Fumie Muroi


Key Animation
敏腕映画プロデューサー・ポンポさんのもとで製作アシスタントをしているジーン。映画に心を奪われた彼は、観た映画をすべて記憶している映画通だ。映画を撮ることにも憧れていたが、自分には無理だと卑屈になる毎日。だが、ポンポさんに15秒CMの制作を任され、映画づくりに没頭する楽しさを知るのだった。 ある日、ジーンはポンポさんから次に制作する映画『MEISTER』の脚本を渡される。伝説の俳優の復帰作にして、頭がしびれるほど興奮する内容。大ヒットを確信するが……なんと、監督に指名されたのはCMが評価されたジーンだった! ポンポさんの目利きにかなった新人女優をヒロインに迎え、波瀾万丈の撮影が始まろうとしていた。
この世界の楽しみ方〜Secret Story Film〜
Key Animation
Key Animation
セイクリッドセブン 銀月の翼
Key Animation
舞台は、関東のとある港町―。孤独な生活を送る高校生・丹童子アルマの前に、執事とメイドを引き連れた「藍羽財団」CEOを名乗る少女、藍羽ルリが現れる。強力な力を持つ石の魔物「悪石」に立ち向かえるのは、アルマが持つ「セイクリッドセブン」の力のみ。 アルマ一人では制御できなかったセイクリッドセブンの力を、ルリは自身が持つ力で解放させ、アルマの真の姿「セイクリッドアルマ・リベレイター」を発現させる!お互いの意思を交わしたアルマとルリは、次々と巻き起こる事件の中で巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていく…。そんな中、突如二人の前に現れた謎の男。それは、もう一人のセイクリッドテイカー・輝島ナイトであった!
らんま½~悪夢! 春眠香
Key Animation
ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII-
Animation Director
アクエリアンエイジSagaII~Don't forget me...~
Character Designer
Mayumi, the peaceful daughter of an E.G.O. leader, has never been able to come to terms with her faction's mission or her psychic abilities. Everything changes when, in the middle of a horrific attack on Earth, a mysterious boy named Hokuto appears. Mayumi is suddenly infused with a power she's never felt before. Hokuto convinces a new generation of E.G.O., ARAYASHIKI, WIZ-DOM, and DARKLORE members that the world is in danger. The POLESTAR EMPIRE, led by the ambitious Emperor, seeks to conquer the universe by resurrecting dead warriors. Four young women will discover their own personal strengths to face the ultimate evil in the Aquarian Age, a chaotic period rife with war.
アクエリアンエイジSagaII~Don't forget me...~
Mayumi, the peaceful daughter of an E.G.O. leader, has never been able to come to terms with her faction's mission or her psychic abilities. Everything changes when, in the middle of a horrific attack on Earth, a mysterious boy named Hokuto appears. Mayumi is suddenly infused with a power she's never felt before. Hokuto convinces a new generation of E.G.O., ARAYASHIKI, WIZ-DOM, and DARKLORE members that the world is in danger. The POLESTAR EMPIRE, led by the ambitious Emperor, seeks to conquer the universe by resurrecting dead warriors. Four young women will discover their own personal strengths to face the ultimate evil in the Aquarian Age, a chaotic period rife with war.
劇場版 頭文字D Third Stage
Key Animation
逮捕しちゃうぞ the MOVIE
Key Animation
暑い夏の日、辻本夏実巡査と小早川美幸巡査は本庁研修を修了し、1年ぶりに墨東署交通課へ帰ってきた。同僚の二階堂頼子・葵双葉・中嶋剣、そして課長・徳野刑事も笑顔で2人を迎え入れる。さらにはヒマラヤに行っていた東海林も帰国するとの連絡を受け、夏実は早くもウキウキモード。そんな中、頼子と葵が駐車場に止めてある車から大量の銃器を押収。さらには墨東各地で信号機一斉故障が発生。またタレこみにより、またも大量の銃器及び謎のMOを押収した。 捜査が進む中、墨東署に蟻塚警視正が来署。今回の事件には課長が関わっているとし、課長は逮捕されてしまう。尋問から出た言葉は「柄本警部」そして「蜂一号」。そしてついに大事件が発生。隅田川にかかるさくら橋が爆破された。犯人によると爆弾は他にもあるという。東京の警察官総出で探すが、爆弾は見つからない。その時、拘置所にいた課長が「蜂一号」とは「本庁所轄警察署襲撃要綱」であると説明を始める。そして調べの中、その警察署のモデルが墨東署だということが発覚。墨東署への魔の手は確実に迫っていた。 果たして夏実と美幸は犯行を阻止することができるのか。2人の乗るTODAYが東京の下町を疾走する。
天地無用! in LOVE
Key Animation
Key Animation
In this OVA, the story of Gau's history with his adopted sister and the secrets that make up the shadow skill unfold. The pair make their annual return to the gravesite of Gau's parents, where his growth and progress as a warrior can be exhibited for them. Gau has come along way in his training as a Sevalle under Elle's mentorship, but there are those who wish to find a way of eliminating them, just waiting for the right opportunity to mount a deadly attack. As the travellers make their journey, their family bonds and skill will be tested. Opponents are many, and battles are fierce, but Gau's training also entails taking on his sister in battle, and fully embracing the skills he must learn to defeat his ultimate opponent.
らんま½ 超無差別決戦! 乱馬チームVS伝説の鳳凰
Key Animation
Key Animation
Graduating senior Sakisaka Saki is secretly in love with her older sister Noriko's boyfriend, Kazame Kaname, unaware that Noriko and Kaname have broken up. Saki hopes to escape her dilemma when she goes to college, but she ends up attending the same college as Kaname. During orientation, she is recruited to Kaname's video club. He wants to film her, but so does another boy, Tachibana Daichi, who is secretly in love with her. Can the knots be untangled and true love find its true course?
らんま½ 決戦桃幻郷! 花嫁を奪りもどせ!
Key Animation
Key Animation
What comes around goes around...even from beyond the grave. Most criminals are only concerned with earthly justice - the laws of man. All too often, the guilty go free, their deeds unpunished. But there is another law. Deep within the spirit world, the wrongful dead seek retribution for the crimes against them by the living. These restless spirits have their own code of justice, and they've chosen the Judge of Darkness and his Demons of Hell to enforce them. An appeal for justice leads to an investigation of a successful, high-ranking corporate executive. Who would believe he'd be involved with embezzlement and murder? But the Judge of Darkness soon discovers that the roots of corruption run deep as he slowly works his way up the corporate pyramid.