Rocky Zhang


Sweet Journey
Sound Designer
Guizhou province, southern China, spring 1980. Schoolboys Zhao Qiangsheng (Ma Guoxing) and Fulai (Wang Shibin), who've spent their whole life in a remote village, hear from a PLA soldier about a thing called a "city", full of people, buildings and cars, three mountains away. Full of curiosity, and with the orphaned Fulai fed up with being passed around the community, the two set off to reach it when their school is closed for five days...
Sound Designer
中国・チンタオ。水族館で働く心誠(シンチョン / ジェット・リー)は、妻に先立たれ、21歳になる自閉症の息子大福(ターフー / ウェン・ジャン)を男手ひとつで大切に育ててきた。ある日心誠はガンで余命わずかと診断され、息子の将来を案じて心中を図る。だが、泳ぎの得意な大福が海面に顔を出したため、心誠は息子を預かってくれる施設さがしに奔走するとともに、大福に一人で生きていく術(すべ)を一つ一つ教えていく…。