Matthias Schweighöfer

Matthias Schweighöfer

出生 : 1981-03-11, Anklam, Germany


Matthias Schweighöfer (born March 11, 1981) is a German actor.


Matthias Schweighöfer
Matthias Schweighöfer


Girl You Know It's True
Frank Farian
For his next project, successful music producer Frank Farian hires dancers Rob Pilatus and Fab Morvan and helps the two friends to a skyrocketing success. Under the name Milli Vanilli, Rob and Fab storm the international charts, land three number one hits in the USA and enjoy the extravagant life in Hollywood. Only a small circle of insiders know their secret: the duo don't sing themselves, they just move their lips - to the voices of the real singers. At the height of their fame, Rob and Fab even win a Grammy, but the situation behind the scenes becomes increasingly tense and Milli Vanilli threatens to become the biggest scandal in music history. Not only the truth is at stake, but also their friendship...
クリスマス直前に惑星直列という珍しい現象のせいで、両親と10代の子供たちの体が入れ替わってしまった! 大混乱に陥った一家は、それぞれの局面を乗り切れるのか。
Heart of Stone
Rachel Stone is an intelligence operative, the only woman who stands between her powerful, global, peacekeeping organization and the loss of its most valuable — and dangerous — asset.
Werner Heisenberg
スイマーズ: 希望を託して
From war-torn Syria to the 2016 Rio Olympics, two young sisters embark on a risky voyage, putting their hearts and their swimming skills to heroic use.
Ludwig Dieter
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after years of captivity. But the Vienna he comes home to is nothing like the place he once knew. The new Austrian Republic thrives on social and artistic freedom, but anti-democratic movements and unemployment loom overhead. A stranger in his hometown, his life takes a turn for the worse when one of his former comrades is murdered. Suddenly the mysterious killings of veterans are mounting. Personally connected to the victims, Perg decides to bring the killer to justice. He finds an ally in the cool-headed forensic doctor Theresa Körner, with whom he has a deeper, shared history. Their investigation leads them into the darkest corners of the city, as they confront a brutal and systematic killer and intrigues from within the police force. But when the killer’s net closes around Perg himself, he faces the moral dilemma of his life.
Creating an Army of the Dead
Zack Snyder and his Army of the Dead team dive into the film's wild stunts, groundbreaking effects and the evolution of the zombie genre.
Ludwig Dieter
Two teenagers, who look exactly the same, but never met before, are changing places during holidays in a theme park.
沈黙のレジスタンス 〜ユダヤ孤児を救った芸術家〜
The story of mime Marcel Marceau as he works with a group of Jewish boy scouts and the French Resistance to save the lives of ten thousand orphans during World War II.
沈黙のレジスタンス 〜ユダヤ孤児を救った芸術家〜
Klaus Barbie
The story of mime Marcel Marceau as he works with a group of Jewish boy scouts and the French Resistance to save the lives of ten thousand orphans during World War II.
好きなモノに囲まれ、自由気ままな独身生活を謳歌するプログラマーのパウル。5年前に開発した人工知能搭載アプリ「NANA」との甘い生活に心は満たされ、パウルにとってNANAは大切な存在になっていた。幼い頃からの親友で共同経営者のトニーは、デジタルに依存しているパウルを心配しつつも、自身の外見を磨くことに余念がない。 NANAをアメリカのIT実業家に売り込むプレゼンで、人を幸せにするために作ったと説明するパウルに対し、トニーは金儲けが真の目的であると主張する。結果400万ユーロ(約4.9億円)で買い取ってもらえることになり、従業員と共に祝杯をあげるトニー。しかしNANAで金儲けをしようとしていたことが許せないパウルは、トニーにある勝負を持ちかける。それは、持ち物すべてを倉庫に預け、裸一貫で所持金ゼロの状態から1日1つずつ必要なモノを取り戻し100日間生活する、とんでもない勝負だった。 パウルとトニーの100日間のバトル初日。2人は極寒のベルリンの街を裸で駆け抜け、全所持品が預けられた倉庫に向かう。たどり着いた倉庫で悩み抜いた末に、パウルはコート、トニーは寝袋を一番に選ぶ。あくる日、再び倉庫に来た2人の前に現れたのは、ゴージャスな衣装を着こなす魅力的な女性・ルーシー。パウルが彼女に目を奪われている中、トニーは彼女を我先にとデートに誘う。 身勝手過ぎるトニーに対し、次第に不信感が募り始めるパウル。トニーの策略によりNANAの買収金額が大幅にプラスされるも、相談なしに話を進められたことでさらに不信感が増していく。そしてある日、祖母の見舞いのために病院を訪れたパウルは、偶然ルーシーに出会い、彼女のある秘密を知ってしまう。そのことが原因で忽然と姿を消したルーシー。しかし、パウルの嫉妬によりルーシーを失ったと考えたトニーはパウルを殴り、ついに2人は仲違いをしてしまうのだった。 果たして、パウルとトニーは関係を取り戻すことができるのか。そして100日目を迎えた彼らが選んだ、本当に大切なモノとは…?
