Toshihide Tonesaku

Toshihide Tonesaku

出生 : 1972-04-03, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Toshihide Tonesaku


心臓外科の名医として知られ、総合病院の副院長でもある前園徹(天野浩成)が、刺殺されているのが見つかった。臨場した新宿西署の刑事・牛尾正直(片岡鶴太郎)は、第一発見者であるフラワーショップ経営者・北野英子(美村里江)から事情を聴く。英子は現場から急ぎ足で立ち去る大柄な男を目撃したと話すが、フードをかぶっていたため顔まではわからないという。  そんな中、牛尾は殺された徹が自身の病院の特別室に、意識不明の重体に陥った高校生・川合理香(菊地姫奈)を迎え入れていたことを知る。理香は病院で働く看護師の娘で、学校のいじめを苦に飛び降り自殺を図ったらしく、状況を知った徹が母子に手を差し伸べた形だった。彼の行動は美談として報じられていたが、その一方で徹は病院長でもある母・貴子(原日出子)に面倒なことはすべて頼りきっていたという、いびつな親子関係も明らかになる。  そんな中、英子の目撃証言に合致する関係者が浮上。ところが、彼の風貌を確認した英子は、自分が見た男とはまったくの別人だと証言。牛尾はきっぱりと否定する英子に、かすかな疑念を抱き…!?
虎の流儀 激突!燃える嵐の関門編
原田龍二が義理人情に厚いヤクザを演じる、任侠人情ドラマ「虎の流儀」のシリーズ第2弾。 岐阜での10人斬りの一件で、名古屋の待田組にいられなくなった車田清は、北九州へと向かい、代々地元の船や漁師たちを守ってきた名門・富岡一家の親分の世話になることになった。平和に見えた港町だったが、その裏では南豊不動産開発社長による漁港を埋め立てて空港を建設する計画が密かに進行していた。 主人公・車田清役を原田が引き続き演じ、前作から出演する川野太郎、つまみ枝豆、薬師寺保栄のほか、森脇英理子、磯山さやか、木下隆行、はいだしょうこ、東根作寿英、宮川一朗太、石倉三郎らが顔をそろえる。監督は「修羅の群れ」「日本統一」シリーズの辻裕之。
世にも奇妙な物語 ’22夏の特別編
白金西公園付近で男性の遺体が見つかり、機捜235で街を巡回する縞長省一(中村梅雀)と高丸卓也(平岡祐太)が現場へ急行。免許証から被害者は田崎正也(大滝明利)だと判明する。左手にはコイン型のペンダントヘッドが握られていた。さらに「公園の東側は自分たちの管轄だ」と駆け付けた、第一機動捜査隊の倉沢巧(増田貴久)らが怪しげな車を発見。それは厚生労働省の事務次官公用車で、田崎はドライバーだった。だが同乗していた事務次官・重田由紀恵(若村麻由美)の姿はなく…。 高丸は手柄を横取りされたと悔しがるが、その後、別の捜査に当たっていると、倉沢らが乗る機捜136が管轄外である渋谷区の病院に入っていくのを目撃する。一体なぜ病院へ…?その頃、厚労省で聴取を受けていた秘書・真壁智彦(山崎樹範)らに、由紀恵を拉致したという人物から電話が!事態は誘拐事件へと発展していく。
2年前、ホテル「プラトン東京」から、ここ「プラトン ロイヤルホテル八ヶ岳」に総支配人として着任した東堂克生(内藤剛志)。お客様に最高の時間と空間を提供するため、スタッフとともに日々奮闘している。コンシェルジュの北山修二(東根作寿英)は、宿泊客パスカル・アンリ(Frederick Benoliel)と静子(いしのようこ)夫妻の恩人探しに奮闘。若手パティシェ・須藤義之(田中俊介)の作るスウィーツは宿泊客に好評で、人気作家・中上冬樹(デビット伊東)はそれを目当てに滞在するほどだ。須藤は、松岡みのり(山下リオ)との結婚も決まっており、ブライダル担当の山下みなみ(あめくみちこ)は、同僚の結婚式の準備に張り切っている。
A connection is found between a string of arsons and a 12 year old murder.
