need them.
Every high school has its misfits, its square pegs, its rebels. St. Michael's Academy, nestled on an impossibly pretty and strangely remote Japanese island, is no exception. In fact, given the atmosphere of strictness, propriety and even subtle menace looming over the elite, aristocratic, Catholic boarding school, it's no wonder Fumio, Kazune and Yuzuko quickly bond over their dislike of the place. With rumors of rich girls being kidnapped in the region, and even more so, their legal guardians, including the school's enigmatic headmaster, Mr. Lawrence, and Fumio's brother are suspicious and on alert. Then an accidental and inexplicable unleashing of magic power infuses the girls with spectacular abilities. When the truth about the kidnappings is revealed, they're going to need them.
VFX Supervisor
富江 最終章~禁断の果実~
Visual Effects Supervisor
A girl commits suicide by jumping off the school roof, a walkman beside her body still playing a tape. Her friend listens to the tape and soon finds himself standing on the same roof. Despite being a devoted girlfriend, a young woman finds out that her boyfriend has merely been taking advantage of her generosity and has already replaced her. Suddenly she’s found dead and headless and her ex-boyfriend is haunted. A student in the school is found hanged. Shortly thereafter, her friends see giant balloons with faces floating around town. The balloons have nooses attached to them and seem to seek out their owners to hang.
A girl commits suicide by jumping off the school roof, a walkman beside her body still playing a tape. Her friend listens to the tape and soon finds himself standing on the same roof. Despite being a devoted girlfriend, a young woman finds out that her boyfriend has merely been taking advantage of her generosity and has already replaced her. Suddenly she’s found dead and headless and her ex-boyfriend is haunted. A student in the school is found hanged. Shortly thereafter, her friends see giant balloons with faces floating around town. The balloons have nooses attached to them and seem to seek out their owners to hang.