
はだかっ子 (1961)

ジャンル : ファミリー, ドラマ

上映時間 : 2時間 26分

演出 : Tomotaka Tasaka
脚本 : Masashige Narusawa


A touching story about a young boy, Genta, who bravely takes on life's challenges in hopes of finding a better life for himself and his sickly mother.


Ineko Arima
Ineko Arima
Michiyo Kogure
Michiyo Kogure
Mitsue Komiya
Mitsue Komiya
Rentaro Mikuni
Rentaro Mikuni
Minoru Chiaki
Minoru Chiaki
Masao Oda
Masao Oda
Junji Masuda
Junji Masuda
Takashi Kanda
Takashi Kanda
Eijirō Tōno
Eijirō Tōno
Machiko Yashiro
Machiko Yashiro
Fumiko Okamura
Fumiko Okamura
Midori Yamamoto
Midori Yamamoto
Fujie Satsuki
Fujie Satsuki
Kin Sugai
Kin Sugai
Akiko Kazami
Akiko Kazami
Junkichi Orimoto
Junkichi Orimoto
Tadashi Suganuma
Tadashi Suganuma
Masazumi Okabe
Masazumi Okabe
Seihachi Uchikoshi
Seihachi Uchikoshi
Hiroshi Narita
Hiroshi Narita
Tokio Kozuka
Tokio Kozuka
Kôji Sekiyama
Kôji Sekiyama
Fusatarō Ishijima
Fusatarō Ishijima
Toshitaka Itō
Toshitaka Itō


Hiroshi Ookawa
Hiroshi Ookawa
Executive Producer
Yasuo Saito
Yasuo Saito
Development Manager
Shigeru Wakatsuki
Shigeru Wakatsuki
Development Manager
Ken Kondo
Ken Kondo
Original Story
Masashige Narusawa
Masashige Narusawa
Tomotaka Tasaka
Tomotaka Tasaka
Yozo Uchida
Yozo Uchida
Sound Recordist
Yasunojo Kawasaki
Yasunojo Kawasaki
Lighting Technician
Keigo Shimozawa
Keigo Shimozawa
Art Direction
Yoshiki Nagasawa
Yoshiki Nagasawa
Takaharu Saeki
Takaharu Saeki
Assistant Director
Masahiko Iimura
Masahiko Iimura
Director of Photography
Masaru Satō
Masaru Satō
Original Music Composer




Based on a short story by Stephen King, a man and his family return to his home town, but he is then harassed by teenagers that died when he was a kid.
少年クリストファー・ロビンが、親友のくまのプーや仲間たちと別れてから長い年月が経った。大人になった彼は、妻と娘と共にロンドンで暮らし、 仕事中心の忙しい毎日を送っていた。ある日、家族と実家で過ごす予定だった週末に仕事を任されてしまう。そんな折、彼の前にかつての親友プーが現れ、森の仲間を一緒に探してほしいと頼まれたので子供の頃プーたちと過ごした“100エーカーの森”へ行く。仲間たちとの再会に喜びと懐かしい日々を感じながらも、仕事のため急いでロンドンに戻ったクリストファー・ロビンは、森に会議の重要な書類を忘れてきてしまう。
Nothing happens in this movie
A man find the chaos after several events that make him question his violence. Going into an introspection about mistakes, family and love, it will be a journey full of pain and emerging truths. How can you live when you are the least important person in you’re life?
カモン カモン
NYでラジオジャーナリストとして1人で暮らすジョニーは、妹から頼まれ、9歳の甥・ジェシーの面倒を数日間みることに。LAの妹の家で突然始まった共同生活は、戸惑いの連続。好奇心旺盛なジェシーは、ジョニーのぎこちない兄妹関係やいまだ 独身でいる理由、自分の父親の病気に関する疑問をストレートに投げかけ、ジョニーを困らせる一方で、ジョニーの仕事や録 音機材に興味を示し、二人は次第に距離を縮めていく。仕事のため NYに戻ることになったジョニーは、ジェシーを連れて行く ことを決めるが...
学校でも家庭でも問題児となっていた8歳のイシャーン(ダルシール・サファリー)。勉強が苦手な彼は代わりに空想が好きだった。近所の年上の男の子を取っ組み合いの喧嘩をしたイシャーンは、父親に次に問題を起こしたら寄宿学校に入れると言われてしまう。 すこぶる悪い点数のテストを両親に見せられずサインをもらえなかった彼は、授業をサボってしまう。欠席届を出さないといけなかったため、兄のヨハンに書いてもらう。しかしある日、その欠席届が父に見つかってしまう。約束を守れなかったイシャーンに対して激怒した父は、友人のコネを使いすぐにイシャーンを寄宿学校に転校させる。 学校にはいままでよりさらに厳しい先生たちがいたうえ、家族に会えない寂しさが募り、イシャーンにとって非常に辛い環境だった。とうとう完全にふさぎこんでしまうイシャーンだったが、ちょうどその時、臨時で新しい美術の先生ニクンブ(アーミル・カーン)が赴任してくる。 ニクンブはイシャーンの様子を見て、彼は失読症であることを見抜くが…。
My Uncle Jacinto
Jacinto, a former bullfighter who lives miserably with his nephew Pepote, receives a letter reminding he, as agreed a few days before, he should go to a bullfight to be held that evening at Las Ventas. The letter infuriates Jacinto who thinks this is a joke, since he retired from the arena for years, has not signed any contract. When Jacinto is located around the square, picking up cigarette butts that pull the audience, make sure the letter was not a joke, because his name appears on the poster.
The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.
12-year-old Pelle accidentally gets bitten by an ant and develops unimaginable superpowers. With help from his friend, comic book nerd Wilhelm, Pelle creates a secret identity as the superhero Antboy. Slowly things start to happen in the surburban community, and when a scary and crazy supervillain, Flea, enters the scene, Antboy must step up to the challenge. The first Danish superhero-movie. Based on the books by Kenneth Bøgh Andersen.
The Lifeguard
A former valedictorian quits her reporter job in New York and returns to the place she last felt happy: her childhood home in Connecticut. She gets work as a lifeguard and starts a dangerous relationship with a troubled teenager.
ダリル 秘められた巨大な謎を追って
Daryl is a normal 10-year-old boy in many ways. However, unbeknown to his foster parents and friends, Daryl is actually a government-created robot with superhuman reflexes and mental abilities. Even his name has a hidden meaning -- it's actually an acronym for Data Analyzing Robot Youth Life-form. When the organization that created him deems the "super soldier" experiment a failure and schedules Daryl to be disassembled, it is up to a few rogue scientists to help him escape.
クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶモーレツ!オトナ帝国の逆襲
After her mother's death, six-year-old Frida is sent to her uncle's family to live with them in the countryside. But Frida finds it hard to forget her mother and adapt to her new life.
A man searching for his childhood best friend — a Polish violin prodigy orphaned in the Holocaust — who vanished decades before on the night of his first public performance.
Boy A
Freed after a lengthy term in a juvenile detention center, convicted child killer Jack Burridge (Andrew Garfield) finds work as a deliveryman and begins dating co-worker Michelle (Katie Lyons). While out on the road one day, the young Englishman notices a distressed child, and, after reuniting the girl with her family, becomes a local celebrity. But, when a local newspaper unearths his past, Jack must cope with the anger of citizens who fear for the safety of their children.