Akira Shimizu


Matsuba Group was dominant in Gumma but an emerging group begins to mess around their territory. Designated as the leader of a branch, Makino swipes the rival group... but can he take on a horde of rival assassins?
Assistant Director
Zatoichi is mentored by the blind leader of a secret organization as he contends with both the Yakuza and a jealous husband.
BLOOD END is one of the great unknown films from Japan's golden era of the late 1960's. Starring NAKADAI Tatsuya in one of his best roles, this is the story of the Mito Tengu Group who attempted to overthrow the Shogunate at the beginning of the Bakumatsu Period. Their political aspirations led to countless assassinations, as well as senseless killing of innocent people who got in their way. Sentaro (NAKADAI), a farmer who's been severely beaten for his outspoken defiance of the government and the high taxes during a time of famine is befriended by one of the group's leaders, KADA Gentaro (KATO Go) and joins up. This is the masterpiece of director YAMAMOTO Satsuo (who is best known for the first film in the NINJA, BAND OF ASSASSINS series) the erstwhile 'Leftist' director, who used his films to make his political points. Stunning fight choreography, and ultra-violence make this one of the bloodiest films of that era. A powerful film Rare classic!
A ronin desperately seeks a way out of financial straits; he allies with the Tosa clan under the ruthless leader Takechi, who quickly takes advantage.
Zatoichi is forced to kill a young man who owes a debt to a yakuza boss. Moments later, his sister Osode arrives with the money she earned (prostituting herself) to pay his debts. The bosses true motives are revealed and he attempts to steal Osode even though the debt is paid. Zatoichi realizes his grievous error and protects the girl from the gang. Osode and Zatoichi are caught in a dilemma as she must rely on her brother's killer for protection and Zatoichi wrestles with the injustice he has caused.
井原西鶴の代表作である同名の浮世草子を、市川雷蔵主演で映画化した作品。 但馬屋のひとり息子・世之介は、父親の心配をよそに放蕩三昧。修業先でも金にまかせて女狂い。ついに勘当された世之介は、頭を丸め放浪の旅に出るが、なおも懲りずに、京都随一とうたわれた夕霧太夫を口説き落とす始末。女体遍歴に命を賭けた男・世之介の華麗な一代記。
大菩薩峠 竜神の巻
The sequel to Daibosatsu tôge (1960) and the second of the trilogy follows the adventures of Ryunosuke Tsukue after he is blinded.
Kumosuke no Sanzo
Film directed by Kenji Misumi.
Period drama based on the novel by Saisei Murō.
Film adaption by Kenji Misumi
Early film by Kenji Misumi.
It is brother against brother in this tale of love and betrayal within the famed Yagyu clan. In one of their earliest films together, superstars Ichikawa Raizo and Katsu Shintaro are magnificent as the two finest young swordsmen in the clan. As they vie for the hand of a beautiful woman their loyalty comes into question during an attack on their lord. When one of them masters the secret technique taught to him by Miyamoto Musashi, it leads to bloody violence that can tear the clan apart! Filled with superb swordplay this rare classic is not to be missed!
In June 1941, Captain Kagawa (Ryutaro Tatsumi), who had just graduated from the military academy, was assigned as the captain of a sentry patrol in Beiman, which was located on the opposite side of the Heilongjiang River from the Semidomka region of the Soviet Union. His predecessor, Lieutenant Kishi (Kawamura Kenichiro), a mild-mannered middle-aged man, had earned the trust of his men and the villagers by relaxing his military duties. However, newly appointed Lieutenant Kagawa thinks that Kishi's way of doing things is sloppy and begins to train the soldiers furiously in order to teach them a lesson.
Slave Trader
森鴎外の同名小説を、八尋不二と依田義賢が共同で脚色し、溝口健二がメガホンをとった文芸作品。特に美術と撮影はレベルが高く、ヴェネチア国際映画祭で銀獅子賞を受賞した。美しいラストシーンは、ゴダールが「気狂いピエロ」において引用したことでも知られる。  平安時代末期、農民を救うため将軍にたてついた平正氏が左遷された。妻の玉木、娘の安寿と息子の厨子王は越後を旅している途中、人買いにだまされ離ればなれになってしまう。玉木は佐渡に、安寿と厨子王は丹後の山椒大夫に奴隷として売られた。きょうだいはそれから十年もの間、奴隷としての生活を続けるが、ついに意を決して逃げ出すことにする。しかし追っ手に迫られ、安寿は厨子王を逃すため池に身を投げるのだった。
Okoyo, the mistress of Lord Arima, fears that she is being replaced by a younger woman named Otaki. In a fit of jealousy, she kills the younger girl. The dead woman's cat licks her blood and becomes a demon, seeking revenge on Okoyo
Japan, 1159. Moritō, a brave samurai, performs a heroic act by rescuing the lovely Kesa during a violent uprising. Moritō falls in love with her, but becomes distraught when he finds out that she is married.
Armored knight
Jewel thieves become interested in an invisibility formula invented by Professor Nakazato and want to use his invention to acquire a diamond necklace called the "Tears of Amour."
Goblin Courier
Jida-geki by Santaro Marune.
A 1946 Japanese film directed by Keigo Kimura.