Anton Katz
好きなモノに囲まれ、自由気ままな独身生活を謳歌するプログラマーのパウル。5年前に開発した人工知能搭載アプリ「NANA」との甘い生活に心は満たされ、パウルにとってNANAは大切な存在になっていた。幼い頃からの親友で共同経営者のトニーは、デジタルに依存しているパウルを心配しつつも、自身の外見を磨くことに余念がない。 NANAをアメリカのIT実業家に売り込むプレゼンで、人を幸せにするために作ったと説明するパウルに対し、トニーは金儲けが真の目的であると主張する。結果400万ユーロ(約4.9億円)で買い取ってもらえることになり、従業員と共に祝杯をあげるトニー。しかしNANAで金儲けをしようとしていたことが許せないパウルは、トニーにある勝負を持ちかける。それは、持ち物すべてを倉庫に預け、裸一貫で所持金ゼロの状態から1日1つずつ必要なモノを取り戻し100日間生活する、とんでもない勝負だった。 パウルとトニーの100日間のバトル初日。2人は極寒のベルリンの街を裸で駆け抜け、全所持品が預けられた倉庫に向かう。たどり着いた倉庫で悩み抜いた末に、パウルはコート、トニーは寝袋を一番に選ぶ。あくる日、再び倉庫に来た2人の前に現れたのは、ゴージャスな衣装を着こなす魅力的な女性・ルーシー。パウルが彼女に目を奪われている中、トニーは彼女を我先にとデートに誘う。 身勝手過ぎるトニーに対し、次第に不信感が募り始めるパウル。トニーの策略によりNANAの買収金額が大幅にプラスされるも、相談なしに話を進められたことでさらに不信感が増していく。そしてある日、祖母の見舞いのために病院を訪れたパウルは、偶然ルーシーに出会い、彼女のある秘密を知ってしまう。そのことが原因で忽然と姿を消したルーシー。しかし、パウルの嫉妬によりルーシーを失ったと考えたトニーはパウルを殴り、ついに2人は仲違いをしてしまうのだった。 果たして、パウルとトニーは関係を取り戻すことができるのか。そして100日目を迎えた彼らが選んだ、本当に大切なモノとは…?
Pavel Sonin
Barents Sea, August 12th, 2000. During a Russian naval exercise, and after suffering a serious accident, the K-141 Kursk submarine sinks with 118 crew members on board. While the few sailors who are still alive barely manage to survive, their families push for accurate information and a British officer struggles to obtain from the Russian government a permit to attempt a rescue before it is late. But general incompetence are against all their efforts.
Erik Ruge
Hot Dog
A pair of Tactical Units Police Officers from different walks of life come together to rescue an ambassador's daughter.
Hot Dog
Theo Ransoff
A pair of Tactical Units Police Officers from different walks of life come together to rescue an ambassador's daughter.
Die Helene Fischer Show 2017
Bullyparade: The Movie
A multi-episode movie based on the skit TV show "bullyparade".
Four Against the Bank
Four men, betrayed by the bank, unite to take revenge.
