In the household of Lee Gyeong-jin, a high-ranking official of Joseon Kingdom, three sons die from an unidentified horror. A woman pregnant with a child of the third son soon learns of the evil spirit that haunts the house.
A girl who went missing after an accident returns 10 years later and reunites with her grandmother.
So-eun (seg.2)
You and my romance 'Now Playing' screening begins soon!
Sin Na‑ri
High school student Jung-Won (Cha Ye-Ryeon]) works at an amusement park, dressed up as Dragon cartoon character. Then one day, a guy, standing among his friends, twists her dragon mask around, causing her to fall flat on her back. Shortly afterwards, she spots the guy that caused her to fall down. Jung-won proceeds to pour a drink over his head. A few days later Jung-Won is horsing around with her brother on the top floor of their home. They notice that a new family moved in next door. Jung-Won then gets a sickening feeling when she realizes that the young guy in their family is the same guy that twisted her dragon mask around in the amusement park. His name is Eun-Kyu (Jang Keun-Suk), a popular high school student that fronts the band “Doremifasolasido.”
A teenager deals with life on his own as his mother lies in a coma.
Jenny, Juno centers on the title characters of Jenny and Juno, two fifteen year old middle school students whose one night of romance has dramatic consequences for both their lives. After careful deliberation, the two expectant parents decide to keep the baby.