The story of two sisters who grew up on the fractious Irish border. When one of them, who has been missing, finally returns home, the intense bond with her sister is re-ignited. Together they unearth their mother's past but uncovered secrets and resentments which have been buried deep, threaten to overwhelm them.
Self - Trail Attorney
The spectacular rise and scandalous fall of hot-yoga evangelist Bikram Choudhury is chronicled through archival footage and extensive insider interviews.
Estate Agent (uncredited)
Butlins Camper (uncredited)
Filmed in homage to his original TV series, this fictionalised account follows Dave Allen from childhood to becoming one of the UK and Ireland's comedy greats, with just a whiskey, a cigarette and nine-and-a-half fingers. Dave Allen is played by Aidan Gillen
Middle Class
作家のチャールズ・ディケンズは執筆した小説が売れずに 出版社から契約を打ち切られる。彼は自費出版で作家を続けようと決意し、クリスマス・イヴを舞台に過去・現在・未来を旅する奇想天外な小説「クリスマス・キャロル」の執筆にとりかかる。
Scorekeeper (uncredited)
During a pro lockout, Doug "The Thug" Glatt is injured and must choose whether to defend his team against a dangerous new enemy, or be there for his wife as she prepares to give birth to his daughter.
US Ranger
Sedran (uncredited)
UNSC(地球軍)内で絶大な権限を持つ謎に包まれた部門、ONI(海軍情報局)の有能なエージェントであるジェイムソン・ロックの物語。ロックと彼の仲間は、地球から遠く離れた植民惑星セドラにおけるテロ活動の調査中に、生物兵器による凄惨な攻撃に見舞われる。ロック率いる ONI のエージェントたちは、戦闘経験は豊富だが、ONI に強い不信感を抱く現地指揮官、ランダル・エーケンと行動を共にすることを余儀なくされる。任務の過程で発見した古代の恐るべきアーティファクトをめぐる戦いに巻き込まれ、忠誠心と生死の狭間で究極の選択を迫られることになる。
Young Paddy
The real-life story of Dublin folk hero and criminal Martin Cahill, who pulled off two daring robberies in Ireland with his team, but attracted unwanted attention from the police, the I.R.A., the U.V.F., and members of his own team.