Thaneth Warakulnukroh

Thaneth Warakulnukroh

出生 : 1958-09-09, Samut Songkhram Province, Thailand


Thaneth Warakulnukroh is a singer-songwriter and actor.


Thaneth Warakulnukroh


Pattaya Heat
Thot, the killer of the gang, was released from prison. Then came back to work in a pizza shop with his brother Singha. Fah, his brother's wife, had a strong impression of Thot but got rejected by Thot. Even if Singha raised him but he doesn't like Thot at all. Sergeant Chai, a police officer nearing retirement, loses a bet at a casino. Unwilling to sell the golden revolver that he left to Simon, the owner of the casino. But Simon returned the golden revolver to Sergeant Chai because he wanted Sergeant Chai to help him transport gold from Bangkok to Pattaya.
DJ Charnwut
Boss, an elusive bar owner living in New York, reunites with his estranged best friend, Aood, for a roadtrip in Thailand after Aood has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Haunted Tales
Mystery Taxi Driver
"Haunted Car" a young businessman with a lot of secrets on his way home in a taxi. It brings a horror story that reminds him of being alive "The Book of Truth" A thriller writer who received an email enigma about the legend of the leafy book. So he began writing his horror novels in the Bai Lan book before discovering fear beyond his imagination "Reborn" A mysterious woman who comes to search for the most frightening story in a ghost hotel. She must try to survive. And free the evil spirits
Tee Shot: Ariya Jutanugarn
Somboon Jutanugarn
This biopic follows pro golfer Ariya Jutanugarn's journey to the LPGA tour, from child prodigy to her number-one ranking in the world.
Psychiatrist Guardian
When a spirit inhabits the body of a teen named Min, he begins to settle into his life until he's forced to find out who caused Min's mysterious death.
Pop Aye
On a chance encounter, a disenchanted architect bumps into his long-lost elephant on the streets of Bangkok. Excited, he takes his elephant on a journey across Thailand in search of the farm where they grew up together.
バッド・ジーニアス 危険な天才たち
Lynn's Father
小学生の頃からずっと成績はオールA、さらに中学時代は首席と天才的な頭脳を持つ女子高生リン(チュティモン・ジョンジャルーンスックジン)。裕福とは言えない父子家庭で育った彼女は、その明晰な頭脳を見込まれ、晴れて進学校に特待奨学生として転入を果たす。新しい学校で最初に友人となったグレース(イッサヤー・ホースワン)を、リンはテストの最中に“ある方法”で救った。その噂を聞きつけたグレースの彼氏・パット(ティーラドン・スパパンピンヨー)は、リンに“ビジネス”をもちかけるのだった。 それは、より高度な方法でカンニングを行い、答えと引き換えに代金をもらう――というもの。“リン先生”の元には、瞬く間に学生たちが殺到した。リンが編み出したのは、“ピアノ・レッスン”方式。指の動きを暗号化して多くの生徒を高得点に導いたリンは、クラスメートから賞賛され、報酬も貯まっていく。しかし、奨学金を得て大学進学を目指す生真面目な苦学生・バンク(チャーノン・サンティナトーンクン)はそれをよく思わず…。そして、ビジネスの集大成として、アメリカの大学に留学するため世界各国で行われる大学統一入試<STIC>を舞台に、最後の、最大のトリックを仕掛けようとするリンたちは、バンクを仲間に引き入れようとするが…。