Jack the Ripper - Eine Frau jagt einen Mörder
A serial killer walks the streets of Whitechapel, London, attacking and killing women, which later came to be known as the 'Whitechapel murders' stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891 included in the London Metropolitan Police Service Investigation.
The Most Beautiful Day
The overambitious pianist Andi and the more laid back Benno have one thing in common: They will both die soon. So the two of them decide to have the most awesome day before its too late.
The Most Beautiful Day
The overambitious pianist Andi and the more laid back Benno have one thing in common: They will both die soon. So the two of them decide to have the most awesome day before its too late.
Robinson Crusoe (voice)
Highway to Hellas
The life of Jorg Geissner, a German banker, totally transforms with a visit to Paladiki Island, Greece. A business trip to check on a project called “Galapagos in Greece” by the islanders and for which his bank extended a loan and credit, brought him there. Being a German, he wants to investigate thoroughly, but Panos, a mini-mart owner, and the mayor try their utmost to sabotage him—to camouflage a not-so-good reality. After every single trial resulted in nothing because of the islanders’ secret meddling, Jorg’s trip becomes elongated, like The Odyssey’s, forcing him to contemplate the priorities and responsibilities in life again.
The Manny
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
The Manny
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
The Manny
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
The Manny
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
Bibi & Tina: Bewildered and Bewitched
Prinz Charming
When robbers hit Falkenstein castle, teen witch Bibi and pal Tina hunt for the crooks, then devise a plan to save the neighbors' failing ranch.
Male Mistakes
Daniel and Thomas are two friends who are trying to catch girls in various therapy groups.
Joy of Fatherhood
A sperm donor becomes impotent - and so he searches for the woman, who got his sperm, to become a father after all...
Joy of Fatherhood
A sperm donor becomes impotent - and so he searches for the woman, who got his sperm, to become a father after all...
Frau Ella
A young man goes on a road trip with an old lady he saves from a hospital.
Frau Ella
A young man goes on a road trip with an old lady he saves from a hospital.
Rabbit Without Ears and Two-Eared Chick
Kokowääh 2
Matthias Schweighöfer
Who said a patchwork family is without problems? Two years after the turbulence of Kokowääh, everyday life turns to everyday chaos…
Break Up Man
BREAK UP MAN is an odd couple road movie and tells the story of Henri, who works for a break up agency in Berlin and on behalf of those who want to separate themselves from their future “ex”-partners. To complete his most important mission he is confronted with an unwanted partner, Toto, who spoils more or less everything and makes Henri’s life a nightmare.
Break Up Man
Paul Voigt
BREAK UP MAN is an odd couple road movie and tells the story of Henri, who works for a break up agency in Berlin and on behalf of those who want to separate themselves from their future “ex”-partners. To complete his most important mission he is confronted with an unwanted partner, Toto, who spoils more or less everything and makes Henri’s life a nightmare.
Break Up Man
BREAK UP MAN is an odd couple road movie and tells the story of Henri, who works for a break up agency in Berlin and on behalf of those who want to separate themselves from their future “ex”-partners. To complete his most important mission he is confronted with an unwanted partner, Toto, who spoils more or less everything and makes Henri’s life a nightmare.
Tim Sander goes to Hollywood
Wladimir Kaminer
Three young Russian friends, who move from Moscow to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after the fall of the Berlin wall. They take their chance looking for a better life and find themselves involved in the tales of everyday lunacy on the streets of Berlin and its spirit of the early nineties.
Woman in Love
Alex Honk
An actor's career takes a "Tootsie"-like turn when he lets himself be cast as a woman in a movie.
Hut in the Woods
Two misfit males, one man-child, one boy, find each other, building a small cabin in the woods to create a new life. Their daily struggle for survival creates a strong bond between them until the hut is destroyed and one of the boys carted off. The former psychiatric patient is told that his friend was just a figment of his imagination, but this provokes him to fight back and prove the boy's existence.
What a Man
What a man is a comedy that tells the story of a young professor, Alex (Matthias Schweighofer), which after being left by his girlfriend Caroline (Mavie Hörbiger), begins a journey to know himself. But how do you overcome the difficulties of a man today? Or rather what is it that makes a man a man?
