Christopher Wilson


Sound Effects Editor
舞台は現代のベトナム。キット(ヘンリー・ゴールディング)は、両親の遺灰を埋葬すべく、30年ぶりに祖国であるサイゴン(現ホーチミン)に足を踏み入れる。 キットは6歳のとき、家族とともにベトナム戦争後の混乱を逃れてイギリスへ渡った、“ボート難民”だ。以来、これが初めての帰郷だった。もはやベトナム語すらままならない彼は、英語が話せる従兄弟のリー(デヴィッド・トラン)の助けを借りながら、どこか大事な場所を探し始めるが、思うようには進まない。サイゴンは今やすっかり経済成長を遂げ、かつての姿は見る影もなかったからだ。そんな中、ネットで知り合ったアフリカ系アメリカ人のルイス(パーカー・ソーヤーズ)と一夜をともにするキット。ルイスの父親はベトナム戦争に従軍したという過去を持ち、そのことを隠してこの国で暮らしていた。 その後、両親の故郷ハノイへ向かったキットは、サイゴンで知り合ったアートツアーを主催する学生リン(モリー・ハリス)を訪ね、彼女の実家が営む伝統的な蓮茶の工房見学をする。それはキットの知る“古き良きベトナム”の姿にようやく触れられた時間でもあったが、リンにとっては時代遅れなものらしい。 埋葬場所探しに関しては、ハノイでも芳しい成果がなく、サイゴンに戻ったキット。そこで彼は、リーから自分たちの家族の亡命にまつわる“ある真実”を聞かされることになる——。
Tell It to the Bees
Dialogue Editor
Dr. Jean Markham returns to the town she left as a teenager to take over her late father's medical practice. When a school-yard scuffle lands Charlie in her surgery, she invites him to visit the hives in her garden and tell his secrets to the bees, as she once did. The new friendship between the boy and the bee keeper brings his mother Lydia into Jean's world.
The Red Herring
Sound Editor
One sunny day in the Antarctic, a little fisher-penguin catches fish for his friends. They are impatient for more as always. Into this happy scene arrives a charming salesman. Dazzled by his confidence and his fish-shaped tie, the penguins follow him away, leaving the fisher-penguin alone. It’s not long before the group has returned, this time with a huge, heavy fishing machine. As it cranks into gear, the fisher-penguin looks at the ice worriedly…. this surely won’t end well…
The Red Herring
One sunny day in the Antarctic, a little fisher-penguin catches fish for his friends. They are impatient for more as always. Into this happy scene arrives a charming salesman. Dazzled by his confidence and his fish-shaped tie, the penguins follow him away, leaving the fisher-penguin alone. It’s not long before the group has returned, this time with a huge, heavy fishing machine. As it cranks into gear, the fisher-penguin looks at the ice worriedly…. this surely won’t end well…
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Holliday Grainger provides a raw, emotional performance as Colette, a 16-year-old who finds it hard to love.
Kiss Me
Sound Editor
A man-come-stereo goes along on his merry away getting respect for this tunes. However seeing couples on the street kissing leads him to regret not having someone himself. However a chance meeting in a supermarket with a woman-come-cassette sees that change.