Akihiro Kuga
レ・ミゼラブル 終わりなき旅路
This feature drama, produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fuji TV, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic masterpiece Les Miserables set in the 1990s in Japan. In Kobe in 1993, Jun Baba gets taken to a juvenile prison due to a killing of a man who cheated his mother out of all her money in self-defense. One day, he hears that his younger brother, who has been desperately ill, is in a critical condition and breaks out. However, he finds out his brother is already dead. In the depth of despair, he tries to kill himself but is saved by a man who runs a self-support facility. He begins to live at the place, and befriends with Takumi Watanabe aspiring to be a lawyer. In 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hits and their friendship comes to an end. Crushed under the debris, Takumi persuades Jun to live his life instead. Jun swears to live on assuming Takumi's identity.
Detective Ogami
The body of Kou Fujisaki, who fell to her death, is discovered in front of an old building in West Shinjuku. Chief Sakamoto notifies Ushio, who arrives at the scene. Ushio thinks that this must be a murder, but according to Yamaji, who was at the scene before him, an eyewitness testified that Kou had jumped off the roof of the building, killing herself. Kou is someone who has lingered in Ushio's memory - as a suspect...
Detective Ohgami
ドロメ 女子篇
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At the training camp, horrific and unusual events take place. Soon, the students learn that Dorome an old mountain legend is responsible.
Dorome: Boys' Side
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At the training camp, horrific and unusual events take place. Soon, the students learn that Dorome an old mountain legend is responsible.
終着駅の牛尾刑事VS事件記者冴子 生存者
Detective Ogami
The body of Kazuyoshi Kawagishi, a construction company worker, is discovered stabbed to death in Shinjuku Central Park in Tokyo. Detective Masanao Ushio of Shinjuku West PD begins an investigation and finds that the murdered Kawagishi was an honest person who didn't have any troubles. Kawagishi worked for a company in Kofu City in Yamanashi, leaving behind his wife and daughter on Awaji Island in Hyogo. He seems to have started working as a laborer 3 years ago, having fallen on hard times when the company went bankrupt. Saeko Kawamura, Ushio's reporter friend, calls him wanting to talk about the case. According to Saeko, Kawagishi was one of the survivors of the "bus hijack arson case" that happened three years ago. In the bus hijack arson case, a man who was hallucinating under the influence of dangerous drugs set fire to an intercity bus going to Shinjuku and departing from Kofu Station...
(segment "Punished by Poseidon")
ドクター彦次郎 ~塀の中から来た名医
Tadahiko Mori
One day, Hikojiro receives an emergency call from inn proprietress Shino Ogawa to examine Tadahiko Mori, a guest complaining of stomach pain. Mori, who owns an art gallery in Tokyo, has come to Kyoto on a trip with his only daughter, high school student Nanami. Hikojiro gives him his business card, telling him to contact him if the pain comes back. However, the next day, Mori is found dead...!
Detective Ogami
Masanao Ushio and other detectives from Shinjuku West PD discover the strangled dead body of a woman in an empty building in West Shinjuku in Tokyo. According to her husband Takeshi, the murdered Chieko Akiba was a top salesperson at the insurance company where she worked, but quit her job three months ago and planned to open a beauty salon after buying the building which happens to be the crime scene. The call history on her mobile phone reveals the victim answered a call at 8:16 PM and is presumed to have been murdered immediately afterwards. However, Ushio is surprised to hear who was on the other side of the call: Kyoko Yamano, a woman who accompanied Ushio under an umbrella on a rainy night one year ago and whose husband was killed by someone that very night...