What a Man
What a man is a comedy that tells the story of a young professor, Alex (Matthias Schweighofer), which after being left by his girlfriend Caroline (Mavie Hörbiger), begins a journey to know himself. But how do you overcome the difficulties of a man today? Or rather what is it that makes a man a man?
What a Man
What a man is a comedy that tells the story of a young professor, Alex (Matthias Schweighofer), which after being left by his girlfriend Caroline (Mavie Hörbiger), begins a journey to know himself. But how do you overcome the difficulties of a man today? Or rather what is it that makes a man a man?
Hage, the Holy Spirit, is writing a musical, when Jesus returns to earth at Christmas to prepare the apocalypse. To prevent this, Hage tries to convince him that mankind is worth saving with the help of a beautiful striptease dancer.
A young man from East Germany travels to San Francisco to search for his father, who fled 12 years ago. Together with his best friend, he starts the journey from New York with no money and the only word they ever learned in english-lessons: "friendship".
12 Paces without a Head
Gödeke Michels
The era of the feared sea pirates Klaus Störtebeker and Gödeke Michels is coming to an end. After a long period with no booty at last a bulging ship appears on the horizon. However, Störtebeker is badly wounded in the attempted capture and the pirates suffer ignominious defeat. Not only their ship is down the drain - Störtebeker himself is suddenly plagued by anxiety and doubt about his very existence as a pirate. He is drawn to the beautiful country girl Bille, while Michels gets rebuffed by the friesian princess Okka. In the very moment that the crew have mutinied and co-captain Michels is literally at the end of his tether, they discover on board their ramshackle old tub a most unique wonder weapon. Glory days are quickly revived - until the mighty Hanse consolidate their power and weaponry and go to war against the pirates. Störtebeker and Michels are forced to decide: To live as a farmer or to die as a pirate.
Rabbit Without Ears 2
Two years have passed. There is a normal life, but handsome Ludo meets his old love, and Anna is very jealous...
Must Love Death
Fan 2
Disappointed by love, suicidal Norman arranges to meet some like-minded people. But when he arrives at the meeting the alleged suicides turn out to be unscrupulous killers looking for a willing victim. A comical and macabre fight against death begins.
Night Train
Two Passengers (Sobieski and Zahn) and the conductor (Glover), discovered that a person has passed away on their Night Train cabin. They come across valuable diamonds on his person, that they decide to keep for themselves...
Marcel Reich-Ranicki - Mein Leben
Marcel Reich-Ranicki
The film tells the early life story of Marcel Reich-Ranicki, who was born in Wloclawek, Poland in 1920. During the Third Reich, the family was in great danger. Nevertheless, he returned to Germany with his wife.
SS-Soldat im Erschießungskommando
The Architect
Jan Winter
Accepting a prize, architect Georg Winter explains that an architect has the good fortune of measuring every completed building against the rightness of his original idea. Soon Georg himself is forced to take stock of the achievements and mistakes he has made in his personal life. An intense drama in which the four members of the family travel to a mountain village to bury Georg's mother. They get stranded in bad weather. This unexpected isolation throws new light on the past and present life of the parents and the two almost-adult children.
Baron Manfred von Richthofen
Rabbit Without Ears
Rainbow press reporter Ludo is sentenced to 8 months, but is released on probation. But he has to work 300 hours for a local daycare center and meets Anna who has unfinished business with him.
An Old Maid
Fata Morgana
Eight Miles High
Rainer Langhans
Achim Bornhak's movie focuses on the restless life of Uschi Obermaier, the icon of the 1968 movement in Germany and groupie. At the age of 16, Uschi is bored by her job in a photo lab, but soon becomes the "it girl" of Munich's club scene. When she gets to know Rainer Langhans, they move to Berlin and live in "Kommune 1", the first politically-motivated commune in Germany. While the other occupants claim she isn't political enough, Uschi just wants to have fun, works as fashion model and leads international music stars in temptation.
Der blaue Affe
A short movie about people trying to forget about their everyday life in the Weimarer Republik. But it was not an ordinary day, it was the dark friday - the last night of the golden 1920s.
