Michael Andrews

出生 : 1967-11-17, San Diego, California, USA


Original Music Composer
You Hurt My Feelings
Original Music Composer
A novelist's longstanding marriage is suddenly upended when she overhears her husband giving his honest reaction to her latest book.
Original Music Composer
Sneaking out. Hooking up. Melting down. The cast and crew of a blockbuster action franchise attempt to shoot a sequel while quarantining at a posh hotel.
Roadrunner: A Film About Anthony Bourdain
Original Music Composer
An intimate, behind-the-scenes look at how an anonymous chef became a world-renowned cultural icon. This unflinching look at Anthony Bourdain reverberates with his presence, in his own voice and in the way he indelibly impacted the world around him.
Original Music Composer
Scott has been a case of arrested development ever since his firefighter father died when he was seven. He's now reached his mid-20s having achieved little, chasing a dream of becoming a tattoo artist that seems far out of reach. As his ambitious younger sister heads off to college, Scott is still living with his exhausted ER nurse mother and spends his days smoking weed, hanging with the guys — Oscar, Igor and Richie — and secretly hooking up with his childhood friend Kelsey. But when his mother starts dating a loudmouth firefighter named Ray, it sets off a chain of events that will force Scott to grapple with his grief and take his first tentative steps toward moving forward in life.
The Lovebirds
A couple experiences a defining moment in their relationship when they are unintentionally embroiled in a murder mystery. As their journey to clear their names takes them from one extreme – and hilarious - circumstance to the next, they must figure out how they, and their relationship, can survive the night.
Original Music Composer
Reunited after 15 years, famous chef Sasha and hometown musician Marcus feel the old sparks of attraction but struggle to adapt to each other's worlds.
インスタント・ファミリー ~本当の家族見つけました~
Original Music Composer
ある日、ワグナー夫妻(ピートとエリー)は親戚から「君たちは子供を授からないだろう」と言われてしまった。慌てた2人は養子縁組の制度に飛びつき、ソーシャルワーカー(カレンとシャロン)の斡旋で養子候補の子供たちと面会することにした。当初、2人は幼い子供1人を養子にすることを望んでおり、10代の子供を養子にする気は毛頭なかった。ところが、エリーは養子候補の1人(リジー)が放った「大人たちは10代の子供を養子にしようとしないんだ」という言葉に衝撃を受け、リジーとその弟妹(フアンとリタ)を養子に迎えることにした。 夫妻は3人と家族になるべく奮闘することになったが、一から家族の絆を構築していくのは想像以上の困難を伴う作業であった。フアンとリタと打ち解けることができたものの、反抗期真っ盛りのリジーはなかなか心を開かなかったのである。そんな折、3人の実母が出所することになったとの知らせが届いた。
アイ・フィール・プリティ! 人生最高のハプニング
The Elephant and the Butterfly
Original Music Composer
When her babysitter doesn’t show, a single mother is forced to leave her precocious five-year-old daughter with the girl’s estranged father for a long weekend.
ビッグ・シック ぼくたちの大いなる目ざめ
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
The Adderall Diaries
Original Music Composer
Writer and Adderall enthusiast Stephen Elliott reaches a low point when his estranged father resurfaces, claiming that Stephen has fabricated much of the dark childhood that that fuels his writing. Adrift in the precarious gray area of memory, Stephen is led by three sources of inspiration: a new romance, the best friend who shares his history, and a murder trial that reminds him more than a little of his own story. Based on the memoir of the same name.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
「ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン」のポール・フェイグ監督が、同作で大ブレイクしたメリッサ・マッカーシーと再びタッグを組み、共演にサンドラ・ブロックを迎えて贈る全米大ヒット・アクション・コメディ。ボストンの麻薬組織を捜査するためコンビを組むハメになった堅物女FBI捜査官と地元の破天荒女刑事が繰り広げるドタバタ劇をコミカルに描く。
The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Original Music Composer
In New York, a Pakistani native finds that his American Dream has collapsed in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Original Music Composer
Jeff, Who Lives at Home
Original Music Composer
Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when he spends the day with his brother as he tracks his possibly adulterous wife.
