Guillermo Bermúdez


グリンゴ 最強の悪運男
Utility Sound
製薬会社の管理部長としてシカゴ本社とメキシコ工場を行き来し、朝から晩までマジメに働いたのに、もうすぐクビに! 友達だったはずの経営者に騙された上に、最愛の妻にまで離婚される始末・・・ 。パッとしない負け犬人生を歩んではきたけれど、さすがにこれほどのどん底は初めてのハロルドは、極悪モンスター上司のリチャードと、彼の愛人で共同経営者のエレーンへのリベンジを誓う。メキシコで〈偽装誘拐〉を演じ、身代金5億円を奪うという、生涯初の悪事を企てたのだ。ところが、ハロルドが死ねば、会社に保険金が入ることに気づいたリチャードは殺し屋を雇う。さらに、リチャードの会社の医療大麻の製造レシピを狙うメキシコの麻薬組織のボスが、ハロルドの〈本気の誘拐〉に参戦! 果たして、貯めに貯めた悪運を爆発させた、ハロルドの一発大逆転の切り札とは?
スピーシーズ4 新種覚醒
Boom Operator
A scientist, Dr Holander, takes his niece Miranda to Mexico in an attempt to reverse the effects of the alien DNA he used to create her. However the treatment goes horribly wrong, and sets Miranda on a killing spree as she sets out to find a mate.
¡Hasta aquí hemos llegado!
Sound Effects Editor
When his wife cheats on him, his car is stolen, and his company is accused of embezzlement, Rodrigo (Carlos Sobera) decides to stage his death, come back as his long-lost twin brother, Ricardo, and start fresh with his family. But much to his chagrin, he learns that his wife doesn't miss him, his kids speak poorly of him, and his boss may have framed him. Elisa Matilla, Cora Tiedra and Javier Pereira co-star in this comedy.
El florido pensil
Sound Effects
"El Florido Pensil" is a humorous reflection of the education of several generations of Spaniards from the 1940s to the 1960s. Based on the book of the same name by Andrés Sopeña, it evokes, from the present, his memories of that time: everyday school, local radio, Roberto Alcázar's comics, Thursday cinema with Franco opening swamps and "Yon Güein" chasing and killing Indians. Through the childish eyes of a child Sopeña (Daniel Rubio) and his schoolmates, we discover a way of understanding the world, society and a Spain "of glories and flowery pensil", as the national anthem of those years used to sing.
En el país de no pasa nada
A crooked CEO is kidnapped and nobody cares enough to pay his ransom.
Frankenstein's Great Aunt Tillie
The descendants of Baron Frankenstein return to the family castle to search for the family fortune that is supposed to be hidden there.