Location Scout
In order to enjoy his retirement, a father takes drastic measures to get his twentysomething, slacker sons to move out and fend for themselves.
Location Scout
Is there room for principle in Los Angeles? Mike Terry teaches jujitsu and barely makes ends meet. His Brazilian wife, whose family promotes fights, wants to see Mike in the ring making money, but to him competition is degrading. A woman sideswipes Mike's car and then, after an odd sequence of events, shoots out the studio's window. Later that evening, Mike rescues an action movie star in a fistfight at a bar. In return, the actor befriends Mike, gives him a gift, offers him work on his newest film, and introduces Mike's wife to his own - the women initiate business dealings. Then, things go sour all at once, Mike's debts mount, and going into the ring may be his only option.
Location Scout
牧場主ダンは、家族を養うため借金を抱え、苦しい生活を送っていた。ある日彼は荒野へ出ると、ウェイド率いる強盗団が駅馬車を襲った現場に遭遇。生存者を救出し町へ向かうと、ちょうどそのウェイドが保安官に逮捕されるところだった。3日後の午後3時10分発ユマ行きの列車でウェイドを刑務所に送ることになり、その警護役には報酬が支払われるとのことで、ダンは志願する。だが、ウェイドには多くの手下がいた。 強盗団のリーダーにラッセル・クロウ、彼を護送する平凡な市民にクリスチャン・ベイルという適役で、名作西部劇『決断の3時10分』をリメイク。相容れない2人が駆け引きを通じて絆を結ぶ様を、熱く骨太に描く。
Location Manager
Location Scout
Location Manager
縄張り争いが激化する'50年代のロス。街のコーヒーショップで元刑事を含む6人の男女が惨殺される事件が発生した。殺された刑事の相棒だった バドが捜査を開始。殺された女と一緒にいたブロンド美人リンに接近する。彼女はスターに似た女を集めた高級娼婦組織の一員。同じ頃、その組織をベテラン刑事のジャックが追っていた。野心家の若手刑事エドも事件を追い、容疑者を射殺。事件は解決したかに見えたが……。
Title Designer
Documentary about the atomic testing done in the desert of Nevada, the health risks it posed to closely involved military personnel, and the lack of transparency from US administrations about its effects on the public at large.
Title Designer
Documentary film contrasting the experiences of two high-school seniors, basketball players from remarkably different backgrounds. Brian Walker is taken from his close-knit Indiana family, living in a small town. In contrast, Stretch Graham has practically no family support, and looks to his Brooklyn team and his warm-hearted coach for support. Both are actively being recruited by colleges.