Frédéric Attal


Supervising Sound Editor
In 2013, in Cairo, a tragic fate brings together several detainees from different political and social backgrounds inside a police truck, during the turmoil that followed the ousting of president Morsi.
57,000 Kilometers Between Us
Sound Editor
A teenager searches for meaningful connections with others while trying to build a steady relationship with her transsexual father and a stepdad who posts everything about their family online.
Sound Editor
それは多くの人々にとって多くのことでした:若者の野心、勇気、慢に満ちたハンサムな戦士王は、小さな軍隊を巨大なペルシャ軍に導きました...息子は必死に厳しい父親の承認を求めて、 戦い、そしてそれに対する彼の忠誠心と彼の母親への愛の間で苦労しました...戦いに決して負けず、彼の兵士を既知の世界の果てまで押し付けた冷酷な征服者...夢、偉業、運命が残された幻想家 歴史上の彼らのマークは、今日の世界を形作るのに役立ちます。 彼はそれ以上でした。 彼はアレキサンダー大王でした。
Sex Is Comedy
Sound Editor
A director struggles with a difficult sex scene between a young actor and actress who can't stand one another. Aided by her loyal assistant, she is hell-bent on getting the scene right without compromise.
Savage Nights
Sound Editor
Jean is young, gay, and promiscuous. Only after he meets one or two women, including Laura does he come to realize his bisexuality. Jean has to overcome a personal crisis and a tough choice between Laura and his male lover Samy.