Utility Sound
평범한 인생을 살아오던 제약회사 영업사원 '해럴드'는 친구이자 사장인 '리처드'와 '엘레인'과 함께 떠난 멕시코 해외 출장 중 자신을 해고하려는 계획과 아내의 외도 사실까지 알게 된다. 잃을 것이 없는 ‘해럴드’는 납치 자작극으로 ‘리처드’에게 몸값을 요구하지만 되려 해럴드를 처치하려 하고, ‘리처드’의 제약회사로부터 마약 공급이 끊긴 멕시코의 마약 조직은 해럴드의 뒤를 쫓기 시작한다. 하루아침에 꼬일 대로 꼬여버린 인생 암흑기에서 헤럴드를 과연 탈출 할 수 있을까?
Boom Operator
외계인의 DNA를 이용해 미란다를 만들어낸 홀랜더 박사는 그 영향을 최소화할 방법을 찾기 위해 그녀를 데리고 멕시코로 향한다. 그러나 그 시도는 실패하고 미란다 안에 있던 외계인의 본성을 깨우고 만다. 그녀는 번식을 위한 상대를 찾기 위해 살육도 마다하지 않는데...
Sound Effects Editor
When his wife cheats on him, his car is stolen, and his company is accused of embezzlement, Rodrigo (Carlos Sobera) decides to stage his death, come back as his long-lost twin brother, Ricardo, and start fresh with his family. But much to his chagrin, he learns that his wife doesn't miss him, his kids speak poorly of him, and his boss may have framed him. Elisa Matilla, Cora Tiedra and Javier Pereira co-star in this comedy.
Sound Effects
"El Florido Pensil" is a humorous reflection of the education of several generations of Spaniards from the 1940s to the 1960s. Based on the book of the same name by Andrés Sopeña, it evokes, from the present, his memories of that time: everyday school, local radio, Roberto Alcázar's comics, Thursday cinema with Franco opening swamps and "Yon Güein" chasing and killing Indians. Through the childish eyes of a child Sopeña (Daniel Rubio) and his schoolmates, we discover a way of understanding the world, society and a Spain "of glories and flowery pensil", as the national anthem of those years used to sing.
A crooked CEO is kidnapped and nobody cares enough to pay his ransom.
The descendants of Baron Frankenstein return to the family castle to search for the family fortune that is supposed to be hidden there.