Pierre-Emmanuel Chatiliez


On the Pulse
Storyboard Artist
Gabrielle has just joined a prestigious news program. With no formal training, she must prove herself and find her place among an experienced team of special correspondents. In the heat of the action, she will learn the language and the code of these reporters, who are always passionate, often funny, and sometimes scarred by life and their profession. And then there’s Vincent, the program’s editor-in-chief, who she can’t help challenging...
Storyboard Artist
Les Vengeances de Maître Poutifard
Storyboard Artist
The tasty story of a retired teacher who decides to make his former students pay for years of heckling and humiliation.
メデジン 麻薬カルテルをぶっ潰せ!
Storyboard Artist
弟をメデジン・カルテルの危険な麻薬の手から救うため、レダはチームを編成してコロンビアを襲撃するという、非常識であると同時に単純な計画を立てる。 しかし、彼が弟の命と引き換えにカルテルのリーダーの息子を誘拐することを決意したとき、この冒険は完全に制御不能になる。
The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
Storyboard Artist
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
For My Country
Storyboard Artist
Aissa, a young officer of Algerian origin, tragically loses his life during a fresher initiation ritual at the prestigious French military academy of Saint-Cyr. As the death tears through his family, controversy arises over Aissa’s funeral plans when the Army refuses to take responsibility. Ismael, his older, rebellious brother, tries to keep the family united as they fight to win justice for Aissa.
Just Retired 2
Storyboard Artist
Marilou and Philippe decide to show their grandchildren their new holiday home in Portugal. But once there, they discover to their horror that the house is still under construction. This is just the beginning of the problems for the grandparents, because soon they will lose their children. They have only two days left to find them, before their parents join them.
Villa Caprice
Storyboard Artist
Famous lawyer, Luc Germon adds Gilles Fontaine, one of the most powerful bosses in France, to his clients. He is suspected of having acquired a magnificent property, Villa Caprice, under questionable conditions.
Storyboard Artist
When a team of explorers ventures into the catacombs that lie beneath the streets of Paris, they uncover the dark secret that lies within this city of the dead.
Storyboard Artist
La mort de Molière
Scenic Artist
A collaboration in which Robert Wilson and Heiner Müller let Molière die, imagine his death in tableaux with text passages recited by Müller himself. "Cinema watches Death at work." Wilson's actors watch Molière die: their vigil is hard work. Müller's comment: "The poem watches a dying man at work, his name is Molière. The poem is not a film. The film watches an actor playing a dying man called Molière."