Masazumi Okabe

出生 : 1935-06-13, Sakaide, Kagawa Prefectue, Japan


Kentarô Yamawaki (Spaghetti Shop Owner)
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
The Beast and the Magic Sword
His bloodline damned by a witch, Waldemar Daninsky heads to Japan to seek a cure for his werewolf curse.
Kanzaburô Tanaka
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
深作欣二がスターウォーズブームの中製作した便乗映画。ストーリーは里見八犬伝に材を採っていたりと安直な部分もあるが、ビック・モローの起用、原寸大のリアベ号の建造など話題性は充分だった。『スター・ウォーズ』に比べ特撮の出来は見劣りはするものの、合成を使わずに戦闘機の追跡シーンを作り上げた点などが海外では高く評価された。 アンドロメダ星雲の惑星ジルーシアは皇帝ロクセイア12世の率いるガバナス帝国の侵略によって「惑星大要塞」へと改造されてしまっていた。ジルーシア人の大酋長キドは奇跡の救い手の勇者を求め、「聖なるリアベの実」8個を宇宙へと放ち、キドの孫娘エメラリーダと戦士のウロッコ2名に、実を追って勇者を迎えに行くように指示した。だがロクセイアはぬかりなく追撃の宇宙戦艦を発進させる。 リアベの実は、銀河系の地球連邦の植民惑星ミラゼリアで、軍に失望して辞職した元将軍のガルダ、宇宙暴走族の若者シローとアロン、チンピラのジャック、富豪令嬢のメイア5名の元に届く。 若者達は「宇宙ボタル」の採集中に難破したエメラリーダの宇宙船を見つけ、エメラリーダとウロッコを救い出すが、2人から使命を聞かされて戸惑う。ガルダは若者達の様子を見て、実を返却して参加を固辞してしまう。シロー等はメイアには内緒で、他の勇者を紹介すると嘘をつき、息子の嫁探しをしていた老婆にエメラリーダを売ってしまう。老婆とエメラリーダはその後ガバナスの追跡部隊に捕縛されてしまう。 メイアはシロー等の行動を知り大いに怒る。改心した若者達は協力してジルーシア救出の準備を開始する。メイアの宇宙艇をシロー・アロンの小型艇を搭載できるように改修し、ジルーシアへと向かう。その途中でリアベの実を持つガバナス人のハンスが加わる。ハンスはロクセイアに地位を簒奪された、ガバナスの本来の皇位継承者だった。 一方、ガバナスは地球の美しさに魅了され、地球連邦へと無条件降伏を迫る。 その混乱の最中、ガルダと合流したシローたち6名は、惑星要塞の破壊とエメラーリダ救出のため、ガバナスの要塞内へと侵入。残る2名の仲間も集い、8名はロクセイアとの対決に挑む。
仁義なき戦い 頂上作戦
Natsuko is so good at using that super-strong vagina of hers that she can fuck guys to death. In the end, she’s pitted against a sexual superman and a showdown ensues. There’s also a subplot about a mad scientist type who needs vaginal juices to create a potion designed to turn Japanese girls black.
Fujiko wanders aimlessly through the country, seeking vengence on the man she onced loved, who betrayed her, and destroying her family and her life. When she discovers that man had already died, she loses her will to live. But in a twist of fate, she meets Tatsumi, a raising star in the Horikawa Family. She quickly falls in love with him and his yakuza lifstyle. But when Tatsumi is chosen to but the next Boss of the family, his jealous sworn brother Morito kills him with the help of a mysterious man behind the scenes. Now Fujiko becomes a Bakuto, a wandering yakuza gambler, and once again, walks the bloody path of vengence...
A war widow determined to clear the name of her disgraced husband, who was court-martialed for desertion and executed. Official records have been destroyed, and the ministry that distributes benefits continues to deny her a pension. Twenty-six years after the war, she seeks out four survivors of her husband's garrison. Each tells a dramatically different story about her husband's conduct, but she is determined to learn the truth.
Gasa Seijun
Bungo becomes a single parent when his wife leaves him because of his drinking and gambling. Deciding to quit his vices, he works menial jobs, drifting from city to city. However, not completely losing his gambling tastes, he became a hunted man and must escape to Tokyo after he was found cheating at dice. Bungo and his son Kenichi comes upon the Kizaki Family in Asakusa, where more troubles are awaiting them...
A young yakuza who respects obligation and humanity must face cruel and heartless turf wars leading to a fight to the death with his own brother.
