Till Bahlmann

Till Bahlmann


Till Bahlmann


Man in the Subway
フランス人フォトグラファー、マリオンと、アメリカ人インテリアデザイナー、ジャックは、付き合って2年になるニューヨーク在住のカップル。イマイチ盛り上がりに欠けたベネチアでのバカンスの後、立ち寄ったのは、彼女の生まれ故郷である、恋人たちの都・パリ。この町で過ごす2日間に期待をかけるふたりだが、雲行きは怪しい…。  マリオンの両親に会ったジャックは、そのあまりの自由奔放っぷりに圧倒され、カルチャーショックを受ける。さらに街に出れば、次々とマリオンの元カレに遭遇。別れた後は二度と元カノに会わないタイプのジャックは、元カレと親しげに振る舞うマリオンの姿に、戸惑いを隠せない。嫉妬心と猜疑心にさいなまれた彼のイライラは募るばかりで、ふたりの関係もギクシャクし始めてしまう。果たして、ふたりは関係を修復することができるのか?それともこのまま別れてしまうのか?
L'homme de la Gestapo
In 1943, Joseph, a Jewish man, was arrested by the Germans in front of his 13-year-old daughter, Suzanne, in the apartment where they were hiding. By abandoning his daughter, Joseph saved her life.
German Prisoner
『アメリ』のジャン・ピエール・ジュネ監督とオドレイ・トトゥが再び組んだ、重厚で純粋な愛の物語。第一次世界大戦で兵士となり、行方不明となった恋人マネクを、自らの直感を頼りに探し求める女性マチルドの姿が描かれる。原作はフランスの著名なミステリー作家、故セバスチャン・シャプリゾによる1991年の作品。 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 美術賞 2004年 第77回 アカデミー賞 撮影賞
Madame Sans-Gêne
In August 1792, on the eve of the attack on the Tuileries, Catherine Hubscher, a laundress in Paris, met a sergeant and an artillery lieutenant who would become respectively Marshal Lefèvre and Emperor Napoleon I. 1810. Napoleon was about to marry Marie-Louise. Fearing the inconstancies and moral lessons of Marshal Lefebvre, the emperor asked her husband to keep her away from the wedding ceremonies. He is unaware that the hotheaded young woman has received a personal invitation from the Austrian embassy.
Des croix sur la mer
On August 5, 1944, in Brittany, civilians fell into the hands of the German army. Among them, Jean Palu, a man like the others, who looks back on his life. Between failure and illness, he paints a bitter picture of his life.
Madame De...
Le directeur de l'hôtel
The action takes place in Paris in the 30-ies. The Countess Louise de... has made debts and she urgently needed cash. She decided to sell the family jeweler Remy earrings — a gift from her husband…
The Costly Truth
Investigating judge at the 3rd Criminal Chamber of Marseille, Françoise Larchey is the wife of Jean-Pierre Larchey, a famous architect of the Coast. The couple has a son, Valentin, seventeen years old... The death of Edith Mesniel, a local political figure, puts the town in turmoil. But when Emilie, Edith's only daughter and Valentin's girlfriend, confides to Françoise that her mother's death was not accidental, Madame le Juge decides to look into the case. By attacking this case, Françoise disturbs many people. She receives death threats, her son and Emilie are also threatened but she refuses to give up. And she discovers little by little that the mafia infiltrated in all the country.
German Officer