Poet Palmambrogio Guanziroli loses his wallet mere moments after arriving in Milan. He locates the culprit, a photographer nicknamed 'Click' and takes up residence with him until he either gets his money back or his poetry published.
In the decadent Roaring Twenties, a beautiful woman engages in affairs with two men, playing them against each other.
The concurrent sexual lives of best friends Jonathan and Sandy are presented, those lives which are affected by the sexual mores of the time and their own temperament, especially in relation to the respective women who end up in their lives.
第二次世界大戦終結後のイタリア。出征したきり行方不明の夫の消息を求め、関係省庁へ日参する女性の姿があった。 戦時中、洋裁で生計を立てる陽気なナポリ娘ジョバンナとアフリカ戦線行きを控えた兵士・アントニオは海岸で出会い、すぐに恋に落ちた。12日間の結婚休暇を目当てに結婚式を挙げたふたりは幸せな新婚の日々を過ごす[2]が、休暇の12日間は瞬く間に過ぎてしまう。精神疾患による除隊を目論んだアントニオは首尾よく精神病院に入院するが、あえなく詐病が露見。懲罰の為、ソ連戦線へと送られてしまう。
During World War II, Italian villagers hide their wine from the German army.