Polly Blue Eyes
Ronald 'Ronny' Helske
Friedrich Schiller
Combat 16
16 year-old Georg is forced to leave his home in the West, which means saying goodbye to his two loves; his girlfriend, and his Taekwondo team, something that is all-important to him. Now living in Cottbus, an economically depressed place where the people are not too fond of things like American culture and foreigners living in their country, Georg soon falls in with a group of angry mates. Together the group delves further into a nationalist way of thinking, and soon they are shaving their heads, and becoming a skinhead gang. "Kombat Sechzehn" features some impressive, proffessional looking fight sequences, as well as a memorable soundtrack.
Off Beat
Traumatised paramedic looks for the woman of his dreams.
Cold Spring
Ben Lüders
A rebellious young woman is thrown out by her wealthy, but marbly parents and gets into a nightmare of poverty, prostitution and sickness.
Die Klasse von '99 - Schule war gestern, Leben ist jetzt
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
Ben is a young editor for a famous german music magazine in the mid 90's. His life is falling apart after his girlfriend breaks up with him. From now on he decides to go solo...
Friends of Friends
Dominik Graf relocates the story of the same name by Henry James from the 19th century to the year 2001.
Dieter Schrader
N.Y.。刑事マイク のもとに鼻血を垂らし、暴れて署に連行されたドイツの留学生ディーターが連れてこられる。彼の奇妙な様子に不信を抱いたマイクは住まいを調査し、保健省のテリーと出会う。彼女はディーターがエボラのようなウイルス性の出血症に冒されてないか、調べていたのだった。ちょうどその時、ディーターは拘置所の壁に血で「48」の文字を書き残して怪死する。マイクとテリーは、彼があるパソコンサイトにアクセスしていたことを突き止めるが、それは、想像を絶する恐怖のサイトだった……。
Nachts im Park
Heart Over Head
Dirk Bachmann
Jakob, an 18-year-old boy, comes back to Frankfurt after he left after his mothers death one year ago. While trying to sort his life he meets a Polish Au-Pair, Wanda, and falls in love with her. But there are several disappointments on both sides...
Mein Vater die Tunte
Jan Quinn
Twenty years ago, Dietrich discovered (Jan-Gregor Kremp) that he is gay. Wife and son he left behind in the country and opened a travesty Club in Berlin. He and his lover Max (Pasquale Aleardi) can adopt a child, Dietrich now requires a "testimony" of his son Jan (Matthias Schweighofer). In his postcards he has for years fooled him a "real men live" on mounting - but the moment of truth draws near: An accident leads Jan, the aspiring professional quarterback and homophobic macho, to Dietrich's desk ... gays are stylish hold French Schneider and turned pink piglets - the figure of Dietrich serves all clichés. Through the Eyes of Jan we discover the people behind them. Despite weaknesses in the structure of an amusing search for the father, in the comedy legend Walter Giller occurs as Alt-queen Wanda.
Babykram ist Männersache
Kiss Me Frog
Prinz Dietbert
Modern version of The Frog King. Out of an impulse, 15-year-old Anna kisses a frog which then turns into a prince. But the curse is not solved that easily.
Verbotenes Verlangen - Ich liebe meinen Schüler
Ben Simon
3 Tage 44
Because the war is not for him, the young soldier Albert deserts. He wants to wait out the end of World War II on his parents' farm in East Prussia. His father's excessive sense of duty leads to disaster.
Spuk aus der Gruft
Ein Mann fällt nicht vom Himmel
Changing Skins
Inspired by West German terrorists, two pupils hijack a teacher in the GDR.//"Andreas Dresen is one of the most successful contemporary German filmmakers whose career began as the Berlin Wall was crumbling."// “Andreas Dresen’s films open a window into the hearts and minds of everyday people facing-yet not always surmounting-life’s challenges. Like Andrzej Wajda, Dresen consistently portrays the human condition with honest insight and compassion.”//
Planet of the Dead
Ludwig Dieter
A sequel to the 2021 film Army of the Dead by Zack Snyder. The film will connect to both the spin-off film Army of Thieves by Matthias Schweighöfer, and the animated prequel series to the first film.