In the neon-drenched near future, our anthropomorphic feline heroine Meow meets sleazy film producer Alan, who intends to have her at any cost. But his sadistic plans go bloodily awry...
Cowboy #1
Born free in the American West, Black Beauty is a horse rounded up and brought to Birtwick Stables, where she meets spirited teenager Jo Green. The two forge a bond that carries Beauty through the different chapters, challenges and adventures.
Barry is a drug-addled, abusive bastard who - after yet another bender - is abducted by aliens. Barry takes a backseat as an alien visitor assumes control of his body and takes it for a joyride through Cape Town. What follows is an onslaught of drugs, sex, and violence as our alien tourist enters the weird and wonderful world of humankind.
Baris Merc
Police Officer #2
A group of teenagers suffer a terrible accident during a joy ride and get trapped at the bottom of a ravine.
Nathan Terry
In the near future, glacial melting has covered 98% of earth's landmass. Sharks have flourished and now dominate the planet, operating as one massive school led by a mutated alpha shark.