Yvonne Coppard


Makeup Artist
時は2058年、高度に発展した文明によって地球環境は破壊されてしまった。ジョン・ロビンソン教授(ウィリアム・ハート)とその家族は、人類生存のための新天地の惑星「アルファ・プライム」を調査する使命を帯び、宇宙へと飛び立った。 しかし、その宇宙船に同乗していたスパイ(ゲイリー・オールドマン)の工作によってナビゲーションシステムを破壊され、一家は宇宙空間で迷子になってしまう。
Funny Bones
Makeup Artist
Tommy Fawkes wants to be a successful comedian. After his Las Vegas debut is a failure, he returns to Blackpool where his father—also a comedian—started, and where he spent the summers of his childhood.
Black Beauty
Makeup Artist
The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life.
A Ghost in Monte Carlo
Makeup Artist
A chance meeting between British nobleman and lovely young Mistral foils a plot by her manipulating Aunt Emilie to avenge the death of her sister, Mistral's mother, who died in childbirth. But when an unscrupulous blackmailer and a rapacious Rajah enter the plot, the growing attraction between Lord and convent girl becomes yet more fraught with Danger.
Salome's Last Dance
Makeup Artist
London, England, November 5th, 1892, Guy Fawkes Night. The famous playwright Oscar Wilde and his lover Lord Alfred Douglas discreetly go to a luxury brothel where the owner, Alfred Taylor, has prepared a surprise for the renowned author: a private and very special performance of his play Salome, banned by the authorities, in which Taylor himself and the peculiar inhabitants of the exclusive establishment will participate.
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
A young knight sets out to join King Richards crusaders. Along the way, he encounters The Black Prince who captures children and sells them as slaves to the Muslims. It is Robert Narra's sworn duty to protect the children and lead them to safety.
Makeup Artist
Living in an estate on the shores of Lake Geneva, Lord Byron is visited by Percy and Mary Shelley. Together with Byron's lover Claire Clairmont, and aided by hallucinogenic substances, they devise an evening of ghoulish tales. However, when confronted by horrors, ostensibly of their own creation, it becomes difficult to tell apparition from reality.
Makeup Artist
Another Time, Another Place
Makeup Artist
Set in 1943 in Scotland during World War II. Janie is a young housewife married to a man named Dougal, 15 years her senior. As part of a war rehabilitation program, Janie and Dougal welcome three Italian POWs to work on their farm. Soon, Janie falls in love with one of them...
Arabian Adventure
Makeup Artist
An evil caliph (Christopher Lee) offers his daughter’s hand in marriage to a prince if he can complete a perilous quest for a magical rose. Helped by a young boy and a magic carpet, Prince Hasan (Oliver Tobias), has to overcome genies, fire breathing monsters and treacherous swamps to reach his prize and claim the hand of the Princess Zuleira (Emma Samms).
Makeup Artist