Francesca Massariol


Starve Acre
Production Design
Set in their family estate, Starve Acre, in rural 1970s England, Richard and Juliette find their idyllic family life disrupted when their son Ewan starts acting strangely. The formerly happy couple grow farther apart when Richard buries himself in local folklore -— including the myth that an ancient oak tree set on their estate possesses phenomenal powers — while Juliette seeks comfort in their local community. Just when it seems the couple may reconnect, dark and sinister forces find their way into the family home and their attention is diverted by an unexpected discovery.
Production Design
Production Design
The Power
Production Design
London, 1974. As Britain prepares for electrical blackouts to sweep across the country, trainee nurse Val arrives for her first day at the crumbling East London Royal Infirmary. With most of the patients and staff evacuated to another hospital, Val is forced to work the night shift, finding herself in a dark, near empty building. Within these walls lies a deadly secret, forcing Val to face both her own traumatic past and deepest fears.
Mogul Mowgli
Production Design
Zed, a young British rapper, is about to start his first world tour, when a crippling illness strikes him down, and he is forced to move back in with his family. He tries to find himself between an international music career and Pakistani family traditions.
Art Direction
舞台は現代のベトナム。キット(ヘンリー・ゴールディング)は、両親の遺灰を埋葬すべく、30年ぶりに祖国であるサイゴン(現ホーチミン)に足を踏み入れる。 キットは6歳のとき、家族とともにベトナム戦争後の混乱を逃れてイギリスへ渡った、“ボート難民”だ。以来、これが初めての帰郷だった。もはやベトナム語すらままならない彼は、英語が話せる従兄弟のリー(デヴィッド・トラン)の助けを借りながら、どこか大事な場所を探し始めるが、思うようには進まない。サイゴンは今やすっかり経済成長を遂げ、かつての姿は見る影もなかったからだ。そんな中、ネットで知り合ったアフリカ系アメリカ人のルイス(パーカー・ソーヤーズ)と一夜をともにするキット。ルイスの父親はベトナム戦争に従軍したという過去を持ち、そのことを隠してこの国で暮らしていた。 その後、両親の故郷ハノイへ向かったキットは、サイゴンで知り合ったアートツアーを主催する学生リン(モリー・ハリス)を訪ね、彼女の実家が営む伝統的な蓮茶の工房見学をする。それはキットの知る“古き良きベトナム”の姿にようやく触れられた時間でもあったが、リンにとっては時代遅れなものらしい。 埋葬場所探しに関しては、ハノイでも芳しい成果がなく、サイゴンに戻ったキット。そこで彼は、リーから自分たちの家族の亡命にまつわる“ある真実”を聞かされることになる——。
Art Direction
Pin Cushion
Production Design
Super close mother Lyn and daughter Iona (Dafty One and Dafty Two) are excited for their new life in a new town. Determined to make a success of things after a tricky start, Iona becomes 'best friends' with Keely, Stacey and Chelsea. Used to being Iona's bestie herself, Lyn feels left out. So Lyn also makes friends with Belinda, her neighbour.
Production Design
When his daughter goes missing in an apparent alien abduction, Gabriel's search takes him dangerously close to her strange group of so-called friends. But the further he goes inside their computer game and fantasy-obsessed world, the more he realises that he must confront his own difficult memories if he is to get his daughter back.
Production Design
Tina doesn’t know much about the schoolgirl in the Hijab. She might come from Egypt or Iraq – but what does it matter? She would like to be there for her neighbour, to protect her from her tough life at home and in the neighbourhood. But how come Tina thinks she knows so much about this foreign girl? Prejudice and tentative advances collide head-on in the block.