After World War II, their town was a pile of rubble. Gennosuke, the second-generation boss of the Kamizu Group was upholding yakuza chivalry by keeping black-market and illegal items out of their open-air market. Taking advantage of the mess, Iwasa and his gang take hold of goods from the US military, black-market and controlled items in order to become the most powerful group in the Enko area. Iwasa has Gennosuke assassinated but before he dies, he names Shinji Terajima as his successor and makes him swear to carry on the family business and not seek revenge or use violence. Shinji tries to make his family’s marketplace a success, but with constant interruption and attacks from Iwasa’s gang, he can no longer keep his word to his former boss.
After losing all his money, Kizuka Keita, a seller on the black market, is trying to commit suicide. But he is saved by Morigen, a broker on the azuki beans market. A young man tries to regain his wealth in the bean market.
An uplifting drama about the bond between a group of high school seniors and their kind-hearted teacher, Mr. Yabuki. Faced with the rigors of growing up in modern times, students often look to Mr. Yabuki for advice and guidance. But when Mr. Yabuki’s career is threatened as a result of a false accusation from the school’s PTA, the students band together to stand up for their beloved teacher and help him to save his good reputation and job.
A story about the lives of four sisters and their manipulative mother who must come to terms with each of their decisions in life.
A touching story about a young boy, Genta, who bravely takes on life's challenges in hopes of finding a better life for himself and his sickly mother.
横溝正史の同名小説を「ひばり民謡の旅 べらんめえ芸者佐渡へ行く」の渡辺邦男脚本・監督により映画化。共同脚本は「維新の篝火」の結束信二。撮影は「ひばり民謡の旅 べらんめえ芸者佐渡へ行く」の渡辺孝、音楽は「新黄金孔雀城 七人の騎士」シリーズの山田栄一が担当した。原作を大きく逸脱したストーリー、スポーツカーを駆り美人秘書を従える金田一耕助と、異色の内容となっている。  人気歌手の和泉須磨子が鬼首町鬼塚村に里帰りする途中で何者かに惨殺される事件が発生。死体の横にあるラジオからは彼女の新曲「鬼首村手毬唄」が流れていた。鬼首町警察の磯川警部らが事件を担当することになり、名探偵として知られる金田一耕助も温泉宿に泊まり調査を開始する。須磨子の生家である仁礼家は鬼塚一の富豪だったが、当主の剛造はなぜか手毬唄に怯えていた。剛造の長男の源一郎と次女の里子は、半年前に剛造のもとに届いた脅迫状が須磨子の死と関係があるとにらむが、その源一郎は直後に死体で発見されてしまう。金田一耕助はそれが他殺であることを見破るが、村のお告げ婆から湯治客の放庵が村の暗い過去を知っていると教えられるのだった。
ひばり民謡の旅シリーズ べらんめぇ中乗りさん
Daughter of a lumber shop in Edo strives to protect her family business from the competitor.
ファンキーハットの快男児 2千万円の腕
Shinichi “Sonny” Chiba returns as the reckless son of a private detective takes on the case of a minor league baseball pitcher who disappears right before signing a contract into the major leagues. Meanwhile, the body of an orthopedist is discovered in the river.
Clumsy invaders from Neptune are thwarted by hero Space Chief and a nondescript group of microshort-wearing Japanese kids.
Tsunokichi and Ken face off against a rival yakuza in Kyushu.
スピード狂時代 命を賭けて
Koharu, a young geisha, is in love with Kenichi, an apprentice carpenter to her father Masagoro. Their love life comes to a sudden halt after an argument between their two fathers. Can their love survive in spite of the bitterness between their two families?
七色仮面 キング・ローズ 悪魔の薔薇
The first Nanairo Kamen movie.
A young woman tries to keep her family together after her father disowns her sister.
Based on a 1956 television feature on Japan’s national network, NHK, this is one of Uchida’s rarest films. A socially conscious drama with a contemporary backdrop, Dotanba focuses on the attempts to rescue a group of trapped miners. The title is a figure of speech — (essentially “last minute” or “eleventh hour”) — that refers to a situation of peril. The film boasts a script co-written by Uchida and Akira Kurosawa’s frequent screenwriter, Shinobu Hashimoto, and stars Kurosawa’s frequent star Takashi Shimura.
多羅尾伴内シリーズ 戦慄の七仮面
Detective Tarao goes undercover to battle an evil gun smuggling business.