Arrangement instructor Makiko Norita (Yukie Nakama) displays a dignified smile, but she also makes bitting remarks. Nevertheless, with her magic arrangement skills, arrangement instructor Makiko Norita makes people happy. Based on the book "Jinsei ga Tokimeku Katazuke no Maho" by Marie Kondo (published December 27, 2010 by Sunmark Publishing,Inc.). Marie Kondo is a cleaning consultant and developed popular "KonMari Method" for organizing and storing household items.
Yukihiro Takemoto
A series of suspicious deaths, starting with that of her boyfriend Kawazu Masayuki, prompts mystery novelist Yuki Rikako to investigate. She discovers that all the victims were once passengers on the same cruise ship a year ago and involved in an accident that left one man dead. Rikako must find out what really happened during that outing before more casualties result.
Kazuo Kanai
カウラ事件について─ オーストラリア・カウラは、シドニーの西320キロにある小さな街です。1944年8月5日、この街で日本人捕虜たちが暴動を起こしました。1104名の捕虜による、史上最大の大脱走。オーストラリアでは誰もが知っている有名な事件です。しかし、日本の歴史教科書には登場しません。なぜでしょう。『生きて虜囚の辱めを受けず、死して罪禍の汚名を残すこと勿れ』この戦陣訓にしばられ、当時の日本政府はこの事件を隠蔽し、当事者のほとんどが口をつぐんだからです。事件の夜、暴動に賛成か反対か、日本人捕虜全員による投票が行われました。トイレットペーパーのミシン目で切った紙切れに、 ○は賛成=「死」×は反対=「生」8割が「死」を意味する○をつけ、暴動は決行されました。武器らしい武器もないまま、食事用に支給されたナイフやフォークを手に、自殺志願としか言いようのない大暴動でした。私は伯父から、この事件の話を聞きました。伯父はニューブリテン島で餓死寸前のところを捕らえられ、暴動までの4ヶ月間をカウラ第12捕虜収容所で過ごしました。しかし、長い間、伯父は自分が捕虜だったことを家族にさえ打ち明けられなかったそうです。暴動の夜、伯父はかけがえのない戦友を何人も亡くしました。彼らはカウラの日本人墓地に今も「偽名」のまま眠っています。書かなければいけない、と私は思いました。平和の時代を生きる若い人たちに、どうしても伝えたい。64年前、なぜ伯父たちは生き延びるためではなく、「死ぬための脱走」をしなければならなかったのか─彼らの友情、青春、恋愛、そして、生命の重さを─
Remake of Kurosawa Akira‘s Ikiru
1 Litre Of Tears SP
The Story of the 1 Litre of Tears special takes place after the events in the main drama. The Special takes the view of Asou Haruto who is remembering life the way it used to be before the events of the last episode of the series.
Yo nimo Kimyou na Monogatari: 2003 Fall Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. *Kagi (The Key) - starring Eguchi Yosuke. 2. Perfect Couple - starring Yada Akiko. 3. Toosugita Otoko (The Man Who Was Too Far Away) - starring Nakamura Shido. 4. Meiro (The Maze)- starring Tanihara Shosuke. 5. Kage ga Omonaru Toki (When Shadows Accumulate) - starring Yashima Norito. * Adapted from a novel by Tsutsui Yasutaka.
"Atlanta Boogie" centers around a mock track meet between the "normal" and "good" citizens of Yokohama and those they want to expel from the neighborhood: the illegal foreign workers, the deadbeats, the juvenile delinquents, and elderly.
A criminal syndicate wants detective Onihei dead, but the resolute hero proves to be hard to kill.
Subaru Sumeragi
Subaru is investigating the death of of a enemy, Kaneyama but before he died, he undertook a project, which was how to teach seven teenage girls how to use black magic to get revenge on people they don't like, but when one of the girls feels remorse, she is told by the other girls to continue with the black magic. Subaru tries to stop them but the girls think that he is their enemy and put a curse on him.