Antonio Exacoustos


Weißbier im Blut
Kreuzeder was once a successful commissioner, but now he rarely solves a case. After more than 20 years in the service, he just wants to retire as quickly as possible and leave everyday life in the homicide squad in Lower Bavaria behind. Kreuzeder is of the opinion that humanity is coming to an end anyway, so he prefers to get drunk in the tavern and flirt with the waitress Gerda Bichler there instead of going about his work.
Although he already has searched Iraq unsuccessfully for weapons of mass destruction as a member of a UN mission, German bio-weapons expert Arndt Wolf is still obsessed with the idea that Saddam Hussein is hiding something. Nobody around him is interested in this topic any more. This changes abruptly when an Iraqi asylum seeker claims to have been involved in the manufacture of chemical weapons. The German Federal Intelligence Service summons Dr. Wolf to ascertain the legitimacy of the claims made by the informant, who has been given the code name “Curveball”.
The Kangaroo Chronicles
Executive Producer
A communist kangaroo moves in with an artist in Berlin.
The Taste of Life
What does life taste of? For joyful Nikki the answer is clear: of pleasure. Delightfully she enjoys this at every possible occasion, as she drives through the country looking for people and their stories for her video-blog.
V8 - Revenge of the Nitros
After their glorious win against the Baracudas, the V8 team got closer to a place at the legendary "Castle", where kids get teached in racing. However, Robins father Rasmus V. Eight is hard on their heels. He still wants to get the control over his son and much more to ban the secret racings.Meanwhile, the V8 team has to deal with a new competing racing team, the Crazy Nitros, who kidnap Robin and force him to drive against his own team...
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is the life motto of 30-year-old Agnieszka. After serving five years in prison, Agnieszka flees Poland for Germany in an attempt to start over. In Munich she meets the lonely 70-year-old Madame, boss of an escort agency. The woman provides her with a refuge and a job: Agnieszka begins to work as a dominatrix for Madame. She becomes like a daughter to her. All seems well until a much younger boy falls in love with Agnieszka. Madame will not stand any competition."
Killing Is My Business, Honey
A hit man whose mission is to prevent the printing of a tell-all book written by a former Mafioso, falls in love with the employee who may lose her job if the book doesn't get published.
The Wave ウェイヴ
独裁政治を学ぶ体験授業をきっかけに洗脳されていく高校生たちの姿を描き、ドイツで大ヒットを記録した心理スリラー。アメリカで起こった実話をドイツの高校に置き換え、『エリート養成機関 ナポラ』のデニス・ガンゼルがメガホンを取った。主演には『エーミールと探偵たち』などに出演するドイツの俳優ユルゲン・フォーゲル。単純な興味や好奇心、ゲーム感覚から、あっという間に集団狂気に変化していく様子は、実話ならではのリアルさを帯び、身の毛もよだつほどのラストも衝撃的だ。