Matsuko Shiga

出生 : 1925-10-05, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


めくらのお市 命貰います
Oichi the Blind helps a woman escape the clutches of a high government official to go off with the man she loves. The official puts a reward on her head of fifty gold pieces and soon a menagerie of bounty hunters are after her skin. Three of them band together to accomplish this, one an expert swordsman, another a huge judo master and the third is deadly with a chain. To escape, she heads for the fishing town of Itso but soon comes face to face with Sankuro, the swordsman...
Kinomi Fujihana
Seijuro Fujihana, head master of the Fujihana dance school, is a proud and lonely artist. And because of his character, his group lacks the prosperity of others. He wishes his daughter Kasumi, gifted like himself, to take over and develop the Fujihana, but she wishes to marry Hiroshi, head of a jazz band which her father opposes. Kisaburo, Seijuro's No.1 disciple, wants to marry Kasumi and take over the Fujihana with the backing of the chairman of the supporters' association.
Michio's Mother
「男はつらいよ」シリーズ第1作。 20年振りに故郷、東京は葛飾柴又に帰ってきた車寅次郎(渥美清)。ちょうど庚申の祭りの最中で、早速祭りに参加する寅次郎。そんな中、懐かしいおいちゃん(森川信)、おばちゃん(三崎千恵子)や妹さくら(倍賞千恵子)に涙の再会を果たす。翌日、さくらの見合いに出席した寅次郎だが、酔ったあげくの大失態。見合いをぶち壊した寅次郎はおいちゃんらと大ゲンカし、柴又を去っていく。その後、寅次郎は旅先の奈良で旅行中の御前様(笠智衆)とその娘・坪内冬子(光本幸子)と再会。幼なじみゆえ、気さくな冬子に恋をした寅さんは、帰郷してからも冬子のもとへ日参する。一方、裏の印刷工場につとめる諏訪博(前田吟)は、さくらへ想いを寄せていた・・・
Based on a story by Akiyuki Nosaka.
Police investigators investigate the link between a serial killer's machinations and a young man who committed suicide.
Epic saga of an idealistic land-owning family dealing with militarism, war, social change and economic reform.
Nurse Imai
Also known as "History of a Man’s Face" and "By a Man's Face Shall You Know Him" . Immigrant gangs terrorize a Japanese town with their threats, loud jazz, and tasteless fashion sense, and only the tough but suave Dr. Amamiya (Ando) can stop them, as long as he gets rid of his silly peace-loving ideals.
Years of warfare end in a Japan unified under the Tokugawa shogunate, and samurai spy Sasuke Sarutobi, tired of conflict, longs for peace. When a high-ranking spy named Tatewaki Koriyama defects from the shogun to a rival clan, however, the world of swordsmen is thrown into turmoil. After Sasuke is unwittingly drawn into the conflict, he tracks Tatewaki, while a mysterious, white-hooded figure seems to hunt them both. By tale’s end, no one is who they seemed to be, and the truth is far more personal than anyone suspected. Director Masahiro Shinoda’s Samurai Spy, filled with clan intrigue, ninja spies, and multiple double crosses, marks a bold stylistic departure from swordplay film convention.
周平(笠智衆)は、妻とは死別し、長男の幸一(佐田啓二)は結婚して家を出て団地暮らし。いまは娘の路子(岩下志麻)と次男の和夫(三上真一郎)と3人安らかに暮らしていた。 ある日、周平はいつものように友人の河合(中村伸郎)、堀江(北龍二)と酒を飲みに行く。 話題は路子の嫁行きの話になり、まだ路子を嫁にやることなど考えてもいなかった周平は悩み始める…。 日本映画界の巨匠・小津安二郎監督の最後の作品で、妻に先立たれた男とその子供達の幸せの中にもなぜか潜む孤独と寂しさを描いた作品。
山の讃歌 燃ゆる若者たち
A treasury official passed over for promotion and obsessed with careerism interferes in the lives of his three sons, who seek escape from his relentless pressure in the mortal danger of mountain climbing.
Yuriko Kato
Night & Day club waitress C
The backstage romances of an egotistical singer and his under-valued manager, a lovelorn bandman and a nude dancer.
Inn maid
Toichiro's mistress
結婚にあまり興味のない娘と、そんな娘に早く結婚してほしいと気を揉む家族を中心にさりげない日常をユーモアを織り交ぜ淡々と細やかに描く感動作。敗戦後わずか6年の作品とは思えないモダンな息づかいには驚かずにはいられない。北鎌倉に住む間宮家では適齢期を過ぎた娘紀子の結婚が何より気がかり。当の紀子は大手の会社で秘書として働き、いまだのんきに独身生活を楽しんでいる風だった。やがて、そんな紀子に縁談話が立て続けに舞い込むのだったが……。  巨匠・小津安二郎監督を代表する傑作の1本。