Explores the hot-button issues around the striking gender gap in Hollywood. Both women and men in the entertainment industry share first-person insights, questions, and anecdotes about the place of women in Hollywood.
Morning Show Commentator
In 1973, the Loud family became a television sensation of a new kind. It was long before a metal rock star showed his eccentric family on the small screen and decades before housewives had screaming matches with each other on camera in public. CINEMA VERITE tells the behind-the-scenes story of the groundbreaking documentary "An American Family," which chronicled the lives of the Louds in the early 1970s and catapulted the Santa Barbara family to notoriety while creating a new television genre: the reality TV series.
Lt. Col. LaPierre
Female Bartender
A vengeful woman lures her half brother into a game that may leave her the sole heir to their abusive father's fortune.
Woman on Bus
Angie lives in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, and dreams of a better life. When she finds out she's pregnant by her boyfriend, Vinnie, she decides she'll have the baby; but not Vinnie as a husband. This turns the entire close-knit neighborhood upside-down and starts Angie on a journey of self-discovery.
A mourning son makes a deal to reanimate his one year dead mother, however things turn into an unexpected direction.