Original Music Composer
ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン
Original Music Composer
公私ともにがけっぷち状態にある30代独身女性が、結婚を控えた親友から花嫁介添人たちのまとめ役を引き受けたのを機に大騒動を巻き起こすコメディ・ドラマ。 ケーキ屋の経営に失敗した上に恋人に捨てられ、人生どん底のアニー。幼なじみの親友リリアンを心のよりどころにしていたが、彼女から婚約したと告げられ、花嫁介添人をまとめるメイド・オブ・オナーを頼まれる。喜びと寂しさを抱えながらまとめ役を務めるアニーだが、介添人の一人であるヘレンと事あるごとに衝突、さらには一行をブラジル料理で食中毒にさせてしまったり、パーティーへと向かう飛行機で泥酔して搭乗を拒否されたりと、トラブルばかりを引き起こしてしまう。
Original Music Composer
With John's social life at a standstill and his ex-wife about to get remarried, a down on his luck divorcée finally meets the woman of his dreams, only to discover she has another man in her life - her son. Before long, the two are locked in a battle of wits for the woman they both love-and it appears only one man can be left standing when it's over.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Famous and wealthy funnyman George Simmons doesn't give much thought to how he treats people until a doctor delivers stunning health news, forcing George to reevaluate his priorities with a little help from aspiring stand-up comic Ira.
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
Original Music Composer
Following a childhood tragedy, Dewey Cox follows a long and winding road to music stardom. Dewey perseveres through changing musical styles, an addiction to nearly every drug known and bouts of uncontrollable rage.
The TV Set
Original Music Composer
As a writer named Mike struggles to shepherd his semi-autobiographical sitcom into development, his vision is slowly eroded by a domineering network executive named Lenny who favors trashy reality programming. The irony, of course, is that every crass suggestion Lenny makes improves the show's response from test audiences and brings the show a step closer to getting on the air.
Unaccompanied Minors
Five disparate kids snowed in at the airport on Christmas Eve learn some lessons about friendship when they launch a bid to get back to their families and outsmart a disgruntled airport official who wants to keep them grounded.
Me and You and Everyone We Know
Original Music Composer
A lonely shoe salesman and an eccentric performance artist struggle to connect in this unique take on contemporary life.
My Suicidal Sweetheart
A suicidal comedy about two young lovers who get married and escape from a mental institution in search of new ways to die...and the white light.
Original Music Composer
In Martha's Vineyard, Mass., conjoined twins Walt and Bob Tenor make the best of their handicap by being the fastest grill cooks in town. While outgoing Walt hopes to one day become a famous actor, shy Bob prefers to stay out of the spotlight. When a fading Hollywood actress, Cher, decides to get her show "Honey and the Beaze" cancelled, she hires Walt -- and his brotherly appendage -- as her costars. But their addition surprisingly achieves the opposite.
Original Music Composer
The film tells the story of two good friends who live together, Andrew, an agoraphobic travel agent who works from his home, and Dave, a loser who works in an office where he is treated with contempt. Just when it seems things can't get any worse for the two, the entire world outside of their house disappears and is replaced with an endless white void.
Original Music Composer
Orange County
Original Music Composer
Shaun Brumder is a local surfer kid from Orange County who dreams of going to Stanford to become a writer and to get away from his dysfunctional family household. Except Shaun runs into one complication after another, starting when his application is rejected after his dim-witted guidance counselor sends in the wrong form.
Rick Rambis and his friends are having the time of their lives on Bull Mountain—until the legendary Papa Muntz' son decides to sell the mountain to a sleazy land developer, have the staff fired and turn Bull Mountain into 'Yuppieville'.
Original Music Composer