Karin Ono
出生 : 1998-07-06, Tokyo, Japan
Mishima Kiko was exploited by her own family. When she was little, her mother neglected her. After her mother remarried, Kiko was abused mentally and physically by her mother, stepfather, and younger stepbrother. She didn't belong to this family. Somehow, she disconnects from her family in Tokyo and moves to a seaside town in Oita. There, she meets a 13-year-old boy named Mushi. He has been abused by his mother and does not speak due to trauma from the abuse. Mushi reminds Kiko of herself when she was younger.
Kazuna Namisawa
連続アニメ『サウンドバック 奏の石』で夢の監督デビューが決定した斎藤瞳。だが、気合いが空回りして制作現場には早くも暗雲が…。瞳を大抜擢してくれたはずのプロデューサー・行城理は、ビジネス最優先で瞳にとって最大のストレスメーカー。「なんで分かってくれないの!」だけど日本中に最高のアニメを届けたい! そんなワケで目下大奮闘中。最大のライバルは『運命戦線リデルライト』。瞳も憧れる天才・王子千晴監督の復帰作だ。王子復活に懸けるのはその才能に惚れ抜いたプロデューサーの有科香屋子…しかし、彼女も王子の超ワガママ、気まぐれに振り回され「お前、ほんっとーに、ふざけんな!」と、大大悪戦苦闘中だった。瞳は一筋縄じゃいかないスタッフや声優たちも巻き込んで、熱い“想い”をぶつけ合いながら “ハケン=覇権” を争う戦いを繰り広げる!!その勝負の行方は!? アニメの仕事人たちを待つのは栄冠か? 果たして、瞳の想いは人々の胸に刺さるのか?
The year is 2020, the middle of the corona crisis. Art student Itsuka has her graduation exhibition canceled and must take home the piece which she had been working on for a year. In a whirlpool of emotions she clashes with her worried parents, her little sister overreacts to the virus and even her usually calm friend Hirai starts to build up frustration. In the middle of all that, she re-unites with Tanaka, who gave her the opportunity to absorb herself in painting, clashes with Hirai over their true feelings and tries to face her own future.
Karin Hanada
It depicts two high school girls trying to change the atmosphere of the world with their ideas by setting up a camera in the town and transmitting the footage via SNS.
Asami Uehara
Yoshihara Akihito had no particular goal and just managed to manage his daily life. One day, he happened to meet Ishikawa Eriko, who had a secret feeling in high school. Akihito decides to make a plan when he sees Eriko, who rejects all the past, "memories that he wants to change" and "memories that he wants to erase" that are revived by the reunion. To settle the abominable past for the two in high school. A straight and slightly bitter youth group story that depicts characters with a dark past facing each other desperately while being clumsy in order to repaint the memories of memories that turned away from their eyes as adults.
(segment "Low Resolution, High Emotion")
山戸結希監督が企画・プロデュースを務め、自身を含め80 年代後半〜90 年代生まれの新進映画監督、総勢15 名が集結。“自分自身のセクシャリティあるいはジェンダーがゆらいだ瞬間が映っていること”を共通のテーマとして、各監督が8 分以内の短編で表現するオムニバス作品。
Apprentice chef Saori Nakagawa suddenly travels to Tokyo in 1964 to meet Ryuichi Kikuchi, a cook. From Kikuchi who devotes himself to cooking, Saori learns what is really important. The love of two people over 56 years.
Akiko Shimizu
What's most important in life always changes and goes away. Winter in 2009, Akiko Shimizu goes to high school in Tokyo as far from home as she can get in with her ability. She is in junior grade. She is always sleep deprived and cannot sleep at home. She goes to her grandma's house where she used to live together and falls asleep there. Akiko, in lack of sleep as usual, meets Yoshida in a train. Although she knows that they never understand each other, she falls in love with someone, spends some time together, and seperate. Even if it's been a mistake, Akiko Shimizu embraces the moment and falls asleep.
Sota Nishino (Ryusei Yokohama) is a good looking high school student. He meets Mai who is his friend Yukihiro Nanase’s younger sister. She is also a high school student and somewhat naive. Sota Nishino mutters to Yukihiro Nanase "Your sister is cute." Mai overhears Sota's remark through the thin wall between her room and her brother's room.
Kurumi Nakahara
Three days before a cultural festival, reliable heroine Hikari Sasaki suddenly quits the club. Left behind in the theater club are four sensitive girls, Saya Honjo, Aoi Fujisaki, Kurumi Nakahara and Mika Shinoda. The girls have relied on Hikari for such a long time, and are at a loss, with none of them interested in being the next heroine. Nobody has any desire to be a candidate, but without a leader for the theater club the manager Saya has the idea of having a secret ballot.
But the result of the vote produces a shocking development.
Ami Fujisaki
小説家である「私」のもとに、女子大生の久保さんという読者から、1通の手紙が届く。 「今住んでいる部屋で、奇妙な“音”がするんです」好奇心を抑えられず、調査を開始する「私」と久保さん。 すると、そのマンションの過去の住人たちが、引っ越し先で、自殺や心中、殺人など、数々の事件を引き起こしていた事実が浮かび上がる。 彼らはなぜ、“音”のするその「部屋」ではなく、別々の「場所」で、不幸な末路をたどったのか。 「私」と久保さんは、作家の平岡芳明、心霊マニアの青年・三澤徹夫、 そして「私」の夫・直人らの協力を得て、ついに数十年の時を経た、壮大なる戦慄の真相に辿り着く。 だがそれは、新たなる事件の序章に過ぎなかった―。 すべての事件をつなぐ【穢れ】の正体とは?予定調和を許さない驚愕のラストまで、目が離せない。
Hazuki Ozawa
Akiko Enomoto
10 high school students including Yuka Kabayama are suddenly led to a room and must play the jinrou game. Yuka Kabayama has the jinrou card. She has to hide that fact and kill the players who have the citizens cards one by one. Yuka Kabayama gets excited by her situation.
Tamotsu Inukai is a married middle-aged man with a wife, daughter and son. Mr. Inukai has a strong dislike for dogs, but while he is working on the island his family takes in a Samoyed dog to fill in the father's absence, the family decides to raise the dog. At first Mr. Inukai opposes the family taking the dog in, but he can't persuade his family to abandon the dog. When Mr. Inukai arrives back in Tokyo, he now has to has to live with the Samoyed dog. Can he?