Thaneth Warakulnukroh

Thaneth Warakulnukroh

Nascimento : 1958-09-09, Samut Songkhram Province, Thailand


Thaneth Warakulnukroh is a singer-songwriter and actor.


Thaneth Warakulnukroh


Pattaya Heat
Thot, the killer of the gang, was released from prison. Then came back to work in a pizza shop with his brother Singha. Fah, his brother's wife, had a strong impression of Thot but got rejected by Thot. Even if Singha raised him but he doesn't like Thot at all. Sergeant Chai, a police officer nearing retirement, loses a bet at a casino. Unwilling to sell the golden revolver that he left to Simon, the owner of the casino. But Simon returned the golden revolver to Sergeant Chai because he wanted Sergeant Chai to help him transport gold from Bangkok to Pattaya.
One for the Road
DJ Charnwut
Boss, an elusive bar owner living in New York, reunites with his estranged best friend, Aood, for a roadtrip in Thailand after Aood has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Haunted Tales
Mystery Taxi Driver
"Haunted Car" a young businessman with a lot of secrets on his way home in a taxi. It brings a horror story that reminds him of being alive "The Book of Truth" A thriller writer who received an email enigma about the legend of the leafy book. So he began writing his horror novels in the Bai Lan book before discovering fear beyond his imagination "Reborn" A mysterious woman who comes to search for the most frightening story in a ghost hotel. She must try to survive. And free the evil spirits
Tee Shot: Ariya Jutanugarn
Somboon Jutanugarn
This biopic follows pro golfer Ariya Jutanugarn's journey to the LPGA tour, from child prodigy to her number-one ranking in the world.
Psychiatrist Guardian
When a spirit inhabits the body of a teen named Min, he begins to settle into his life until he's forced to find out who caused Min's mysterious death.
Pop Aye
Num encontro fortuito, Thana, um arquitecto desiludido encontra nas ruas de Bangkok o elefante, Pop Aye, que perdera há muito. Entusiasmado, decide levá-lo numa viagem pela Tailândia, em busca da quinta onde cresceram juntos.
Gênios do Mal
Lynn's Father
Lynn é uma estudante superdotada que resolve ajudar sua melhor amiga Grace e o filhinho de papai Pat a obterem melhores notas nos exames do colégio. O que começa como simples aulas particulares logo evolui para colas elaboradas, e o serviço prestado passa a ser muito bem remunerado. Certo dia, Lynn vê a oportunidade de ganhar milhões em um esquema para fraudar as respostas do exame STIC, espécie de ENEM internacional que abre as portas de grandes universidades em todo o mundo, a ser realizado em Sydney, na Austrália. Porém ela precisará da ajuda de Bank, seu maior rival nos estudos, que se recusa a cometer fraudes.